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NEWS: NEWS: 10 Manga Publishers to Boycott Tokyo Anime Fair

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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:33 am Reply with quote
He also has it in for homosexuals: http://mainichi.jp/select/wadai/news/20101208k0000m040122000c.html

The funny is part is this probably the LEAST offensive thing Ishihara has done (denied Nanking, called the Chinese animals...). How this man keeps getting re-elected is beyond me. with all those big names backing out, this will be a disaster of epic proportions.
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:00 am Reply with quote
Shinichiro Inoue tweeted about Kadokawa's participation at TAF: http://twitter.com/HP0128/status/12410676093911040

Kadokawa has decided it will not be participating in next year’s Tokyo Anime Fair – the attitude of the Tokyo government to mangaka and the anime industry simply won’t do.

IIRC, Kadokawa is a sizable company with many interests. Them alone not going would be disastrous.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:02 am Reply with quote
It's a disaster... for their economy as animators become unemployed because the titles that they worked on was a part of the boycott and never got licensed abroad due to the boycott. Hotels in the area see less business due to the boycott. Stores depending on the tourism see less business due to the boycott.

They better hope that the backlash doesn't lead to more votes for the bill. People tend to get really pissed when their income is at stake.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:27 am Reply with quote
Kadokawa is one of my favorites...for obvious reasons :3 Have to wonder who is really pulling the strings, in some-ways you can see why they would want to restrict the questionable material, yet as always with government...goes way too far.

Also probably has a lot to do with western governments frowning upon questionable manga imports, especially of a sexual nature...this doesn't help at all either, yet I don't think they should be banned, restricted...well maybe some of the more perverted ones should be.
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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:54 am Reply with quote
Fairplay to publishers with their boycott. Its clear this is another clandestine U.S push to oppress japanese works once again. Sure, some japanese works are crazy warped and questionable, but they are their works first, and placing shackles on creative freedom and works is dangerous.

I'd rather some short term suffering for japan, than the world police trying to stamp their slimy agenda mitts all over the planet. For we must all bend to their will, or else apparently.

Kinda makes me glad that Wikileaks have the sneaky ass U.S government on the run. No offence to those good americans out there.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:54 am Reply with quote
Come on, this is a billion-dollar industry, whatever sells, sells. If they do not want writers to 'glorify' certain things, then don't ban anything straight up, you gotta at least try to change people's awareness by presenting a convincing case using facts.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:33 am Reply with quote
Excuse me if I'm lost here, but did the bill pass?
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Egan Loo

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:36 am Reply with quote
Kouta6769 wrote:
Excuse me if I'm lost here, but did the bill pass?

Not yet, but it could come up for a vote within a week.
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Joined: 19 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:45 am Reply with quote
Onizuka666, how the @#$@#(! did you manage to turn this news against the American government?Rolling Eyes You do realize that the American government has absolutely nothing to do with this piece of news, right? This is an internal matter for Japan. It's happening because the Tokyo Government is trying to censor its own media (well, more than USUAL). Believe it or not, most Japanese people don't really care about the US at all (I live in Japan, so I feel like I can say that).

Anyway, kudos to Kadokawa for starting this, and also for the 9 companies that jumped on board. As far as I can tell, the only major publisher NOT boycotting this so far is Gangan (run by Square-Enix). I wonder how long it will take them to get on board?
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:48 am Reply with quote
This is quite exciting. It is reassuring to learn that in certain countries, acts of protest against governmental bills are carried out by commercial organisations as well as individuals, even when the grounds upon which such protests are staged are moral as much as they are commercial.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:53 am Reply with quote
To finger point at the US is wrong. But I wouldn't be surprised if certain backlash over rapeplay isn't involved in this. I hate to say this but it seems the government we have is also influenced by other countries social ideals. Even when the people object. So to say that Japanese government wasn't partially influenced by this or the UN might be a mistake.

But my real question is how much does this affect the floor? Half the booths empty or just a reshuffling of tables and it looks as busy as ever. Also how many more cancellations would it take before the show might get canceled all together?
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:00 am Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
It's a disaster... for their economy as animators become unemployed because the titles that they worked on was a part of the boycott and never got licensed abroad due to the boycott. Hotels in the area see less business due to the boycott. Stores depending on the tourism see less business due to the boycott.

I think you'll find that once they've made their point a scramble will take place to organize an alternative event, one that doesn't involve certain members of the TAF board and trustees. Probably not in Tokyo, though, but at least it would save them from losing money from the show or putting their pre-boycott TAF plans to waste. It won't help the local businesses, but hurting Tokyo through TAF is kinda the point.

At this point I have to wonder if there will even be a TAF. Loosing 10 manga publishers is a big deal, that's basically loosing half the industry right there, we haven't heard from the other half, the anime producers yet, who knows how many of them will pull out.

They better hope that the backlash doesn't lead to more votes for the bill. People tend to get really pissed when their income is at stake.

Of course it could also work in their favor (the obvious aim of the boycott) since the bill is causing so much grief and people may decide the companies know best since nothing the bill claims about the questionable material causing deviant, suicidal, or violent thoughts or behaviors in youths has been proven to be true. Instead of wasting tax payer's money on this bill they should be studying whether or not their claims are even possible. So far studies in the US have yet to prove sufficiently that violent entertainment can cause violent behavior in children. Some children are just violent, some peak sexually earlier than others, some question their gender while still in elementary school without being pre exposed to any of this stuff. That's just the way people are, we're all different, no amount of government intervention will change that.

Onizuka666 wrote:
Fairplay to publishers with their boycott. Its clear this is another clandestine U.S push to oppress japanese works once again. Sure, some japanese works are crazy warped and questionable, but they are their works first, and placing shackles on creative freedom and works is dangerous.

Er, I think you've had enough of the cool-Aid. How can you believe the US has something to do with this when our own standards aren't even as strict as the sanitation that Tokyo is said to be aiming for. This whole thing came about because Tokyo is run by bigots, nothing more.

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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:12 am Reply with quote
This is interesting. I'd be curious to see a list of the titles. I'd be curious to see if any publishers here might consider picking them up for release here. I'd be interested to see them.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:13 am Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
It won't help the local businesses, but hurting Tokyo through TAF is kinda the point.

It's an idiotic point to make considering many constituents of Tokyo probably oppose the bill, but you don't see them saying "Screw you!" to other Tokyo residents.

This is a political message and it does not belong in the business environment. It belongs in a congressional setting. If Kadokawa has the clout many believe it has, then getting politicians to realize the stupidity of this bill should be easy for them.

However, it's quite clear they're not as powerful as people are to believe if their only recourse to fight the bill is to take it out on innocent vendors, most of whom will now lose revenues employees rely on to buy the very products Kadokawa (et al) sell.

Mixing politics and business is never a good idea but they're more than welcome to exercise their right to challenge the bill as they see fit.

I've a feeling this isn't going to be the last of the news we'll hear on the subject.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:38 am Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
He also has it in for homosexuals: http://mainichi.jp/select/wadai/news/20101208k0000m040122000c.html

The funny is part is this probably the LEAST offensive thing Ishihara has done (denied Nanking, called the Chinese animals...). How this man keeps getting re-elected is beyond me. with all those big names backing out, this will be a disaster of epic proportions.

Also, a racist and a hypocrit: http://kotaku.com/5707875/is-this-really-the-man-you-want-to-clean-up-manga-and-video-games

So, Square Enix's Gangan is the only major printed medium publisher that has yet to issue a statement. We already know the majority of visual novel makers won't care, since they already cater to an adult public, so that leaves only the anime industry to say where they stand on this.

The proverbial excrement is about to proverbially hit the proverbial fan.
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