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Player No. 3
![]() Posts: 209 Location: San Antonio, Texas |
Best. Opening. Ever.
I haven't heard the rest, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be awesome. Thanks for the podcast, guys. |
Posts: 1526 |
RE: The Disclaimer, EEEEK! Please never do that again! That was absolutely chilling!
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Posts: 3514 Location: earth |
i'm sorry to say, but Moe is still very popular in Japan. it's just Americans or ANN members hope hate them.
ANN Executive Editor
![]() Posts: 7912 Location: Anime News Network Technodrome |
You have to remember, we're saying that based on what many people in the Japanese industry have told us based on conversations we've had with them plus the sliding sales numbers for many moe shows. This isn't some political or personal crusade, it's what many in the Japanese industry are saying themselves, that the bloom is off the rose and it isn't the surefire moneymaker it once was. |
Posts: 1875 |
Hmm....I'll have to check out the extras on my Project A-Ko disc. That sounds horrible.
Incidentally, AnimeJump once had a feature where Happy Lesson was buried in someone's yard [wish Mike'ld get the site back up so I could link it] *back to listening to the cast* Last edited by Paploo on Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:58 pm; edited 1 time in total |
The King of Harts
![]() Posts: 6712 Location: Mount Crawford, Virginia |
I'm not done listening, but I gotta chime in on two things:
1) AMAZING opening. That was hilarious. 2) As per my question about voice acting: I don't personally believe English VA's should try to imitate the Japanese for the very reasons you mentioned, but there are a good amount of people who say things like "The voice for character X sounded soooo different from the Japanese version. They're too deep/high/sarcastic/not cute enough/etc..". It almost sounds like you guys have never seen people make those kind of complaints. I see them all the time. That was also a question for Justin Cook last week. Should I start labeling my emails as "question for guest" instead of just "question for ANNcast"? |
![]() Posts: 963 Location: NYC |
I cannot express my disappointment with the episode of ANNCast. There was no mention of Heat Guy J. Is life worth living any longer?
I saw Harmagedon back in the 90s when I probably eventually rented every anime at the local Blockbuster. No, not good. Bad. BAAADDD. |
Dark Paladin X
![]() Posts: 268 |
I agree with the idea the voice actors shouldn't put all their efforts to match with the Japanese voice acting. The Japanese VA usually have some higher pitch or different accent/dialect that doesn't fit in English. I would rather prefer the voice actors to make the characters sound natural as if someone is talking in English. But noting that English dub of anime is ADR work, there is lot of limitations when trying to match the mouth flaps. So dubs aren't exactly word to word translation and the script needs to be changed to fit the mouth flaps and the same time be faithful to the original. In fact, some people can be very creative on the dub and replace the joke with a new one that can be more enjoyable to the western viewers.
In turn, I rather prefer the voice actors sound naturally to the character and dubs being faithful to the main idea and content of the show rather than trying to make radical edits to appeal for a younger audience or trying to match with the Japanese voice acting. I'd say the best dubs are the ones where the voice actors just make the characters sound natural when speaking English. Oh yeah, the anime market is very unpredictable to say for the best. I didn't expect and predict Clannad and Dokuro-chan getting a dub. |
![]() Posts: 7361 |
HA! I loved that question about waking up but instead of going "I can't believe I slept with that chick when I was drunk last night" going "I can't believe I put that in my DVD player when I was drunk last night". I've yet to get totally smashed, but it's why I keep Garzey's Wing around, lol.
![]() Posts: 619 |
Thanks for answering my question; sorry, I was just trying to think of something "on topic" for Otaku USA, not a random question about moe.
Sorry if my question wasn't clear, I hit the 140 character twitter limit; wasn't even a profound or daring question, just: "Hey, Toole's review in the print magazine was quite negative, but Luster's review on the official website was quite positive; how do you juggle assigning reviews, dividing it up, etc" -- wasn't a particularly profound question, but if conventions have taught me anything, its that most questions tend to be of the "what's your favorite line as a voice actor?" variety. Yes, its good that the Luster one ran as well, as opposed to having only the one. Of course, I wish the more positive review ran in the more "prestigious" magazine, but I'm happy for anything. Long story short without giving spoilers: yes, some returning fans thought Rebuild 1 was a bit of a retread....but keep in mind just how amazingly godawful the animation quality was in some episodes (episode 6 is simply embarrassing....they even felt compelled to re-animate that in the Death&Rebirth clip show, feeling they owed it)....not in terms of "design" I mean "fluid animation", "motion" times, its downright skippy. That, and it had been 10 years since any "new" Evangelion title was out in Japan: needed to "ease fans back in"... ...however, that was just the introduction; the second film drastically changes the plot to the point that its...sort of like when Gundam has alternate continuities, its not a "remake" anymore. But hey, the way I see it a lot of included...well, we tend to remember the cool action scenes from many series, and forget all of the quiet, slow, exposition episodes. I.e. when remembering LOTR, I often chat about or rewatch the big battle scenes in the third movie...but almost all of Fellowship of the Ring was just a lot of exposition. Eva episodes 1-7 or so were the Introduction, the Prologue. Even fans of the original series generally think they were slow, moody, and talky. Lots of exposition. All of the cool stuff happened later. So really, it wasn't that much different from being forced to sit through episodes 1-6. And of course, Eva is a little odd in that much like LOTR's Eowyn, the main female character -- Asuka -- only shows up in the second storyarc. Nonetheless I have a rather more bold question if you are willing, Mr. Macias: I mean this with complete respect and humility...but... Why the heck did you let that maniac Sean McCoy write a cover story about Rebuild of Evangelion? Even the fanboys look down on him as a raving lunatic. did he approach you to write that, or did you approach him? (in which case, who told you to approach him? Why him?) He just rants endlessly about the sexual imagery in the show (while never actually citing a psychology text), and at times, outright guesses. Near as I can tell, he's a low-level Viz employee who wrote a lot of insane essays about Eva on Usenet back in the 1990's, literally using the Chewbacca defense to confuse people into thinking he knew what he was talking about, just because it was very elaborate....until the point that he managed to dupe ADV into letting him talk on their DVD commentary, which he now uses as justification to demand a panel at Fanime every year for the past 6 years. "Oh haha, V is yelling about Sean McCoy, nerd rage" really sir...please check the things McCoy has actually said about the series: this is one of his big essays from his Usenet days; Sean McCoy isn't even basing anything on citations....not even to religious materials. Its some random guy, not particularly informed on religious symbolism or psychosexual symbolism, GUESSING what it means, without referencing some authoritative source:
--wow. Anyone who watches Bleach and the Arrancar bad guys, can tell you that *the color white represents DEATH in Japanese culture*. White is worn at funerals. White represents death, much as black does in Western culture. Why do you think there are "nine" Mass Production Evas? Nine is a homonym for Death (or something) in Japanese culture; if this were a Western show, it would be like having 13 of them. Sean Mccoy actually said this. And a bunch of other stuff I don't have space to quote directly here, but read that essay; why would anyone think this madman knows anything about this series? "well V that was from 10 years ago"...look at this new section on Sean's personal website from this year:
lots of rambling about awkward bodies, religious symbolism, etc. Didn't Sean even tell you that Tsurumaki and Anno are on record as saying they threw in the religious symbols at random? He didn't? I will: watch the first four minutes of this clip, I summarize the situation (otherwise I'd have to post a wall of text here) Even that other fansite that doesn't like my fansite, thinks McCoy is a raving lunatic. And we're sort of the only active English-language Eva fansites. Sean McCoy is just some weirdo ranting about what he and he alone thinks are sexual or religious images, in outlandish interpretations (he literally thinks the point of the show was Shinji rejecting his homosexual side by killing Kaworu, and impregnating Asuka. And the Kabbalah is mixed in there too somehow). Look, don't take my word for it, there's one on these forums who's been to his panels live at Fanime: NAvery, are you here? Can you post about what you've heard and seen at McCoy's panels? |
![]() Posts: 6242 Location: Houston, TX |
Judging by your tastes Justin, you really need to check out "Rainbow". that show is way up your alley in the tragedy aspect. Also, it has a very retro feel to it like those old shows, like Remi.
Former ANN Editor in Chief
![]() Posts: 1685 Location: Los Angeles, CA |
I've been watching it, it's a little too relentless and ridiculous in its melodrama, but that doesn't mean I'm not kinda enjoying it. Or maybe they're just too old and not innocent enough for me to enjoy watching life destroy them. ![]()
Lots of people complain about lots of things. Doesn't mean they're right. ![]() |
INS Division 6
![]() ![]() Posts: 91 Location: Philadelphia Area, PA |
Sorry Zac but I buy everything and throw nothing away. But at least I'm buying. I usually watch crappy made for TV movies or JAG re-runs after comming home from a long night out, but it was so bizzar, my collection is very dis-organized right now I probably couldn't find anything good to watch that night. And I'am sorry my username is a play off my initials and the model of car I drive, I couldn't think of a good anime themed name, and I use that username for everything.
![]() Posts: 37 |
Really loved this weeks podcast. I especially loved the opening. Those types of openings needs to happen more often.
Also, about my question about tokusatsu coverage, I am a regular buyer of Otaku USA, but I've never seen tokusatsu coverage on the magazine. hmm, maybe I need to search more. |
Charred Knight
![]() Posts: 3085 |
I have to agree with Zac on why you have Happy Lesson in your house. I bought Love hina because it was 20 dollars and it was the first anime I ever saw fansubbed as it was airing, and I bought it to come to terms with my past.
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