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Hey, Answerman! [2008-10-16]

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:32 pm Reply with quote
the one title aside from Hellsing that their publication is known for.

I had no idea Berserk runs in Young King Ours. Don't follow it actually. (Started it, but got busy with other titles) First thing I think of after Hellsing is Excel Saga & Trigun

I figure it has to do with the popularity & maybe gender of the artist. Maybe chicks get bullied more, or maybe it was just that one zine where the artists were conplaining. I would think someone on their first title has less pull than someone like Rumiko Takahashi.

Then again, it seem to be taking Excel forever to come out--like 1 volume per year & I remember Hirano joking about how long it is between volumes on Hellsing so maybe Young King Ours just allows a lot more freedom.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:43 pm Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
the one title aside from Hellsing that their publication is known for.

I had no idea Berserk runs in Young King Ours.

Because Berserk is serialized in Young Animal published by Hakusensha. Official page.

Speaking of hiatus, Shonen Jump readers should know this mangaka quite well. Cool
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:04 am Reply with quote
Over the years, I've seen some series over and over again, but that all depends on the show. But I always get a kick out of reading questions like the first question in this week's article.

Making a anime isn't as easy as most people belive it is. Sure the idea sounds fun, but the actual process can take anywhere from months to even years, depending on the show gene.

But I did enjoy the last picture of the "Red Panda".
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:18 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
CCSYueh wrote:
the one title aside from Hellsing that their publication is known for.

I had no idea Berserk runs in Young King Ours.

Because Berserk is serialized in Young Animal published by Hakusensha. Official page.

Speaking of hiatus, Shonen Jump readers should know this mangaka quite well. Cool

Whoops. I'll fix that.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:26 am Reply with quote
Concerning this week's question: I'm not sure if it's yet appeared enough to be considered a cliche, but I would be really happy if the "child teacher" gimmick never, ever, ever appeared again, even as a joke. There are other anime cliches that irritate me (especially the bloody nose thing), but that is the one I find utterly obnoxious.

Concerning last week's question: there are about a half-dozen series that I rewatch periodically (i.e. at least once a year) in their entirety, including Bubblegum Crisis 2040, Fruits Basket, Scrapped Princess, Visions of Escaflowne, and Full Metal Panic!, primarily because each of these series rates very highly on my "pure entertainment value" scale. There are several other series - especially Twelve Kingdoms - where I periodically rewatch certain volumes or story arcs, and probably 80% of the rest of my titles I've rewatched at least once (and in at least half the cases more often than that). Claymore will undoubtedly soon be added to that list, as its has been my most-rewatched series ever in fansubs.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:29 am Reply with quote
Interesting how many of the Anime listed as answers to last week's question were "older", as in classics, rather than something new-ish. Anime taking a similar role to comfort food; there's a fascinating topic for an essay.

As for this week's question, I have a very, very simple request:

I would like to never see a person say another character's name as their only line.

I'll give you an example:

(Something bad happens to main character)

Female love interest: "Van."

Another example (from Macross Frontier):

Saotome: (thinking angrily about his classmate) "Michael."

Final example (from Gundam 00):

(Setsuna does something amazing)

Sumeragi: "Setsuna."

Although males are susceptible to it (as evidenced by Saotome), I notice the females more. Often females that a show is trying to portray as caring, though it comes off as slightly creepy (and it makes her look like a simpleton).

I don't know why it grates on me, but I suppose that it is such a pointless and stupid thing to do. As if we, the audience, are unable to figure out just who the character is thinking about right then. Saying just a person's name as an entire line of dialogue is redundant, meaningless, and is comparable to waffling garbage. If they are going to insert a reaction shot (which in itself is okay), then the least the production company could do is actually have a reaction shot, rather than just a wide stare and a single word uttered.

It might not be so bad if it wasn't in almost every Anime. At least, it appears to be in every Anime. I don't know why it is so common, or why it appears in both the good Anime and the bad. Is it just a really, really bad cultural thing, or what?

So yes, I would get rid of this entrenched abomination.

By the way, Red Pandas are one of my favourite animals. They're just so adorable.

Last edited by dtm42 on Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:02 am Reply with quote
There are at least four titles I have re-watched more than twice. The first is “Tenchi Muyo, Ryo-Ohki” OVA. This title is what relit the anime gas burner in my head which has been burning ever since, I was hooked from episode 3 by the story plot and the romance and comedy. It was well rounded with just enough drama when it was needed and just enough comedy to sweeten it as well. I still have "Talent For Love" ringing in my head when ever I think of “Tenchi Muyo”. This was my guilty pleasure, and it's a shame that the third OVA bottled it. I still keep hoping for the "True Tenchi" novels written by Kajishima Masaki to get translated. and I hope that he will produce the fourth OVA like he said he would before he leaves this mortal coil.

The next title is “Kimagure Orange Road” OVA, including the two movies. Again it was the synopsis of a boy with unusual mental powers of ESP, which got him into trouble more than it ever helped him, and the slice of life that was so skilfully blended into it. I liked how Kyosuke, though he knew he had special powers, tried not to use them, or rely on them with his relationships between Hikaru and Madoka. This mixture of psycho-drama and light hearted slice of life worked perfectly for me and I haven't seen another series that is anywhere like it without having to tainted it with gratuitous fanservice. I also still like the design of the drawings that were done back then for this and others like Maison Ikkoku, Ranma1/2, and Urusei Yatsura, etc, and was very happy to see the producers reuse that design when they did the second OVA movie many years later. It is one of the few series that brought tears to my eyes at its conclusion.

The next title is “Cowboy Bebop” for all the reasons this could have been a mainstream cult hit given half the chance. The plot, the music, the characters, the episodes, the music, the designs, and did I mention the music? Just that alone is good enough reason to re-watch CB over, and over again.

Finally one that really touches my Catholic heart for no other reason than it could be just what Purgatory might have been like. I’m talking about “Haibane Renmei”. I was taught that Purgatory was like a waiting area for those who had sinned, not mortally, but venially. Like not a felony, but a misdemeanour. It was a place between heaven and cold oblivion, where a soul was given the chance to redeem one’s sins and depending on how successful one was, or how hard one’s surviving family and friends had prayed for one’s redemption, determined which exit one was given. But no one went to the fires of hell from Purgatory. I know ABe had said he had no intention of producing such a premise, but that is what came out, for me. It is a good story of hope when things look hopeless.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:35 am Reply with quote
Galaxy Angel X being only partially dubbed: Considering that Galaxy Angel was dubbed in Canada, and the exchange rate up there, you'd think it'd be cheaper to dub it there than here in the States. Thus it can't be THAT much of an obstacle to dubbing the whole show! Then there's the embedded corporate income taxes and compliance costs incurred in the U.S., whereas Canada has a value-added tax, thus giving more advantage to dubbing the show there than here. Still, the idea of only partially dubbing an anime makes me rage.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:38 am Reply with quote
Thank you for the 400% more cuteness. It would have been nice if there had been more bunnies, but maybe that's just me.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:03 am Reply with quote
Hahaha, as I read through what everyone watched twice, I did a double-take on Princess Tutu. "Hey, that sounds like our clu—" OH. HI DANIELLA! Anime hyper;;

As for shows I watch multiple times, the ones that really stand out are RahXephon and Ergo Proxy. Sure, I watch all sort of shows multiple times because they're fun, but those two constantly blow me out of the water. I'm always finding new clues and new little tidbits of information scattered throughout the show. It's really fun to make connections and try to see if I could have figured the story out earlier if I had noticed all these small hints.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:05 am Reply with quote
AirCooledMan_2006 wrote:
Galaxy Angel X being only partially dubbed: Considering that Galaxy Angel was dubbed in Canada, and the exchange rate up there, you'd think it'd be cheaper to dub it there than here in the States. Thus it can't be THAT much of an obstacle to dubbing the whole show! Then there's the embedded corporate income taxes and compliance costs incurred in the U.S., whereas Canada has a value-added tax, thus giving more advantage to dubbing the show there than here. Still, the idea of only partially dubbing an anime makes me rage.

It's a little cheaper, but not much. The crunch has really made the US specialty dubbing studios tighten the belt and lower their prices in the last few years, whereas the Canadian studios are much more diversified. One dub director (who shall remain nameless) complained to me that the prices are low enough up there to possibly be in violation of NAFTA.

Nonetheless, even in Canada, dubbing is still far and away the most expensive part of an anime release, and too often those costs are not recouped in sales at all. Not even close in some cases.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:23 am Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
But to speak frankly, I'd probably create the sort of show I personally want to see more of - serious action shows with well-written serial plots that move along at a fast clip, have uniquely troubled characters and generally go for a "dark" tone, with a little sci-fi buggery as possible.

Did you mean as little as possible? (Or maybe, a little if possible?)

@ Flake or lack there of: I'm sorry but Red Pandas creep me out. The look like they ought to be Raccoons but then they're not. It ain't right.

@ Question: Truth is, I rarely actually sit down and watch an anime series again. I just find that if I have seen something already, I know how it will go, what to expect, and even though I will still enjoy it, it loses something. I just don't really enjoy watching it in it's entirety, especially in the case of something as long as a TV show. I still do often watch stuff over again, but just in the background while I'm also doing something else.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:26 am Reply with quote
I think Galaxy Angel is one of those niche titles that has a huge cult following IMHO. I think Bandai could have finished the whole X tv series dubbed and simply sold it at a slightly higher price. Raise the collection pack from the $50 MSRP to say $60. That's not that much of a difference and for a whole season is still a very good price. Especially for a full 24-26 episode series (it was 26 episodes right?). But I guess I'm a bit biased as one of those GA fans who has bought them all. Even Galaxy Angel Rune from BV. I swear the show has subliminal messaging btw. There's nothing really unique to it at all but once you start watching you simply can't stop or the voices in your head mock you to no end. Shocked

Oh and I hadn't seen that video of the the cat adopting the baby bunny. It was unbearably sweet heh.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:28 am Reply with quote
When talking about hiatuses I was almost sure you would have mentioned Togashi, Zac.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:27 am Reply with quote
We tend to take for granted that these mangakas are mostly all earning a decent wage for their efforts, when in reality mostly they are only earning low wages working very long hours with out weekend breaks to meet tight deadlines. Some may even have several plates spinning at once and can not dedicate their time to just one for long. So some just can't keep that up without severe deterioration of health, or need to work someplace else to pay the rent, or mortgage, and heat, and feed themselves as well. We all live hundreds and thousands of miles away, so therefore can not see the reality of it.
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