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Joined: 22 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:45 am Reply with quote
Andy is not charming. I am so glad "Cowboy Funk" is the only ep he appeared in.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:20 am Reply with quote
That Naruto OVA was not good. Is this what I have to expect from the fillers and movies?
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:42 pm Reply with quote
Josh7289 wrote:
That Naruto OVA was not good. Is this what I have to expect from the fillers and movies?

The movies are actually quite good, though still nothing special. But the filler, now that is far worse than what you just saw. Trust me.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:50 pm Reply with quote
that's what i love about the Shin Chan. unlike Ghost Stories, they managed to make the script completely hilarious without actually compromising the integrity of the series itself. not to say that Ghost Stories wasn't hilarious.

Last edited by v1cious on Mon May 21, 2007 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 2:04 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
that's what i love about the Shin Chan. unlike Ghost Stories, they managed to make the script completely hilarious without actually compromising the integrity of the itself. not to say that Ghost Stories wasn't hilarious.

I actually watch a bit of Shin Chan the other day with my friends and I surprisingly enjoyed it! I was kind of thinking that the show wouldn't be all that good and wouldn't translate but when it's 1 or 2 in the morning it's not a bad laugh.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:06 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:
The movies are actually quite good, though still nothing special. But the filler, now that is far worse than what you just saw. Trust me.

Crap. I really hope Cartoon Network skips the fillers when they would come up, and just jump right to Shippuden, or possibly air both the fillers and Shippuden at the same time.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:18 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
that's what i love about the Shin Chan. unlike Ghost Stories, they managed to make the script completely hilarious without actually compromising the integrity of the itself. not to say that Ghost Stories wasn't hilarious.

I thought Ghost Stories was the opposite of hillarious.
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:24 pm Reply with quote
Josh7289 wrote:
Crap. I really hope Cartoon Network skips the fillers when they would come up, and just jump right to Shippuden, or possibly air both the fillers and Shippuden at the same time.

Doubtful seeing as how they will probably milk the series as long as possible....need to stretch it out, much like the old days where Freiza Saga went on forever. But if your so inclined do what everyone else will probably do and wait for the first uncut Shippuden box.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:38 pm Reply with quote
Well, I don't expect those box sets to come out until after it starts airing, but at least the manga will get there by the end of the year...

Still, I think that showing the fillers would kill off the steam of the series faster than having it ultimately end a bit sooner. Just look at Japan...
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ANN Columnist

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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:45 am Reply with quote
Josh7289 wrote:
BrothersElric wrote:
The movies are actually quite good, though still nothing special. But the filler, now that is far worse than what you just saw. Trust me.

Crap. I really hope Cartoon Network skips the fillers when they would come up, and just jump right to Shippuden, or possibly air both the fillers and Shippuden at the same time.

Remember, though, that Cartoon Network can only show whatever Viz dubs and gives to them. Considering their rapid release schedule of the manga in the coming months... anything's possible, I guess?
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Tortoiseshell Tabby Girl

Joined: 24 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:23 am Reply with quote
rocklobster wrote:
Andy is not charming. I am so glad "Cowboy Funk" is the only ep he appeared in.

Interesting. I personally agree with LordByronius that Andy is "charmingly daft" and I think that he and Spike make an amusing pair. That Cowboy Bebop episode is one of my favorites, probably because I really like the humor of the "lighter" episodes. However, "Mushroom Samba" and the episode with the lifeform that grew in the fridge that Ed ate (is that one called "Toys in the Attic"? I can't quite remember) are the best "lighter" episodes in my opinion.

I was so happy when I saw that there were going to be Trinity Blood re-runs on Adult Swim because I missed episode 8 when they showed an episode of Cowboy Bebop instead of the second showing of Trinity Blood. Woo-hoo. Now I can also do a better job of comparing and contrasting the first volume of the first novel series with the episodes that correspond with the chapters in that volume. One thing I already know from watching the first round of the anime series and then reading the novel is that the anime was not "stitched" together very well--it was far too apparent before I even read the novel that it didn't flow very smoothly. But there was still something charming about it that caused me to enjoy the anime, and I think that that something comes from the original source, which still managed to shine through somehow.

The Bleach episode this week was really absorbing. I didn't think that it had that much blood (except for maybe the ending--talk about a nightmare image). It was actually not a fight-heavy episode and seemed to introduce more mystery and intrigue. I love mystery and intrigue, too, so I thought it was great and I can't wait for more clues to be revealed. Although I must admit I was so surprised by the ending that I had to use the Internet to find out if spoiler[Captain Aizen was really dead because I just couldn't believe that his character was already dead. So, oops, I found out more than just whether or not he was really dead. And here I was thinking that he was such a caring fellow. Oh, but it's so great when you think a charater is "this" and they turn out to be "that," but then you learn that they're dealing with "this"....etc., etc., etc.]

Blood+ was quite a bit upsetting when Saya began spoiler[having flashbacks from when she "lost it" during the Vietnam War]. What a horrible thing for her to have to deal with. The very thought of it freaks me out. I was just happy that they didn't show the really gruesome parts from the episode 1 opening--I will not be watching that opening again. I thought it was pretty sad, yet truth-telling, that her classmates didn't know about or care about the Vietnam War. It reminded me of when my classmates in high school would complain about having to study history because it didn't have anything to do with their lives. One part I found interesting was when Hagi/Haji (spelling?) was spoiler[momentarily caught off guard by Saya's anguish over her flashbacks and got hit by that Phantom-dude. I think that's the first time he was caught off guard]. Wink I'm also very curious as to why that Phantom-dude, spoiler[also known as a chevalier, is so seemingly obsessed with Saya and something that she did to him]? I hope the answer to that isn't too unpleasant or anything like that. And, once again, I'm not sure how the title of this episode relates to the actual events in the episode, but I'll think about it because as a writer and reader, I love figuring out what the titles of books and chapters mean in relation to the the events of the books and chapters. Right now I'm thinking...it has something to do with the Phantom-dude?
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:03 am Reply with quote
LordByronius wrote:
Remember, though, that Cartoon Network can only show whatever Viz dubs and gives to them. Considering their rapid release schedule of the manga in the coming months... anything's possible, I guess?

That's what I think. The release schedule of the manga at the end of the year is either because

a) Viz wants the manga to get ahead of the anime again, so that when we skip the fillers and head straight to Shippuden, the manga isn't trailing behind anymore, or

b) Viz wants to put the manga in Shippuden so that when the fillers start, people have somewhere else to turn for the real story.

I guess that doesn't really help, then, does it? I think their sped-up manga release does indicate that Viz is heading more in the direction of (a.), though, or maybe that's only because that's what I want.

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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:05 pm Reply with quote
Deltakiral wrote:
Josh7289 wrote:
Crap. I really hope Cartoon Network skips the fillers when they would come up, and just jump right to Shippuden, or possibly air both the fillers and Shippuden at the same time.

Doubtful seeing as how they will probably milk the series as long as possible....need to stretch it out, much like the old days where Freiza Saga went on forever. But if your so inclined do what everyone else will probably do and wait for the first uncut Shippuden box.

If anyone, it is Viz trying to milk it: OVA airs on CN 5/19, DVD goes on sale 5/22, and hits theaters for limited engagement on 6/6. Cows across the mid-west just puckered up.

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday May 19 8:30pm - Episode 59 "Enemy Cruisin' For a Bruisin? Then Just Try Fusion"

Ahh, for the good old days, back when there was a better then 95% chance of pre-empting. This makes what, three straight weeks of them actually showing Bo?
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The Big Bang

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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:40 pm Reply with quote
Heck,I actually like the Naruto OVA that came on last Saturday. If the fillers were as good as that OVA. Less people would complain of how god awful the fillers were.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:36 am Reply with quote
bglassbrook wrote:

If anyone, it is Viz trying to milk it: OVA airs on CN 5/19, DVD goes on sale 5/22, and hits theaters for limited engagement on 6/6. Cows across the mid-west just puckered up.

The movie is going in theaters, not the OVA special shown on Cartoon Network.
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