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My Hero Ultra Rumble Welcomes a New Character in Season 10

MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE welcomes a new character in Season 10!

Season 10 of MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE starts today with a new character joining the Battle Royale; the star of General Studies, Hitoshi Shinso! Along with Shinso's “Brainwashing” quirk, players will be able to enjoy new costumes, events and more throughout this new season.

After overcoming the fear of his quirk being perceived as villainous, Shinso has gained confidence and is ready to prove himself in battle. While the Hero can use physical attacks with his Binding Cloth, his main power resides in his “Brainwashing” abilities with which he controls his enemies like puppets. Players get the opportunity to become U.A.'s master of manipulation and wield his two Special Actions to change the tide of battle! The first, “Persona Chords”, projects a loud voice in the aimed direction making the target unable to move for a set amount of time. The second, “Persona Command”, forces the enemy to move toward a marker that the player placed.

Shinso also comes with two other costumes, “U.A. Track Suit” and “Cyber Hero”, and his teacher and mentor Shota Aizawa gets his own new costume as well: “Silent Warlord”. Coming with Season 10, the ‘Layered Equip’ feature allows players to set any costume they want for their character's appearance. Other costumes and events can be expected later during this season.

MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE is available to play for free on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. For more information on MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLEvisit the official page. For other Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe products, visit our website, follow us on Facebook or X, or subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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