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Questions about anime DVDs and boxsets

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Joined: 05 Aug 2004
Posts: 39
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:07 pm Reply with quote
(dunno if this belongs in retail or anime)
Hi, I've seen tons of animes via friends, but i'll never bought any dvds myself. So im kind of a n00b at that kind of things.

Anyway, here are my questions:

Is it more practical to buy each individual dvds or just wait for the boxsets, consider i already saw most of the animes i want to buy.

Does every anime have a boxset? When does it usually come out in reference to the last volume?

Last question, is the artbox for the boxset the same as the one that usually comes with the special volume 1?

thanks in advance

[EDIT - Moved. -C]
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Joined: 19 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:47 pm Reply with quote
Yea, this should be in the retail section, but I'll do my best to answer your questions

Is it more practical to buy each individual dvds or just wait for the boxsets, consider i already saw most of the animes i want to buy.

Well, if the anime has come out a while ago, then you're probably better off looking for a box set first.

Does every anime have a boxset? When does it usually come out in reference to the last volume?

No, not all animes have box sets. A lot do, but not all: Cowboy Bebop for example. Although they might release the 5.1 version in a box set.

Last question, is the artbox for the boxset the same as the one that usually comes with the special volume 1?

As far as I know, yes.
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Joined: 01 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Actually, a boxset of Cowboy Bebop was released. It's very rare though, and can run you a couple hundred more than the SRP.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:56 pm Reply with quote
Illumina wrote:
Is it more practical to buy each individual dvds or just wait for the boxsets, consider i already saw most of the animes i want to buy.

It's a lot cheaper to buy the box sets. The only real merit that comes from buying them when they start coming out is that you don't have to wait to see it later and if you buy the Limited Edition Volume 1s, you usually also get some nice goodies. Wink

Does every anime have a boxset? When does it usually come out in reference to the last volume?

Not all anime titles have a boxed set. It usually depends on the popularity of the title itself and the number of episodes, which even then, can vary depending on how a company wants to handle it. Razz

Last question, is the artbox for the boxset the same as the one that usually comes with the special volume 1?

Some times, but not really. For instance, there's the Boogiepop Phantom box set that contains all 4 individual volumes and then there's the brick collection. The same can be said for Berserk. There's a box that houses all 6 DVDs, or the soon to be released brick set.

A good way to try and predict whether or not a box will be the same when/if it's rereleased is if it says "Limited Edition." This isn't always true of course, but I think most of the ones that say they're limited usually are.

Hope that answers some of your questions. Smile
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Ken Hayashi

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:36 am Reply with quote
This may not be relevant to you, depending on where you live.

Boxed sets are better in many ways. At least, you get the COMPLETE series, guranteed. It has happened to me before that when I bought individual discs, halfway through, the series got dropped (it was still available in it's home market, but they were not imported into Singapore) so I ended up with half a series. The only way was to get the boxed sets later if I wanted to finish watching the series.

Artwork wise, I think there's not much of a difference. You get less artwork in my case, as most of the time, every disc in the set came with the same artwork printed on it (Kiddy Grade for example) but sometimes, every disc featured different artwork (Ai Yori Aoshi, featuring Aoi in different poses and levels of undress).

For me (anyway), getting boxed sets is cheaper. But that's just because I live in a crazy place called Singapore.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:32 am Reply with quote
Becareful of bootlegged "boxset".
If it has chinese subtitle, it's very very likely that it's a bootlegged item.
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