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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:22 am
anyone but 4Kids.....please......
Ah, who am I kidding? I was hoping I would get more laughts from 4kids dubs
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
Posts: 594
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:39 am
anyone but 4Kids.....please......
Ah, who am I kidding? I was hoping I would get more laughts from 4kids dubs |
do you honestly think any other company would touch a yu gi oh anime besides 4kids?
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:43 am
From the Immortal words of LittleKuriboh:
Quote: |
Yugi: Tristan, I'm going to regret asking this, but... why do you have a motorbike?
Tristan: Because in the future, card games will be played on motorbikes!
Yugi: That... is the stupidest thing that has ever come out of your mouth. Card games on motorbikes. Come on!
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Emma Iveli
Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:51 am
4kids trying to get more out of what's left of Yu-Gi-Oh!... Kind of sad if you think about it... no... scratch that... really sad with you think about it... Yu-Gi-Oh is it's only hit left after Pokemon went away...
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Joined: 31 Jan 2008
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:56 am
LK said it best...
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:57 am
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:00 am
Okay Zac, don't bitch about us wanting to watch this just for laughs as it won't ever be considered a product for buying. I really hope someone joke fansubs it, hopefully someone like LK.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:21 am
other yu-gi-oh! y cant it come out here as it comes out there and it will take a year before it come here man i wish i live in japan
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:45 am
God, the character designs just get worse and worse, don't they? The first time I saw this new guy I thought he was a gijinka Shadow the Hedgehog.
Why do they keep making these horrible new Yu-Gi-Oh shows? Seriously, Takahashi knew when to stop. I wish these production studios would too.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007
Posts: 65
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:45 am
Ah.... we go with wave upon wave of fanboyish posts written by 14 year olds like "waahhh!! 4KIDS OH NOES TEH EVIL!!!" and "omg nonononono!! why WHY WHY?!?!"
(EDIT: Ok, no one here has said any of that. But I'm more adressing the reaction from little Yu-Gi-Oh fans that you know have to be hitting the internet all over the place, if not here)
¬_¬ *heaving sigh* this is totally the surprise of the century.
Gotta love those fanboys. 4Kids's reputation continues to preceed themselves, as usual.
You know.. it's not really the reaction in this forum post or even the silly first post that kicked this whole thing off, but the way that people love to over-exaggerate about 4Kids on nearly every single corner of the entire internet where the subject of anime touches.
It makes me think that this might be as good a time as any to say something that's been on my mind about 4Kids and the reaction they get for the last several years.
No matter how absurdly overblown, over-dramatic or over-exaggerated it actually may be, fanboys are going to continue to thrust themselves into crying, sobbing fits, and getting red in the face, just with the mere affirmation that their company still yet exists.
Hey, did you know that 4Kids also had a hand in the Spanish inquisition, or that Al Kahn is a member of the axis of evil, and part times hatching schemes with The Leigon Of Doom?
Well maybe not, but it's funny how people seem to still have a volatile reaction to their name as if it almost SEEMS true, years later.
...And how their name alone can reduce a fanboy into suddenly forgetting at least 4 years worth of grammar and English writing skills on the internet, and a monumental increase on the rate of exclamation marks on single sentances and "CAPS LOCK DISEASE"!!!!!111
Even if they really are just an entertainment company that releases anime on television in a partially censored or somewhat altered form for network airing.
Man, like I was thinking how much would it suck to have a lower-teir day job with them that had nothing to do with anime censorship... say, for instance... working as a secretary or mail room duties.
Especially having to actually live their daily lives at least 300 yards from any 15 year old kid with an internet connection, or dare be subjected to their misguided emo whining. ¬_¬
But seriously. Back on subject. There's a new Yu-Gi-Oh series.
Who did people think was going to get the license? Naw, it couldn't possibly be the same guys that released the other series. Like, how dare 4Kids be consistent!! Those evil bastards!!
I'm sure they are in their tower of evil, with a dark backdrop with lightning cackling in pure evil delight and wringing their hands over the thought of being able to tourture fans of--
Oh, sorry. I was channeling some random fanboy's warped reality for a second...
I mean, they probably figured "Well, Yu-Gi-Oh did well for us, and then we aired Yu-Gi-Oh GX.... and then that movie, that did us pretty well, too eh? Here's a crazy idea... why don't we also air the NEW Yu-Gi-Oh show/season too?"
And then the fanboys react as if it's the end of the world, or at least surprising news. Oy vey.
Now this really isn't meant to try and actually defend 4Kids for their veiws about how to go about airing anime series, nor is it meant to condone or somehow leap to their rescue or look the other way when they decide to digitally throw a cork into a gun barrel or write a cartoonish pun into a script when it wasn't originally there, every now and again.....
But I can't be the only person in the world that is really getting @&#(!@& sick of this petty and ludicrously pissy reaction that they continue to get, even when fanboys merely are reminded of their simple existance in the world.
Yeah, 4Kids supposedly "butchers" everything they can for years as some kind of borderline psychotic delusion that it's all somehow meant specifically to be a slap in the face to every anime fan, somehow. You know what? WE GET IT.
After years of raving fanboys and their red-in-the-face outrage and constant yammering and STILL putting them in their signatures, or giving them a public image comparable to a modern day Adolf Hitler....
....Isn't it getting a bit &@*$^@ing old? Seriously?
You know, 4Kids.... agree with the methods or not, are here to stay.
And though their methods may be downright questionable from time to time, and some may feel that they are in the wrong business, (That is if it's really "butchering" and not just reformatting for mainstream cultural acceptance in their own way which I think it is).
They still are doing one thing above all. They are producing television for a young audience of youth-orineted shows, and re-formatted, modified or not, they are in that business.
It's what they do, and like any other such producing company... be it Fox, or Nelvana, or Nickelodeon Studios, or Cartoon Network, or the big three networks and their saturday morning lineup. or... whatever companies get into the children's entertainment racket, they really aren't any different.
They have to directly answer to a lot more people such as FCC, networks, and their respective executives in charge of programming. You know, people that have to answer more directly to then they do any fan of any particular thing.
Personally, I still think it's so stupid that they personally continue to get maligned for things that basically come across as being MUCH more the fault of the entire Executive Television process and the way that all of American television entertainment is structured in the first place.
Not that they aren't guilty of the same kind of stupidity as the executive process of television in America today as a whole...
....but that they get singled out for it, when it's far more a problem with the way television as a whole is presented in this country for every basic cable television program completly, than what one company does to 3 or 4 certain shows.
Whether or not it's a fanbase of kids that like to shoot their mouths off before they know exactly what they are blaming or what they are prattling on about, regardless.
So yeah, they do what they do. But regardless of how they present it, they have a product, they invest in a product, they market a product, and for all of the children on the internet that ceaselessly whine and complain about it...'s funny how the same people that put "4KIDS IS EVIL PUT THIS IN YOUR SIG IF YOU WANT THEM DESTROYED" are the same nubs that made them millions of dollars in the first place.
Talk about not really having any right to complain. >_>
But even so, whether they deserve it or not (and i'm not saying they don't totally deserve it), they are..
a.) A small fish in a much bigger pond of backwards mainstream television executive production.
b.) They show television programs. They aren't Hitler and they didn't gas the jews, start World War III, fly a plane into a highly populated building, or misplace your car keys.
So seriously. Yeah, 4Kids is teh evil and they butcher teh anime. Oh noes.
How many years has it been. For christ's sake, let's get over it.
I mean come on. It's just Yu-Gi-Oh and a few other shows. Man. The only time I ever thought that anyone so much as even had a decent, intelligent point to make about 4Kids with all their whining was the handling of One Peice. (Even though that was overblown, too).
But seriously. This isn't even One Peice. Nor Shaman King. It's friggin' Yu-Gi-Oh. ¬_¬
And in general, the silliness of mindless 4Kids bashing has reached epic levels of stupid the last couple of years. They really aren't going away. And yes, if there's another Yu-Gi-Oh series.. they are going to license it.
What a shock, I know.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:47 am
anyone but 4Kids.....please......
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H.A. Senidal
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 14
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:48 am
Not surprised 4Kids got 5D's. Now if another company had gotten the dubbing rights...that would've been a pleasant surprise. I do like the dub actors 4Kids employs, but still...
As for the show's concept, I'm with Little Kuriboh on this one. Motorcycles are for racing and sometimes hitting people with if you're feeling daredevilish or stupid. I can't see them as Dueling devices. I had to suspend my disbelief at a great height to watch GX--who in real life would open a school for teaching kids how to play a children's card game? Well, maybe me, but not that large a scale; some people around hear play like they need to be taught at a school. I'll wait and see on this anime and have a few laughs on whatever jokes LK comes up with.
One positive about the new show: New cards for the game, and from what I've read, a new concept and Monster Type with some adjustments to the rules. Gonna be interesting, very interesting.
*Waits for the new spiky-haired protagonist, matters settled by playing a children's card game, 4Kids-style sanitation, and the eventual dub opening theme that'll be catchy, but not the same as the original*
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:52 am
can someone tell me why people are so excited about about this show? i've been seeing a lot of hype lately.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:01 pm
I for one have no problem with 4kids getting this type of show/card game. It's other shows, ones maybe not meant for kids, that I will save my bitching for.
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Joined: 29 Feb 2008
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:06 pm
KarmaRocketX wrote: | Ah.... we go with wave upon wave of fanboyish posts written by 14 year olds like "waahhh!! 4KIDS OH NOES TEH EVIL!!!" and "omg nonononono!! why WHY WHY?!?!"
(EDIT: Ok, no one here has said any of that. But I'm more adressing the reaction from little Yu-Gi-Oh fans that you know have to be hitting the internet all over the place, if not here)
¬_¬ *heaving sigh* this is totally the surprise of the century.
Gotta love those fanboys. 4Kids's reputation continues to preceed themselves, as usual.
You know.. it's not really the reaction in this forum post or even the silly first post that kicked this whole thing off, but the way that people love to over-exaggerate about 4Kids on nearly every single corner of the entire internet where the subject of anime touches.
It makes me think that this might be as good a time as any to say something that's been on my mind about 4Kids and the reaction they get for the last several years.
No matter how absurdly overblown, over-dramatic or over-exaggerated it actually may be, fanboys are going to continue to thrust themselves into crying, sobbing fits, and getting red in the face, just with the mere affirmation that their company still yet exists.
Hey, did you know that 4Kids also had a hand in the Spanish inquisition, or that Al Kahn is a member of the axis of evil, and part times hatching schemes with The Leigon Of Doom?
Well maybe not, but it's funny how people seem to still have a volatile reaction to their name as if it almost SEEMS true, years later.
...And how their name alone can reduce a fanboy into suddenly forgetting at least 4 years worth of grammar and English writing skills on the internet, and a monumental increase on the rate of exclamation marks on single sentances and "CAPS LOCK DISEASE"!!!!!111
Even if they really are just an entertainment company that releases anime on television in a partially censored or somewhat altered form for network airing.
Man, like I was thinking how much would it suck to have a lower-teir day job with them that had nothing to do with anime censorship... say, for instance... working as a secretary or mail room duties.
Especially having to actually live their daily lives at least 300 yards from any 15 year old kid with an internet connection, or dare be subjected to their misguided emo whining. ¬_¬
But seriously. Back on subject. There's a new Yu-Gi-Oh series.
Who did people think was going to get the license? Naw, it couldn't possibly be the same guys that released the other series. Like, how dare 4Kids be consistent!! Those evil bastards!!
I'm sure they are in their tower of evil, with a dark backdrop with lightning cackling in pure evil delight and wringing their hands over the thought of being able to tourture fans of--
Oh, sorry. I was channeling some random fanboy's warped reality for a second...
I mean, they probably figured "Well, Yu-Gi-Oh did well for us, and then we aired Yu-Gi-Oh GX.... and then that movie, that did us pretty well, too eh? Here's a crazy idea... why don't we also air the NEW Yu-Gi-Oh show/season too?"
And then the fanboys react as if it's the end of the world, or at least surprising news. Oy vey.
Now this really isn't meant to try and actually defend 4Kids for their veiws about how to go about airing anime series, nor is it meant to condone or somehow leap to their rescue or look the other way when they decide to digitally throw a cork into a gun barrel or write a cartoonish pun into a script when it wasn't originally there, every now and again.....
But I can't be the only person in the world that is really getting @&#(!@& sick of this petty and ludicrously pissy reaction that they continue to get, even when fanboys merely are reminded of their simple existance in the world.
Yeah, 4Kids supposedly "butchers" everything they can for years as some kind of borderline psychotic delusion that it's all somehow meant specifically to be a slap in the face to every anime fan, somehow. You know what? WE GET IT.
After years of raving fanboys and their red-in-the-face outrage and constant yammering and STILL putting them in their signatures, or giving them a public image comparable to a modern day Adolf Hitler....
....Isn't it getting a bit &@*$^@ing old? Seriously?
You know, 4Kids.... agree with the methods or not, are here to stay.
And though their methods may be downright questionable from time to time, and some may feel that they are in the wrong business, (That is if it's really "butchering" and not just reformatting for mainstream cultural acceptance in their own way which I think it is).
They still are doing one thing above all. They are producing television for a young audience of youth-orineted shows, and re-formatted, modified or not, they are in that business.
It's what they do, and like any other such producing company... be it Fox, or Nelvana, or Nickelodeon Studios, or Cartoon Network, or the big three networks and their saturday morning lineup. or... whatever companies get into the children's entertainment racket, they really aren't any different.
They have to directly answer to a lot more people such as FCC, networks, and their respective executives in charge of programming. You know, people that have to answer more directly to then they do any fan of any particular thing.
Personally, I still think it's so stupid that they personally continue to get maligned for things that basically come across as being MUCH more the fault of the entire Executive Television process and the way that all of American television entertainment is structured in the first place.
Not that they aren't guilty of the same kind of stupidity as the executive process of television in America today as a whole...
....but that they get singled out for it, when it's far more a problem with the way television as a whole is presented in this country for every basic cable television program completly, than what one company does to 3 or 4 certain shows.
Whether or not it's a fanbase of kids that like to shoot their mouths off before they know exactly what they are blaming or what they are prattling on about, regardless.
So yeah, they do what they do. But regardless of how they present it, they have a product, they invest in a product, they market a product, and for all of the children on the internet that ceaselessly whine and complain about it...'s funny how the same people that put "4KIDS IS EVIL PUT THIS IN YOUR SIG IF YOU WANT THEM DESTROYED" are the same nubs that made them millions of dollars in the first place.
Talk about not really having any right to complain. >_>
But even so, whether they deserve it or not (and i'm not saying they don't totally deserve it), they are..
a.) A small fish in a much bigger pond of backwards mainstream television executive production.
b.) They show television programs. They aren't Hitler and they didn't gas the jews, start World War III, fly a plane into a highly populated building, or misplace your car keys.
So seriously. Yeah, 4Kids is teh evil and they butcher teh anime. Oh noes.
How many years has it been. For christ's sake, let's get over it.
I mean come on. It's just Yu-Gi-Oh and a few other shows. Man. The only time I ever thought that anyone so much as even had a decent, intelligent point to make about 4Kids with all their whining was the handling of One Peice. (Even though that was overblown, too).
But seriously. This isn't even One Peice. Nor Shaman King. It's friggin' Yu-Gi-Oh. ¬_¬
And in general, the silliness of mindless 4Kids bashing has reached epic levels of stupid the last couple of years. They really aren't going away. And yes, if there's another Yu-Gi-Oh series.. they are going to license it.
What a shock, I know. |
Wow talk about tl;dr
And here I've posted it again for the lulz
PS Yu Gi Oh is the greatest man ever made, also 4kids is an awesome tv show.
Yall dont be hatin on a gangster
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