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Do you hate certain anime just because its popular?

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naruto fan 09812

Joined: 24 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:57 am Reply with quote
I have seen a bad trend of people hate a certain anime just because its popular. Matter of fact I heard people says point blank they hates certain anime because they are tired of hearing about its. Which is a sucky reason to hate a certain anime. But they are nothing compare to the people who bandwagon with the people who hates its. I ain forcing you like certain anime but at least give a good reason. Ok.
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mind over matter

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:13 am Reply with quote
the first two things that came to mind when you said that was Naruto and Inuyasha. Neither have I seen very many episodes, so I can't say that I "hate" it, but from what I did see, I wasn't captured by it...and I certainly am tired of hearing about them. It seems that when I say to someone "I like anime" the first thing they say is "oh yeah! I'm into anime also...I like Naruto" then I ask "that's cool, what else?" and they give me a blank stare...so I guess I hate the people, not the show...and I would say that I didn't like the show, but I guess I never gave it enough of a chance
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:53 am Reply with quote
Naruto lasted 20 episodes and Inuyasha about nine, then I disliked them enough to quit, so I at least gave them a fair shot.

In general I wont 'hate' something just because lots of people like it, If a title is popular and of a genre or style I know I dislike (such as shounen) then I often come to dislike the people who act like rabid fanboys/girls and associate them with that show and thus have an even stronger desire to not watch it.

For example, would you all be so against nationalistic fascists if the Nazi regime hadn't come into power or been so oppressive? If sport has a reputation of violent, abusive fans would you go to watch their events at a stadium? If a show has a massive, belligerent, pompous, abusive and derogatory fanbase are you attracted to watch it?
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naruto fan 09812

Joined: 24 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:04 am Reply with quote
The majority of people who said Naruto is the only anime they watch. Probably,didn't even know Naruto was anime until someone told them that. So,you can give them some slack on that matter. Also,hentai4me its seem like the sport you was talking about was soccer. And that do not stop people from going do its?
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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:11 am Reply with quote
naruto fan 09812 wrote:
The majority of people who said Naruto is the only anime they watch. Probably,didn't even know Naruto was anime until someone told them that. So,you can give them some slack on that matter. Also,hentai4me its seem like the sport you was talking about was soccer. And that do not stop people from going do its?

It does actually, it's just that there are a hell of a lot of those violent abusive fans out there willing to go.

For Gods sake, Manchester United vs Roma in the UK was considered well policed...there were only 21 arrests and the use of police dogs and horses...
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Joined: 17 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:12 am Reply with quote
Didn't we just have this topic not too long ago? Yes, I'm pretty sure I've stated this before, but I'm just being frank when I say that I tend to avoid very popular titles and instead focus on seeking out much more obscure content. There are exceptions obviously as I actually really enjoyed most of NGE, which is probably one of the most popular series outside of DBZ and Pokemon. And there are many, many fringe titles that I just can't stand. But, as a group, super-popular series tend to push me away while more unusual titles tend to really impress me. I'll admit that it may not seem terribly logical, but it is the truth. My taste in entertainment is just so different from most folks that this policy seems to be working surprisingly well for me so far. Every once in a while somebody will convince me to watch something mainstream on television or go to a mainstream movie they are interested in, but 90% of the time I just plain hate it. Back when I was a child I loved just about anything that came out and it was almost like Hollywood could do no wrong, but those days are long over now.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:15 am Reply with quote
Its typically the older more mature anime fans that tend to have a bias against really popular anime. The reason why is because popular anime such as Naruto, Inuyasha, and DBZ has developed a stereotype of the younger, even childish, more outspoken croud watching em'. I wonder how many times someone has wanted to make mention of Naruto or the others but didn't because of the stereotype that comes with it. I'm an older anime fan and I wouldn't miss an episode of Naruto. Sure its not the greatest anime and it has its fair number of cliches' but what I like in anime is does very good in my opinion.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:24 am Reply with quote
10円 wrote:
Didn't we just have this topic not too long ago?

Yep we did.. and here it is

Even though I already posted in the other one, I didn't say that even though I watch anime on the basis of whether or not I want to watch it, for some reason there are cases when I don't want to watch something popular. I am not sure if it has anything to do with its popularity, though - cause most of the series I decide to watch can be seen on "top" lists.. I decided to watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Ouran because I saw them both on AnimeNfo's top 194 list (this is where I usually get suggestions, by the way) but I don't think I'll be watching Naruto just because it's in there.. Anyway, I do think that the popularity of an anime affects me too.. (If anyone is unable to understand this post, please accept my apology.. It's 12:24 AM and I can't sleep out of stress -- I'll be getting my grades tomorrow Confused Rolling Eyes Confused )
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Joined: 28 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:49 pm Reply with quote
Popularity of an anime does not determine whether I like it or not. However, it does determine whether I'm even willing to try it or not. For example:

Bleach. I enjoy this one so much I kept up with the 120+ episodes shown so far.
Suzumiya Haruhi. I help out with her Wiki articles. Laughing Twisted Evil
Inuyasha. Popularity for this one is almost gone now; but I've finally gotten around to watching it on Cartoon Network (didn't have cable for a few years). So, I'm catching up to that one, and liking it.
Naruto. Won't even try it. I've heard things about Naruto along the lines of "retardation" and "emo". Twisted Evil
NGE. I bash it, even though it's fun to watch the first 18 eps. or so. I never finished it btw. Cool
Rozen Maiden. Watched that even before the DESU craze; and Suiseiseki's Saimoe 2006 win. Laughing
Shuffle. Bored with the first 8 eps. and jumped to the 26th. Saw the wrist cutting and said forget it.

So, how do I determine what I like? Well, I look for that "wow factor".
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:55 pm Reply with quote
I would like to think that I ignore all outside voices and give just about any anime a chance. What I watch in the privacy of my own home has no barring on what others say. Of course after I have given it a chance and I just don't like it, I will stop watching. Not to say there aren't popular anime that I don't like, but I don't like them for reasons other than their polularity.
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Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:35 pm Reply with quote
If the particular Anime is getting popular, I'll always try it and then if it captures my interest I'll continue enjoying it. We'll always have different audience however, and not everyone will react the same way.

For myself, I don't really pay to much attention to popularity. There are quite a few titles out there for everyone, and most of them are not considered or rated highly.

It comes down to a person's choice Cool, and to answer your question - no popularity doesn't make nor break my own choices, but it does spark the curiosity.
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:52 pm Reply with quote
I'll could never hate an anime just because of the fact that it's popular. I'll get tired of hearing about it, yes, but I won't ever hate something that I haven't actually seen for myself based on popularity alone. If something is popular, then I'll give it a try first. If I hate it after having seen it, it will be because of the quality of the series itself. Popularity is not a factor.

EDIT: fixed some typos

Last edited by Jedi General on Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:54 pm Reply with quote
For me, it's not necessarily if an anime is popular but what sort of crowd it's popular with. I gave Naruto a shot and I didn't like it, and when Bleach was being heralded as "the new Naruto" I had no interested in seeing it. Of course, then I caught the first episode and realized that it was much, much better than Naruto and kept watching.

I still haven't seen Melancholy of Haruhi... but I actually WANT to watch that one because it's something I've never heard of that all of sudden had this huge upswell of support and raves from all kinds of people. I don' t watch fansubs, though, so I'm still waiting on this one....
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Joined: 22 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:58 pm Reply with quote
I admit when I got back into anime, and especially after finding ANN. I'd look for the buzz about new anime. And I'm not going to say I don't now, although i think I've gotten a little more selective.

I more or less try to do my homework on anime now. I'll read up on it and if it interests me I'll check it out. If it's good I'll keep watching and/or purchase it. It's kind of one of those things if alot of people like it, then can it really be that bad? Obviously, different peoples taste vary widely, but I'm of the mind that alot of anime viewers have similar interests and tastes. So, I can at least say popularity has no negative effects on whether I'll watch a series or not.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:17 pm Reply with quote
Whether a series is popular or not has nothing to do with how much I like it. I disliked Inu Yasha for various reasons, but its popularity had nothing to do with it. There are plenty of other 'popular' shows I do like such as Bleach or The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. But sometimes the fandom associated with a show can have some effect on how much I want to give a show a chance or it can amplify my dislike of a show. Inu Yasha is the main offender in both cases.
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