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Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Not too long ago, I posted in another thread about Gankutsuou, and I went way off topic with a bunch of questions I had about the show after watching it. Since I didn't get any responses to my questions and since those questions were totally irrelevent to that thread, I decided I'd make a thread where my questions could be relevent, and hopefully would be answered.

Anyway, I finished watching Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo a little less than a month ago and I loved it. So far, it is hands-down the best anime I've seen so far. It's amazing. It actually does live up to all the bragging I've heard about it (the same bragging that got me to watch the show). It really is a masterpiece, IMO. I definitely plan on watching it again sometime in the near future.

First of all, I was just curious what some of you guys thought of the show. Also, I figured we could use this thread to discuss the show and to ask questions about it (and hopefully have them answered).

Anyway, I guess I'll start it off. Ok, I have a lot of questions...

spoiler[I don't get what the Count did to Danglars in the space ship (and how did he get there, anyway?). All he did was reveal his identity, show him all the gold hidden on the space ship, and leave him there by himself. Unless I missed something, what'd he do to him to get his revenge?

Who was it that saved Marquis when he was buried in the little chest as an infant? One of the servants at the mansion? The Count? Who?

What happened to Valentine's grandfather? Did he die? They didn't show him there when she was reunited with Maximillien. And, was Maximillien called to fight in the war that Mondego started? I noticed he made it seem like he came back from a war when they were reunited, but I don't remember him ever leaving to fight to begin with.

Also, during the Count's battle with Mondego, towards the end of the series, how did the Count suddenly end up down in his room, talking to Haydee, in the middle of the fight, and then end up back up there, in his robo-suit, still fighting Mondego? I didn't get that. It didn't make sense. Did I miss something there?

Is Beppo really a boy? I mean, Beppo looks like a girl, but I remember, towards the beginning of the series, they said something about that, and it was never mentioned again. So, is Beppo a boy or a girl?

Another thing, Darglars's wife did commit suicide? Right? I thought I saw that, but I wasn't sure what it was. And what was up with her horse? Towards the beginning of the series, they made it seem like the Count did something to the horse--I thought it was like possessed or something--but it never did anything after that. Did they use it as a surveillance camera or something?

In this one flashback, I remember them showing Edmond, Mercedes, and this old man together in their old apartment. Who was that old man there? Edmond's father? Mercedes's father? Who?

Lastly, what the hell happened to Valentine's step-mother and step-brother? She started acting really weird once she got that ring, and I think I remember her getting pricked by it (and being poisoned), but what happened after that? And what happened to her kid? I remember seeing this scene with her playing with him on the beach, and that was the last I saw of them. I remember someone saying something about them, while watching them on the beach, but I don't remember what it was and what they meant by it.]
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Joined: 01 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:45 pm Reply with quote
I'm not sure if my answers are 100% positive, and to be honest I'm not sure if the creators know any of the answers either. Like most confusing anime that have major plot holes, the creators always say something like it's all up to the viewers to decide what happened.

spoiler[To answer you're question about Danglars. I don't really know the purpose of the Count leaving Danglars in the space ship. Maybe it has something to do with leaving Danglars all alone in space without ever being able to spend his money.

About Marquis, I think that you're just suppose to assume that someone found and raised him, and later in his life he was sent to prison.

And about Valentine's Grandfather. He definitely died but who knows what when on after that. I think we can safely assume that he just died of old age. And for Maxmillion, I think he left to go settle disputes that Mondego started with other countries when he led the country( like the peace corps or something like that)

The scene where the Count talks to Haydee was a flashback prior to the battle between him and Mondego.

In the beginning they teased that Beppo was actually a boy, but I think that it was just a joke they played on Albert and that she is actually a girl.

I'm pretty sure that Danglar's wife comitted suicide, but I can't really remember. I think the horse was just used to cause suspicion to the viewer and didn't really do anything.

I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken that the old man was Mercedes father.

Can't really remember what happened to the step mother either.]

So those are my thoughts. They may have not been that helpful, but I think most of the things you're just supposed to assume something happened in the time holes and that it's up to the viewer to decide what happened.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Otaku-Sensei wrote:
In the beginning they teased that Beppo spoiler[was actually a boy, but I think that it was just a joke they played on Albert and that she is actually a girl.]
Sorry, but Beppo spoiler[has a penis.]
In 'The Count of Monte Cristo', ch. 37 ('The Catacombs of Saint Sebastian'), Alexandre Dumas wrote:

spoiler["Well, then, the Frenchman took off his mask; Teresa, with the chief's consent, did the same. The Frenchman asked for a rendezvous; Teresa gave him one -- only, instead of Teresa, it was Beppo who was on the steps of the church of San Giacomo."

"What!" exclaimed Franz, "the peasant girl who snatched his mocoletto from him" --

"Was a lad of fifteen," replied Peppino. "But it was no disgrace to your friend to have been deceived; Beppo has taken in plenty of others."]

Originally supplied by abunai.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:41 pm Reply with quote
caseclosedfan414 wrote:
spoiler[I don't get what the Count did to Danglars in the space ship (and how did he get there, anyway?). All he did was reveal his identity, show him all the gold hidden on the space ship, and leave him there by himself. Unless I missed something, what'd he do to him to get his revenge? ]

Simple. spoiler[He left Danglars there with only the gold - nothing else, including a way to get anywhere. Danglars was totally stranded in the depths of space.]
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Otaku-Sensei wrote:
I'm not sure if my answers are 100% positive....So those are my thoughts. They may have not been that helpful

You're answers actually were pretty helpful, so thanks, Otaku-Sensei.

varmintx wrote:
spoiler["Well, then, the Frenchman took off his mask; Teresa, with the chief's consent, did the same. The Frenchman asked for a rendezvous; Teresa gave him one -- only, instead of Teresa, it was Beppo who was on the steps of the church of San Giacomo."

"What!" exclaimed Franz, "the peasant girl who snatched his mocoletto from him" --

"Was a lad of fifteen," replied Peppino. "But it was no disgrace to your friend to have been deceived; Beppo has taken in plenty of others."]

Thanks, varmintx. I guess that confirms it.

"Key wrote:
spoiler[He left Danglars there with only the gold - nothing else, including a way to get anywhere. Danglars was totally stranded in the depths of space.]

Hm, your explanation makes a little more sense of that. Thanks, Key. But, what I dont get about that is, spoiler[how was Danglars stranded out there? Didn't he go on that space ship on his own, by his own free will, because he was trying to run away with all his customers' money (that was money from people who used his bank, right?). So wouldn't the space ship actually be headed somewhere since he had been trying to run away? How did he end up stranded out there? I mean, from what it showed, it did seem as though he was stranded up there with the gold the Count gave him and the money he stole (I mean, it's obvious he was stranded because he actually snapped and went crazy. Remember? They showed him naked, acting as if he was high or something, laying down in a pile of gold), but it doesn't make sense how he ended up being stranded.] Hm...

Anyone else? What do you guys think?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:42 pm Reply with quote
Caseclosedfan414, firstly some of your questions can be answered using informations from the book, if you don't care about the novel being spoiled to you (But I recommend you read it), than I guess I could help you if someone doesn't do it before me.

spoiler[About the Valentine's step-mother and brother, well the last time we get to see them is when Ali saves them from the underground facility being destroyed. After, that you assume they are been taken care of by and organization or something. Smile ]

spoiler[How was Danglars stranded out there? Didn't he go on that space ship on his own, by his own free will, because he was trying to run away with all his customers' money (that was money from people who used his bank, right?). So wouldn't the space ship actually be headed somewhere since he had been trying to run away? How did he end up stranded out there?]

spoiler[The count's henchman had taken the place of the space ship pilots if you remember (We see Luigi and his "wife" in the cockpit in one of that space ship scene).]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Drowning_Wolf wrote:
Caseclosedfan414, firstly some of your questions can be answered using informations from the book, if you don't care about the novel being spoiled to you (But I recommend you read it), than I guess I could help you if someone doesn't do it before me.

spoiler[About the Valentine's step-mother and brother, well the last time we get to see them is when Ali saves them from the underground facility being destroyed. After, that you assume they are been taken care of by and organization or something. Smile ]

spoiler[The count's henchman had taken the place of the space ship pilots if you remember (We see Luigi and his "wife" in the cockpit in one of that space ship scene).]

Oh, wow, thanks, Drowning_Wolf. I don't think I remember that scene with spoiler[Luigi and his "wife" in the cockpit of the space ship ]. Either I somehow missed it or I saw it but thought nothing of it. But yeah, now that makes much more sense. Thanks.

As for the thing about Valentine's step-mother and step-brother, for some reason I don't remember that scene you mentioned. That's odd. Ok, I definitely have to re-watch the series. Hopefully, when I do, I'll pick up more.

And, as for reading the book, I'm actually somewhat tempted to do that, when I get the chance. I mean, I've seen the live-action movie (which is really good, BTW), and now, the anime series, as well. So, maybe I will. Hm...
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Joined: 22 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:16 pm Reply with quote
i recently saw the series because after all the good things i heard i just had to pick it up and i managed to get the whole series for roughly $80 using suncoasts buy 1 get 1 geneon sale. the series was awesome, every dvd made you want to see the next one right away and it truly is a masterpiece. The Count himself is definitely the best villian i have ever seen and is now one of my favorite characters. i understood all of it so i dont have any questions really. the series is definitely one of the best series out there though.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:47 am Reply with quote
RPGamer246 wrote:
i recently saw the series because after all the good things i heard i just had to pick it up and i managed to get the whole series for roughly $80 using suncoasts buy 1 get 1 geneon sale. the series was awesome, every dvd made you want to see the next one right away and it truly is a masterpiece. The Count himself is definitely the best villian i have ever seen and is now one of my favorite characters. i understood all of it so i don't have any questions really. the series is definitely one of the best series out there though.

Yeah, I paid about $80 for the entire series, myself. But, uh, since you understand everything in the series, do you mind answering some of my questions? Thanks.
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