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This Week in Anime - Resident Evil Goes to War

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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:00 am Reply with quote
I was honestly surprised how decent this thing was considering Vendetta being as stupid as it was. It was still incredibly silly though.

And also, this show is not a technical marvel by any stretch but looks fairly alright for its budget. Considering that, I wish Resident Evil was more active as a television series.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:23 am Reply with quote
I liked this overall. It looks pretty good overall. Some stiffness in areas, but not enough to distract. I was a bit surprised by Shen May's death, but the way it happened made it pretty clear that Capcom didn't want to have another character that people would probably keep asking about. The series already tries to walk a line between maintaining fan favorites and dropping ones it has no use for as it is.

One thing I'd like to see following this is something that helps flesh out aspects around RE7 and 8. Those games both allude to some fairly drastic turns where Chris is concerned, but I don't know that it would be the type of thing that would be enough to support its own game. A movie/miniseries would be a good fit.
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Professor Nihil

Joined: 09 Jul 2021
Posts: 27
PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:28 pm Reply with quote
I have been a fan of Resident Evil (Biohazard) since the 1990s and I have mixed feelings about Infinite Darkness.

The production value is really nice, the infected are great and storyboarding is great.

I consider the dialog and the writing to be the major flaws in the show.

At times the dialog simply does not match the animation in ANY of the language options and that is a little bit frustrating because it seems like the wrong dialog for the scene, even if it isn't.

Infinite Darkness has to tie into the game plot, so I understand that limits the writers and I don't want to blame them for what I feel is a mediocre storyline.

The storyline fits into the sequence of the game Resident Evil 4 which my kids remember me playing 36 hours straight and beating it 4 times in a row, headshots the 4th time Wink. A friend had called the game unbeatable, lent it to another gamer to beat, who gave up on it after a couple of days of trying so as a last resort I was asked if I could beat it. I sat down with a case of PBR and didn't stop playing until I was done beating the game.

It was not easy, I found it to be one of the most challenging games I had played. For this reason I loved it.

I share this because my love for Resident Evil, which will never die, is based upon the game first and the CGI movies second.

I don't play games anymore but I still love the series and was eagerly waiting for Infinite Darkness ever since I learned it was being made.

I had hoped for a plot involving more... well everything. What I mean is that in the games there are numerous location changes, transformations and monsters but with Infinite Darkness that epic scope was absent and as I watched it I kept waiting for that same Resident Evil magic to happen and then right when I thought the show was about to actually get moving the end credits rolled.

I also found the dialog kind of like that of Doctor Who season 4, after season 3 was successful the acting changed from that of someone portraying a relatable character to someone who was all too aware that millions were watching. To put it bluntly it became contrived.

The way the characters speak and express emotion in Infinite Darkness also seems contrived to me. They just didn't seem like people to me, but more like an imitation of them meant to fit a preconceived notion that ultimately makes the characters seem two dimensional. This is extremely common for dubbed shows as that it is very difficult to convey the same emotion and dimensionality of character of an original voice actor and animation; when dubbing it for an alternative language.

I never watch original Netflix shows in ANY language other than the original for this very reason. I find that the dubbed voice tones rarely matches the scene or the visual facial expressions of live actors.

However I do watch a lot of quality dubbed anime, Netflix just has yet to make any in my opinion. I had thought that might have been an issue here with Infinite Darkness, the original track however was claimed to be English and the Nihongo track didn't match the animation well at all.

Despite having some mixed feelings about it, I plan on watching Infinite Darkness again and it is still a welcome addition to one of my favorite horror franchises of all time.

I look forward to more!
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ANN Reviewer

Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:48 pm Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
And also, this show is not a technical marvel by any stretch but looks fairly alright for its budget. Considering that, I wish Resident Evil was more active as a television series.

I would be there DAY ONE if they made a Resident Evil thing starring Barry Burton. Come on, Capcom...
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:59 am Reply with quote
Professor Nihil wrote:
I also found the dialog kind of like that of Doctor Who season 4, after season 3 was successful the acting changed from that of someone portraying a relatable character to someone who was all too aware that millions were watching.

As someone who started watching Doctor who in the Patrick Troughton days, do you mean during the David Tennant era?
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:17 am Reply with quote
Side note Claire was not in Resident Evil 6 canonically her last appearance was in Revelations 2.

Professor Nihil wrote:

The storyline fits into the sequence of the game Resident Evil 4 which my kids remember me playing 36 hours straight and beating it 4 times in a row, headshots the 4th time Wink. A friend had called the game unbeatable, lent it to another gamer to beat, who gave up on it after a couple of days of trying so as a last resort I was asked if I could beat it. I sat down with a case of PBR and didn't stop playing until I was done beating the game.

Those two would've had a meltdown if they ever played the first four especially 3.
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