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Farewell, My Dear Cramer (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:24 am Reply with quote

Farewell, My Dear Cramer (TV)

Genres: drama, shounen
Themes: soccer, sports

Plot Summary: Sumire Suō is 15 years old. She has passion for soccer, but can't seem to grasp victory. The short-haired girl shows overwhelming power at a soccer game, and makes a great shot from a dribble during a counter, but the match ends when a girl with pigtails named Midori Soshizaki blocks her. The two end up going to a regular high school instead of one that prides itself in athletics, and decide to work together as a team.

Anime adaptation of the manga of the same name.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 2:55 pm Reply with quote
I guess I'll keep with this one thanks to the characters but I wish one of these soccer shows would address and be honest about the problem with it that makes it such a bore to me. Soccer really seems to be a game where the winners are the team that screws up the least.

These anime always show off a quick-paced run where everyone passes a ball to the next person just the way they want, straight to the goal where the talented ace reaches the goal for a show-off with the goalkeeper and concludes with a shot that is determined by inches.
NO! If that were the case, we would not be talking about games with such consistently minuscule scores.
Every game I've watched is a game played on an overly large field where 90% of the shots do not go where the kicking person wants the ball to go, whether aiming for the goal or just downfield for a pass. No matter the level of players.

But that's my problem with the sport, not the show. I guess I'll just have to accept the super-heroics that show a game with the great showdowns and not a game of plain insane endurance as the ball goes anywhere but where they really want it to go.
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Kabuby 77

Joined: 11 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:04 am Reply with quote
I agree with you that football in anime is not represented adequately. We have seen high levels of animation with Haikyu, it depends a lot on the type of sport. I hope for this series that there is a bit of plot outside the playing field as well
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 5:36 am Reply with quote
Five episodes in and I can still barely tell the characters apart. Suou is the only one with both distinctive eyes and hair. Except for the girl with dots for eyes, everyone else has exactly the same eyes, just in different colors. If you showed someone pictures of only their eyes in b/w, no one could tell them apart. I guess I kinda know Onda because hers are blue. And Shiratori for her ojou-sama laugh. But this is probably the biggest thing keeping me from immersing myself in this. It's just too frustrating trying to figure out who is doing what.

I don't usually bail on sport series once I've started them, but this might be one.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:49 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:

I don't usually bail on sport series once I've started them, but this might be one.

I don't usually bail on series period...but this one will be an exception. I can't. It's too ugly, I don't care and finally, I still don't care. I find nothing interesting in this show and it's so ugly besides.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2021 4:15 am Reply with quote
I wish the show was more interesting. A this point I have mostly been staying for the white haired girl who is so socially awkward that it is great, and the girl who laughs a lot and ruins everything as she is ridiculous.

The part starting to get to me is how they keep going "at this time", which just feels way too repeated at this point. Since I imagine that sort of line is meant to help you create a mental checkpoint where you might contrast between how things might be at that time and when the coin drops, but there are too many.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:29 pm Reply with quote
Episode 12 (finale)

I really am not much of a sports person, and I kind of fear that the interest I might have got from certain series has kind of regressed. This series probably did have one strength in its gender stuff, that it is on a lot of the minds of characters that women's soccer is taken less seriously, and being an uphill challenge. I happened to check out the movie during the show's run, a prequel that does the gender things quite a bit and explains what the show started on, and I would say that it added onto it.

A usual problem I have is a lack of interesting characters, but I did find a few that were interesting. Especially the oddball characters, like the tall otaku girl who was into magical girl stuff despite how intimidating people found her. And I guess that I enjoyed story lines like some of the girls trying to find the weakness of the coach for the boys team. I could also enjoy a group of tomboys.

My rating is going to be So-so (5/10), it didn't really grab my attention.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:45 pm Reply with quote
I liked this series; I was glad to have watched it. The animation isn't the best, but I liked the story and characters enough. There are times in the soccer games where the characters are totally still and not in a "we are showing you a still" sense that were insanely frustrating to me (a former player). In this the movie is actually better, because it does a much better job of showing Onda's impressive artistry on the field that to me is what makes women's soccer much more fun to watch than men's.

I also appreciate that these girls are strong girls who enjoy sport, and that there's no fanservice.

I still haven't figured out what the title means; I find it inexplicable, and probably detrimental to people finding it.

I'd probably give it a 7/10 and suggest that it improves as a binge watch rather than the slow drip of weekly viewing.
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