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NEWS: Voice Actress Mami Yamashita Cleared of COVID-19 After 1 Month of Isolation

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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
Posts: 546
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:11 am Reply with quote
That is nice. I assume getting corona is a death sentence so it’s surprising to hear it can just go away
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:15 am Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
That is nice. I assume getting corona is a death sentence so it’s surprising to hear it can just go away

...where have you heard that? Something like 1.2 million people have confirmed recovered globally.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:49 am Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
cookiemanstah wrote:
That is nice. I assume getting corona is a death sentence so it’s surprising to hear it can just go away

...where have you heard that? Something like 1.2 million people have confirmed recovered globally.

The rate in which people have died has convinced me you’re gonna die if you contract it. Therefore I have been holed up in a home for over three months on low income eating nothing but cup noodles and canned beef. I inevitably got stomach flu considering I rarely even see the sun anymore.

This pandemic has practically ruined my life.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:30 am Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
Top Gun wrote:
cookiemanstah wrote:
That is nice. I assume getting corona is a death sentence so it’s surprising to hear it can just go away

...where have you heard that? Something like 1.2 million people have confirmed recovered globally.

The rate in which people have died has convinced me you’re gonna die if you contract it. Therefore I have been holed up in a home for over three months on low income eating nothing but cup noodles and canned beef. I inevitably got stomach flu considering I rarely even see the sun anymore.

This pandemic has practically ruined my life.
I'm so confused. I can't tell if this is a cookie monster joke or not. The mortality rate is high (for a virus) but it's "only" between 0.5% and 6% depending on where you look (by which I mean which city - many cities are worse than others due to many factors I won't get into).

Point being, the problem with this virus is that it's so contagious. Most people will survive but we're staying home so that the virus is slowed enough so that hospitals don't overflow. Flatten the curve
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AJ (LordNikon)

Joined: 14 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:27 am Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
That is nice. I assume getting corona is a death sentence so it’s surprising to hear it can just go away

Two members of family (in another street) and neighbor on floor below me caught and recovered from covid-19, testing negative finally. All three stilled died within later from complications in lungs from damage done while infected. Since died after testing negative to covid-19 it does not count as covid-19 death even though covid-19 destroyed their lungs.

Now news reports that virus is mutating rapidly. Wonder what real mortality rate really is?!

Edit: not all three in same building
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Joined: 01 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
I'm so confused. I can't tell if this is a cookie monster joke or not. The mortality rate is high (for a virus) but it's "only" between 0.5% and 6% depending on where you look (by which I mean which city - many cities are worse than others due to many factors I won't get into).

Point being, the problem with this virus is that it's so contagious. Most people will survive but we're staying home so that the virus is slowed enough so that hospitals don't overflow. Flatten the curve

Ya but you have to take in account that, at least in some places, they are only testing the extremely ill so the mortality rate is also going to be skewed. There going to be a lot of people who had it that was never tested for it, and recovered.

I think it's going to be interesting to find out if those of us who where super, super, super sick early in the year actually had something more then the flu or cold. I know my family personally was diagnosed with an unknown respiratory virus back in February that I was pretty sure was going to kill us all at the time.

AJ (LordNikon) wrote:
Now news reports that virus is mutating rapidly. Wonder what real mortality rate really is?!

I don't know if it's the same article you are talking about but there one going around that I saw yesterday with the headlines about how the virus is mutating into a deadlier strain, and when you actually read the article it's talking about the strain that infecting humans right now.

so it wasn't actually a new strain but the same one we've been seeing for months now.

It's great to hear stories about people actually recovering from the virus since we only tend to hear the death toll numbers. It's still scary, but it's nice to remember from time to time that it's not certain death, which is what it feels like when you watch the media.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 3:52 am Reply with quote
More people are dying unnecessarily because the hospitals and staff are overwhelmed. As some people say: it's the difference between being treated in a hospital room vs. in a hospital parking lot

That's why flatten the curve - the same amount of people get infected, but over a longer period of time, so the hospitals aren't over-capacity at any given time, and the patients get adequate treatment they need, so less people die than should be
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