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NEWS: Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest Anime to Have 2 Unaired Episodes

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Joined: 22 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:43 pm Reply with quote
The adaptation was so bad in the first episode, its probably a relief to many (like me) that its only going to be one cour.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:02 am Reply with quote
Normally I'd excited for comedy like Yue's Diary, but after that premiere...
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Joined: 21 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:38 am Reply with quote
People complaining about the premier being bad and shit, people, do even KNOW how much they would've had to animate to get us up to this point?! at least 2 to 3 episodes of prelude of being summoned, introducing the class, introducing other non-concurrent characters, all of which can easily be done with quick text boxes as illustrated with Hajime's stats, these people only have 13 episodes to work with after all. Readers can transition comfortably in to this because they know what was skipped, never before have I been so f**king happy to have been a reader of the original source for a premier, while I laugh at the illiterate plebs Twisted Evil . Now I will admit that it is really unfair to those who go in blind that don't know what happened, just staring off with Hajime falling and all, but they do give brief flashbacks the sum up the important bits. They'll most likely be doing this until Hajime leaves this dungeon, foretelling skipped over events, character summaries, etc, so let's just focus on the badassery that is Nagumo Hajime and let the anime do its job, and hey, if you really want to know what was brushed off, read it. Thank you anime gods for having Hajime awaken to his savageness by the end of the FIRST episode.
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Joined: 03 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:36 am Reply with quote
LiteMangime wrote:
People complaining about the premier being bad and shit, people, do even KNOW how much they would've had to animate to get us up to this point?! at least 2 to 3 episodes of prelude of being summoned, introducing the class, introducing other non-concurrent characters, all of which can easily be done with quick text boxes as illustrated with Hajime's stats, these people only have 13 episodes to work with after all. Readers can transition comfortably in to this because they know what was skipped, never before have I been so f**king happy to have been a reader of the original source for a premier, while I laugh at the illiterate plebs Twisted Evil . Now I will admit that it is really unfair to those who go in blind that don't know what happened, just staring off with Hajime falling and all, but they do give brief flashbacks the sum up the important bits. They'll most likely be doing this until Hajime leaves this dungeon, foretelling skipped over events, character summaries, etc, so let's just focus on the badassery that is Nagumo Hajime and let the anime do its job, and hey, if you really want to know what was brushed off, read it. Thank you anime gods for having Hajime awaken to his savageness by the end of the FIRST episode.

The Problem is not with the readers but those who did not read the manga or ln, they are pretty much confused and in the dark with the premiere episode. Also yes i can understand why they went with this route in order to not spend so much on time to introduce all of this world but try to be a little more understanding from those who have not read it.

Well with that said, if the rest of the series pace slows down a bit, the rest of the anime should be fine at least for those that read the ln and manga. We shall see how it goes.
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Joined: 06 Sep 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:54 am Reply with quote
I didn't even finish the first episode of this show, i have never read the manga either
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Joined: 26 Jun 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:38 pm Reply with quote
LiteMangime wrote:

Do you think that a 100 page prologue is bad. Look at "So I'm a Spider So What?" and it's 3 Whole Volumes Prologue. The whole upcoming anime will be only the Prologue.
People isn't angry because the story is bad (that's problem of source material) but because this chapter was Dumb with a shitty script.
If the anime is going to do a flashforward at least explain the basics before doing it:
- How did the sudents end in that world
- What is that cave
- What is the abyss
- What is the relationship between the MC, the priest girl and the red head retard that pushed him there.
And it's not only these points, even with the flashforward the chapter felt rushed as hell. The MC lost an arm, mutated, made a gun (because aparently he has a master in engineering in high school), killed 3 supposed high level monsters (one of them with a rock) and had several flshbacks in the same chapter!!! The MC went from 0 to murder hobbo in less than 8 minutes.

Also anime adaptations are advertisements to bring more readers to the novel and this half asset first chapter is like trying to sell a car without engine. You won't gain new readers with a chapter without any kind of context.

Also Overlord tier CG.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:23 pm Reply with quote
It's almost like the anime is saying that the rest of the classmates and teacher are not important. Unless they are planning on doing a ton of flashbacks, no anime only audience will even know his classmates and teacher, until he meets them again. That will bring a whole new slew of issues.

Sorry, but the major battle of the episode was just a hot mess. I read the light novel and the manga, and the only conclusion you could get from the battle, was that they cut it to pieces. One scene even had spoiler[half the class practically firing spells ] when only a few were in the light novel and manga.

Hopefully the two unaired episodes will become available later.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:47 pm Reply with quote
In defense of the show, people have really short attention spans now, Isekai shows in general are pretty much the same for the prolgue, which leads to short attention span people to whine, and lastly a lot of these works are really long, so a lot of stuff is either cut or condensed. And lastly the anime team is shoe stringed by you get 13 eps, if it doesnt work thats the end.

Pretty much the only show I have ever seen pacing wise that makes sense, Rokudo 6 braves, which adapted literally one novel and fell flat on its face.

The fact is, if not just isekai, but any anime literally were given a blank slate and not pigeon holed into these arbitrary cours, pretty much all of these works would be a lot better. But given thats the state of the industry, you will pretty much never get anything like you have in film, where for instances in the MCU, every single character gets a film just focused on origin story, and they literally make a brand new one every five years or so. I mean batman, spiderman, superman all have like 3-5 films that are just origin stories.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:55 pm Reply with quote
Honestly, I think this show is already suffering from production issues which is causing all of this weirdness. Besides a few scenes, the OP has a ton of still frames being panned around with lots of lens flares and explosions to cover up the complete lack of animation. And many of the animated parts of the OP seem to be just reused clips from the show itself.

It's unfortunate, but in cases like this it usually only gets worse from here.

Doesn't anybody remember this show was already delayed for over a year?
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Joined: 25 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:14 am Reply with quote
LiteMangime wrote:
People complaining about the premier being bad and shit, people, do even KNOW how much they would've had to animate to get us up to this point?! at least 2 to 3 episodes of prelude of being summoned, introducing the class, introducing other non-concurrent characters, all of which can easily be done with quick text boxes as illustrated with Hajime's stats, these people only have 13 episodes to work with after all. Readers can transition comfortably in to this because they know what was skipped, never before have I been so f**king happy to have been a reader of the original source for a premier, while I laugh at the illiterate plebs Twisted Evil . Now I will admit that it is really unfair to those who go in blind that don't know what happened, just staring off with Hajime falling and all, but they do give brief flashbacks the sum up the important bits. They'll most likely be doing this until Hajime leaves this dungeon, foretelling skipped over events, character summaries, etc, so let's just focus on the badassery that is Nagumo Hajime and let the anime do its job, and hey, if you really want to know what was brushed off, read it. Thank you anime gods for having Hajime awaken to his savageness by the end of the FIRST episode.

Why do they need to cover so much though? It would have been perfectly fine to dedicate the 13 episodes to just the first arc or two. Like someone else said, LN adaptations exist to promote the LN, and this opening conpletely fails at it. It skipped all of the intro (which is very important), gave no background about Hajime and almost no details about his lengthy and painful transformation. They took away all of the early narration, rushed to the fights, and even those were rushed. The fight with the Behemoth had so much more to it, but here it got done away with quickly. The bad CG is the icing on the cacke, it almost makes me miss Fate's CG dragon.

Maybe, if a miracle happens, they'll be more careful from here on out and stop ommiting critical things. But you have to admit, the premiere was utter garbage compared to the source material. It would have been much better if instead of trying to cram 4 volumes in 13 episodes (which I read somewhere that it's what they're going for) they just covered 2, or even just 1. The could have taken their time showing the full thing and just covered the story up until they clear the dungeon, and maybe just a little bit more.
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