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REVIEW: When Marnie Was There BD+DVD

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Joined: 24 May 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:14 am Reply with quote
You know what's really depressing? Realizing after I bought this at Best Buy that it would likely be the last new Ghibli film I'd ever buy. :'(

I won't have the time to watch it until this upcoming weekend, but you'd better believe I'll have a box of tissues handy when I finally do. Oh, what a cruel, Ghibli-less world.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:23 pm Reply with quote
Side characters are equally well realized, such as Nobuko's unexpected maturity and the impatience and determined focus of Sayaka/Scilla comes across intensely.
Yeah, that scene with Nobuko was surprisingly good. Not sure if I'd feel the same way if I actually had personal memories of growing up as "the fat kid", but I can relate to Anna's plight of looking "like a foreigner" in one's own country and getting othered by people who usually mean no offence. Nobuko's understanding yet firm response to Anna's overreaction hit a bit close to home.

Overall (sub) : A
− No Japanese language track
Shouldn't that be "dub" in that case?
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Hikaru Suzuhara

Joined: 31 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:26 pm Reply with quote
What do you mean no Japanese language track? That's clearly not right. If you click the link under Release information about :
When Marnie Was There (BD+DVD), you'll eventually wind up here as one of your purchase options:


As you can tell, that's of course a reference link for the R1 BD you allegedly reviewed from this very site. If we scroll down the product page a bit, we get to:

Language: Japanese (Dolby Digital 5.0), Japanese (DTS 5.0), English (Dolby Digital 5.0), English (DTS 5.0), French (Dolby Digital 5.0), French (DTS 5.0) under Product Details. There is very clearly a Japanese, English, and French Dub included on the R1 BD so I don't know what the reviewer is talking about.

So is that product info outright wrong? Doubtful. How exactly is being able to pause a feature? Are you saying you literally couldn't pause the movie? That can't be right. I have to be misunderstanding that line.

Could you elaborate on this because it looks as if you got a faulty disc and instead of getting a proper replacement you went ahead and reviewed it anyway. Things are clearly not lining up. So which is right, this review or the information on the product page? You decide, but the answers the product page.

When you get what is clearly supposed to be a multi audio release, but you're only able to access one language, it's time to stop, take a step back, and ensure you get a working replacement before continuing to review it otherwise you'll wind up spreading misinformation about the product. This isn't simply a review of the film, but of the R1 BD as well. So when you make clearly false claims like it only includes the English dub it reflects poorly on you as well in a number of ways.

I'm curious what exactly did you know about this product before you reviewed it? Did you not know anything at all, watched it totally blind and just assumed it was a single audio release? I refuse to believe you got the BD, noticed it had no JP audio and didn't think anything was wrong. All it would have taken was a few seconds on any of the product pages referred to by ANN itself to learn that your copy was obviously faulty, that something(s) wasn't/weren't right.

You know what. Don't even bother replying to this post. Just get a working copy and fix it. No Japanese audio track my ass. Unbelievable.

Last edited by Hikaru Suzuhara on Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:47 pm; edited 9 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:39 pm Reply with quote
Even though I loved this movie I wouldn't give the story an A since it got so predictable towards the end. At least to me. It also moves relatively slow, but maybe it's how it's supposed to go. I loved Anna and Marnie's relationship though. That's what won me over.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:43 pm Reply with quote
I just unwrapped my copy, and it has the Japanese language track.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:32 pm Reply with quote
I must have gotten a bum disc then, because my most definitely did not have the Japanese language track, and pressing "pause" did exactly nothing - to pause I had to return to the menu screen, which is not something I have experienced in a BD release before.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:33 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, this movie was really a surprise for me because I had high expectations and it surpassed them. The character development and exploration of themes is just so rich and I think that's even more beautiful than the animation. But the animation is awesome too though. I'm melting thinking about it.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:05 pm Reply with quote
This review has been pulled for the time being while we investigate what went wrong with Rebecca's BD. We will post a corrected version once we're finished. We apologize for any confusion.

EDIT: The disc was replaced and the review was corrected. Thanks to the people who alerted us about this issue.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:34 pm Reply with quote
I like to forget the last few scenes didn't happen because if spoiler[Marnie wasn't Anna's grandma], it would have been the best yuri anime in a long time Anime hyper Seriously, that twist at the end just made no sense to me and kind of in a way cheapens the friendship they had. I've heard that as a rule in writing the more coincidences you have in a story, the weaker the plot. It just so happened that spoiler[her grandma once lived in the house next to some distant relatives of the family that ended up adopting her! Gimme a break :/ ]That said I'll still buy this for sure it was beautifully animated and as others pointed out, the last Ghibli movie ever made.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:18 pm Reply with quote
Trying to bridge the time-span between Marnie's era and Anna's was a bit confusing, so I guess it make sense that it would have worked better for the original. spoiler[Mainly because all of those Westerners in Japan could have only happened well before or well after the war, but the imagery for that flashback just never really made the change over time seem right.]
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:54 pm Reply with quote
Re the timeframe issue... Well, the Marnie character is clearly part of a 'high society' circle, and my impression is they hardly keep up with the times anyway. There are also still flower-selling 'travellers' in my corner of the world (Berkshire, England - though granted I only see them as Ascot week, another anachronistic high-society affair! It seems possible to me that the 'party' scene in Marnie takes place in 1970, rather than 1920. But if there's something glaringly wrong with that notion, I'd be grateful to know.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:54 pm Reply with quote
Jayhosh wrote:
You know what's really depressing? Realizing after I bought this at Best Buy that it would likely be the last new Ghibli film I'd ever buy. :'(

I won't have the time to watch it until this upcoming weekend, but you'd better believe I'll have a box of tissues handy when I finally do. Oh, what a cruel, Ghibli-less world.

GKids is releasing Only Yesterday in theaters next year with an english dub. It seems likely they'll also be putting that out on blu-ray eventually. There's also My Neighbor's the Yamadas that still hasn't seen a blu-ray release. I imagine that will eventually get one here. There's also Ocean Waves, which Disney has the rights to but it wouldn't shock me if GKids ends up releasing that, too, since Disney hasn't shown any interest in it.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:39 pm Reply with quote
oof this movie should not get an A for story. It had pacing problems like no one else's business. I loved the beginning and end but the middle was a painful, boring slog.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:28 am Reply with quote
smokeyjoey8 wrote:
There's also My Neighbor's the Yamadas that still hasn't seen a blu-ray release.

20th April 2011 in Australia:


There's also Ocean Waves, which Disney has the rights to but it wouldn't shock me if GKids ends up releasing that, too, since Disney hasn't shown any interest in it.

Ocean Waves came out in Australia as a sub-only DVD-only release on 30th June 2010 and wasn't really publicised at the time:


BTW, When Marnie was There gets released on 21st October 2015 in Australia:

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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:15 am Reply with quote
Radrappy wrote:
oof this movie should not get an A for story. It had pacing problems like no one else's business. I loved the beginning and end but the middle was a painful, boring slog.

As having just watched this about three hours ago, I can't agree with this more. Honestly, with the FF button, I watched When Marnie Wasn't There. I found it easier to take her as a plot device than a character, especially after... the Twist. Which I figured out long before I started the DVD so I was irritated while I watched the poor girl Anna do stupid things for the sake of filling out time. Then once I heard 'Sapporo" and figured out the... coincidence, right.

And those the "localization" issues. Because when we're in Japan's rural boonies, that's exactly where you won't find the English upper class. Especially from the Roaring Twenties. Why didn't they change everything? Or why not adapt the story to both the location and time?

It's well animated with a beautiful visual design but that didn't help me with Tales From Earthsea either.

Ultimately, I asked myself spoiler["Is this a ghost story?"]. No, they have points, this is just mashup of nostalgia and melodrama. Except there's no drama and no real concise idea about what they're being nostalgic, like someone made up a childhood incident and told it to someone else and we hear about it third hand.
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