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EP. REVIEW: Today's Menu for the Emiya Family

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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Shirou getting all blushy around Saber in episode one had me pause a bit before I remembered "Oh yeah, Saber is the primary love interest, isn't she?" DEEN Fate was a long time ago and with Rin being the heroine of UBW and Sakura being the heroine of Heaven's Feel it completely slipped my mind.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:09 am Reply with quote
I thought I'd take a moment to copy over my comment from the Preview Guide, because I can.

XerBlade wrote:
Rebecca Silverman wrote:
Fate/stay night fans may find themselves trying to place this within the greater continuity of the series/franchise, which may be a slight annoyance if you can't stop yourself from doing so. Pretty much all of the masters and servants from the original are present (with Rider being Sakura's servant) and no one seems to be fighting, so this is obviously an alternate universe, albeit not as “alternate” as something like Prisma Ilya.

Today's Menu for Emiya Family thus far [as of episode 1 and only episode 1] would actually fit right in anywhere in the middle of Fate/hollow ataraxia easily. An installment in the franchise that, despite being the 2nd installment ever following the original Fate/stay night itself, we still haven't gotten that anime adaptation for (come on, ufotable..., can I take this as a tease that you're finally working on it?).

All of the major players from Fate/stay night except for Kotomine Kirei are peacefully living perfectly mundane lives during that story, with no desire to fight each other over any sort of Holy Grail. Shirou, Rin, and Sakura all spend an inordinate amount of time cooking for a semi-lazy and gluttonous Saber (also, all of the above plus Rider all live together in Shirou's especially large house that Kiritsugu left him, without anyone having to share a room); Lancer, Archer, and Gilgamesh all have a little fishing competition by the river; the track team girls wonder amongst themselves who is actually dating whom among the main cast... That sort of stuff makes up something like 90% of that story.
With something like 15-20% of that also giving us pretty much every single minute detail of the story of Fate/Zero more than a year before the first volume of the Fate/Zero light novels was published.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:27 am Reply with quote
To use fanfic terminology, this show is a sort of “coffee shop AU” for the Fate franchise, in that all of the characters are inexplicably friends hanging out and not trying to kill each other like they normally do. You're not supposed to think about it too hard, so no explanation is given.

As XerBlade above said, it's not really that much of a stretch.

This setting is more or less taken straight out of "Hollow Ataraxia". Heck, a lot of the more lighthearted and comedic spin-offs seem to use it as a basis in general.

Also, in case anyone didn't notice, cardboard cutout Assassin is back in the credits. I did not expect a joke from "Carnival Phantasm" of all things to make a return. Got a good chuckle out of me at least.
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Dian Z

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 8:30 am Reply with quote
Gotta say this is one of my favorite Fate adaptations.

I'm a sucker for slice-of-life cooking anime, which wonders more about what to eat for dinner tonight, than what to cook to please the judges (not that I can't enjoy Shokugeki no Souma).

And I'm just glad to finally see such liveliness animated by Ufotable, with passerbys and all, as I see most of their works tend to neglect the crowds, and such that they got a certain empty feeling with only few main characters filling up a quiet wide spaces in town.

Is it just me or Lancer's voice or way of talking sounds very different to his other more serious counterparts. And it's not only because it's a relaxed slice-of-life version of Lancer, he just sounded like much an older man to me.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:49 pm Reply with quote
Judging by Shirou's level of cooking, you could even say food is a type of sword, uh?

Dian Z wrote:
Is it just me or Lancer's voice or way of talking sounds very different to his other more serious counterparts. And it's not only because it's a relaxed slice-of-life version of Lancer, he just sounded like much an older man to me.

I guess he's going for a more "aniki" feel instead of the hyper agressive Lancer of usual fares. It sounds pretty close to his voice when you unlock the higher bonds in FGO or when he praises you for completing missions in Extella.
Like many said, this hits pretty close to Hollow Ataraxia and the Type Moon spin offs which tend to be on the more zany and light side of things. It's a good change of mood. Dumb and happy Type-Moon is fine too. It's nice to see things from other perspective.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:56 am Reply with quote
Best Fate timeline... Too bad they didn't do a commemorative FGO banner for this show... I'd kind of like this version of Shiro as a funny Caster summon or something... i wonder if Alter will show up in this.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:16 pm Reply with quote
Fate/Food Wars is seriously just one Avenger-Bazett-Caren combo short of being a Fate/hollow ataraxia anime at this point.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Dian Z wrote:
Gotta say this is one of my favorite Fate adaptations.

Have you seen carnival phantasm? If you have not then SEE IT NOW! That show is truly the pinnacle series of the fate universe, and they need to hurry up and make more episodes.

That said, I am enjoying this series emensely. My god it's been like 12 years since I first was introduced to the series, and I still have not covered all of the light novels and visual novels in it.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:24 pm Reply with quote
Hinamatsuri... that explains the Little Ladies festival going on at FF XIV at the moment. I didn't actually think that was based on anything in particular, but I guess I should've known better. ^^;;
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:00 pm Reply with quote
Gabriella Ekens wrote:
I wish that the show had pointed out the age discrepancy, though – it'd have made for a good gag.

By the way, it's basically an unspoken rule in the Emiya household that no one brings up Illya's true age, even though (perhaps because) everyone knows the circumstances (except for Fuji-Nee).
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Joined: 03 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:59 am Reply with quote
The one thing I didn't like was Rin acting tsundere in a dumb, unnecessary way

While I understand that everyone has their personal opinions, I must disagree with this statement. Was she indifferent, cold? Nope. She hasn't blame, nor beat anyone. She was just shy and afraid to be ashamed, because unlike Shiro and Sakura she doesn't have that much experience in cooking. But still, she's too proud (in a good way) to ignore them and lying idly on a sofa.

What I love the most in this episode - is heaven's feel reference. I bet everyone who read VN noticed that Sakura called Rin "Nee-san" in person, which only happend in HF route after a certain scene (which I love so much).
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Joined: 11 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:50 am Reply with quote
dark_bozu wrote:
What I love the most in this episode - is heaven's feel reference. I bet everyone who read VN noticed that Sakura called Rin "Nee-san" in person, which only happend in HF route after a certain scene (which I love so much).

I noticed that but never read the VN, it was really cute though.

Kirei and Gilgamesh show up for inevitable mapo tofu shenanigans
Shinji dies, or at the very least, gets dunked on incessantly
Shirou and Archer have an intense chuuni cook-off

Oh i want to see these things very much, although if a had to choose one seeing shinji die or get dunked on incessantly gets my vote.

I'd love to see Kirei and Gilgamesh get involved in some mapu tofu nonsense and they ruin shirou's meal for saber.
She gets angry, goes alter and they prostrate themselves until Shirou feeds her.

Shirou and Archer cooking off shokugeki style would be awesome to see.
Winner gets taiga and saber's seal of approval as well as the title of Ultimate Home Chef.
*in fine print* It also comes with the responsibility to feed both of them for the rest of their lives.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:07 pm Reply with quote
dark_bozu wrote:
The one thing I didn't like was Rin acting tsundere in a dumb, unnecessary way

While I understand that everyone has their personal opinions, I must disagree with this statement. Was she indifferent, cold? Nope. She hasn't blame, nor beat anyone. She was just shy and afraid to be ashamed, because unlike Shiro and Sakura she doesn't have that much experience in cooking. But still, she's too proud (in a good way) to ignore them and lying idly on a sofa.

What I love the most in this episode - is heaven's feel reference. I bet everyone who read VN noticed that Sakura called Rin "Nee-san" in person, which only happend in HF route after a certain scene (which I love so much).

she also said that in hollow ataraxia's ending. and speaking of.......

Rin and Sakura seem to be getting to know each other as sisters (they even refer to each other that way, which is a major development), while Sakura and Medusa live as companions. This is really the idealized happy ending that these characters never got together, not even in Fate/stay night's lighthearted sequel story, Fate/hollow ataraxia.
sakura and medusa actually got closer in hollow ataraxia. especially when it came to their equal affections for shiro. unfortunately people will need to play the VN for that and unlike the pictures that dark_bouzu showed, their 100% ero! as for rin & sakura, i haven't progressed far enough in HA to know if they got that type of relationship like in HF

With all that out of the way, here's what I want to see in the future:

Kirei and Gilgamesh show up for inevitable mapo tofu shenanigans

Shinji dies, or at the very least, gets dunked on incessantly

Shirou and Archer have an intense chuuni cook-off

More of Cu's biceps please I am needful

not gonna happen. considering this is completely family friendly and have zero relation with its source material, the odds of shinji getting killed off let alone getting dunked on incessantly is highly unlikely.

though the kirei x gill shipping (though it'll be very family friendly) shipping as well as seeing more of Cu's biceps is more than likely. especially if gill is involved in any comedic antics when it comes to saber's food! Laughing

The one thing I didn't like was Rin acting tsundere in a dumb, unnecessary way.

actually she acted the exact same way in fate/kaleid prisma illya as well so its probably a homage to that spinoff series.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:41 pm Reply with quote
Gabriella Ekens wrote:
After all, how many of you even knew that “Shirou's boss at his part-time job” and “some monk at the shrine” were characters before this?

Fate/hollow ataraxia.

Seriously, Neko and Reikan, along with Fuji-nee, are actually some of my favorite characters in the whole franchise. Naturally, I loved this episode.

And by the way, Neko isn't Shirou's boss. She's the boss's daughter.

Gabriella Ekens wrote:
On that note, I'm looking forward to seeing how Medea and Souichirou are getting on.

If it's half as much like Fate/hollow ataraxia as the rest of this series, it basically boils down to cooking lessons on Caster's end, while Souichirou just always says he'll eat anything she makes.

dark_bozu wrote:

Because unlike Shiro and Sakura she doesn't have that much experience in cooking.

Completely untrue. Rin is at least on par with Shirou (who is more advanced than Sakura, Shirou's student) when it comes to cooking, and she completely defeats him in some areas. Areas which she uses to her advantage, since she's extremely competitive when it comes to cooking (as she is with everything else).
dark_bozu wrote:

What I love the most in this episode - is heaven's feel reference. I bet everyone who read VN noticed that Sakura called Rin "Nee-san" in person, which only happend in HF route after a certain scene (which I love so much).

I mean, she does that in the entire rest of the franchise as well.... That really doesn't count as a Heaven's Feel reference when that is their norm in everything post-Fate/stay night anyway. Calling it a reference would be a stretch even without that.
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Joined: 30 May 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:01 pm Reply with quote
This must be the universe where Takeshi Kaga (original Iron Chef ) oversaw the 5th Holy Grail War.
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