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This Week in Anime - What Went Wrong in Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody?

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Joined: 18 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:13 pm Reply with quote
I think Isekai now exists to remind viewers that their fantasies are every bit as boring as their reality, so they might as well just get used to it.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:18 pm Reply with quote
I'm not sure which is the dullest part of the show to me: that it is content to have the cast doing next to nothing in the starting town for so long, or that the main character has so many skill points that he can immediately become awesome at a skill as soon as it becomes convenient. It works for Overlord because the main character had already put in the time beforehand to build those skills, and in Log Horizon, plenty of characters are high-level, so it avoids feeling too lopsided.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:25 pm Reply with quote
In Another World With My Smartphone questioned whether or not anime should still be allowed to exist.

I larfed. I will not defend Death March's many flaws but I will say I continue to watch it, unironically. Bizarrely, the mundane stuff like "dealing with a real estate" agent is the stuff I enjoy most. Don't ask me why. And I adore the loli slave girls.
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Utsuro no Hako

Joined: 18 May 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:26 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, guys, better get used to the slavery thing, because we have a lot more coming up -- Rising of the Shield Hero and How Not To Summon a Demon Lord both feature it, as will How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom, which hasn't been announced but will almost certainly get an adaptation soon. Some of them are better at depicting slavery, but ... uh, yeah, I fear slavery may be the fetish that replaces siscon.

How I long for the days of wholesome anime fetishes ... like tentacles.
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Yune Amagiri

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Yes, everything about Death March has been done better elsewhere, i saw every single isekai anime to date and no doubt about it but this isn't the kind of serie you should watch while expecting huge accomplishment nor from a perfectionnist point of view, far from being the best nor the worst it's one of those "so bad it's good" and that's fine. Silliness and the "in a game" feeling are Death March main feature and both of them are enjoyable, at least so far i enjoyed every episode of the anime and volume of the light novel. Now for the animations they aren't bad enough to be trashed, none of them shocked me but it could have been better for sure like pretty much all the recent series, BD can still be a salvage on this point.

Last edited by Yune Amagiri on Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joshua Zarate

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Lemonchest wrote:
I think Isekai now exists to remind viewers that their fantasies are every bit as boring as their reality, so they might as well just get used to it.

Well, to be fair, not all of them are like that. Konosuba and Tanya The Evil are at least fun/interesting to watch. There are more examples than those two, but these were the first to pop off the top of my head.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:34 pm Reply with quote
Overall, Death March just feels really lazy. Even when there were isekai shows I hated, I usually got the sense that the creator was excited by their own world, at least as a way to imagine getting a harem and having an adventure. Death March doesn't even feel like it's excited about its slavery fetish. It's not even putting in the effort to be titillating. It's just barely there.

This is really the thing. Animation issues aside, it basically feels like a committee decided "Death March meets the current market demand, let's assemble an anime" then sicced the closest intern into skimming through the books and slopping together a basic story framework. It's not like the novels are miles better than the anime (if you didn't like what you see here, the anime still follows the novel plot), but the fact that there's even a misconception about "slavery fetish" means the writers really dropped the ball or just flat-out didn't understand the appeal of the books.

Utsuro no Hako wrote:
Yeah, guys, better get used to the slavery thing, because we have a lot more coming up -- Rising of the Shield Hero and How Not To Summon a Demon Lord both feature it, as will How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom, which hasn't been announced but will almost certainly get an adaptation soon. Some of them are better at depicting slavery, but ... uh, yeah, I fear slavery may be the fetish that replaces siscon.

How I long for the days of wholesome anime fetishes ... like tentacles.

I think the main thing is that those series all have a concrete reason to have slavery beyond just "there it is!" Death March really just throws it out there then never really does anything with it, so it feels really strange. Shield Hero uses it in an important scene at the end of the first book, Isekai Maou has it for comedy but also doesn't take it super seriously, and in Realist Hero basically they're indentured servants (not that being a 2/10 is that much better than a 1/10) and, again, they serve a real purpose in the plot. Only Death March specifically depicts how horrible being a slave is (they must follow orders no matter what, even if they would die from it), then just continues to let Sato prance around gaily with a slave harem.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:00 pm Reply with quote
What went wrong with this show? Easy. This is yet another uninspired anime adaptation designed to serve as advertisement for the source material. Anime like that is bound to suck. And it has nothing to do with being isekai; Taboo Tattoo is action-si-fi, and its anime adaptation is crap.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Utsuro no Hako wrote:
How I long for the days of wholesome anime fetishes ... like tentacles.

Soon they will be enslaved tentacles.
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Yune Amagiri

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:14 pm Reply with quote
Joshua Zarate wrote:
Lemonchest wrote:
I think Isekai now exists to remind viewers that their fantasies are every bit as boring as their reality, so they might as well just get used to it.

Well, to be fair, not all of them are like that. Konosuba and Tanya The Evil are at least fun/interesting to watch. There are more examples than those two, but these were the first to pop off the top of my head.

One of the mains problems with the isekai anime nowaday is that most of them doesn't adapt further than the first two volumes which are usually nothing but caracters introductions before they really reach the "starting point" to sink into the main problem which will occurs during most of the serie and who differentiates the series from the others. Because of this problem people who only watch the anime tend to generalize and stereotype the isekai genre ( not like there isn't some stereotype but most of them usually occur in the begenning ), thought it's all the anime production's fault for not doing longer serie, but seeing nothing more than these stereotype make people like the topic's authors fail to see the good points of each of these series, you shouldn't watch a Tennis/Dance/Football/Basket ... anime the same way even thought they are all sport, the same can be said with the isekai there are those who are choosing the action route, those who are choosing romance et cetera. None of them should be watched the same way.

Isekai isn't a bad genre just one who usually has a Slow Start ( i love this one :p ). As someone said they are more an advertisement for the source material if they doesn't have more than a single 1X eps season, and the same can be said for pretty much every genre. And those who hates isekai because of some fetish, it has nothing to do with how good is the serie or not just personal hate or bad tolerance and again the same can be said with every genre

Last edited by Yune Amagiri on Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:52 pm Reply with quote
@Yune Amagiri: In the "pure" sense, "isekai" simply means "other world," and there are lots of variations as noted, like KonoSuba and Youjo Senki, but also there's unique stuff like No Game No Life, Accel World, Hataraku Maou-sama, even Western shows like King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (YEAAAHHH EARLY 90S SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS!!!).

However, I would say the "isekai hate" is specifically aimed at the glut of "isekai medieval fantasy JRPG world with superpowerful protagonists." Where KonoSuba is satirical and Re:Zero deconstructive, more "typical" examples like SAO, Death March, Overlord, Log Horizon, Shield Hero, Smart Phone, and many more are all variations on the same theme: character(s) from our contemporary reality are somehow transported/trapped in a medieval fantasy world that either is a game, resembles a game, or somehow has a lot of game-like functions. Grancrest Senki is a straight fantasy that still uses Crests in a pretty game-like manner. DanMachi doesn't even try to pretend and just has a straight up character sheet and leveling system.

It's just the current "thing." A few years ago, the fad was "the most unique power while enrolled in a special powers high school (and sometimes the only male in an all-female school)," popular ones being Zero no Tsukaima, Index, Mahouka, Asterisk, Soul Eater, Infinite Stratos, but also lots of "meh" shows or dregs, such as Absolute Duo, Hundred, Unlimited Fafnir, Sky Wizards Academy, etc.

After isekai dies down we'll just be waiting for the next anime schtick.
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Yune Amagiri

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:04 pm Reply with quote
myskaros wrote:
@Yune Amagiri: In the "pure" sense, "isekai" simply means "other world," and there are lots of variations as noted, like KonoSuba and Youjo Senki, but also there's unique stuff like No Game No Life, Accel World, Hataraku Maou-sama, even Western shows like King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (YEAAAHHH EARLY 90S SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS!!!).

Agree that's why i said et cetera, the list is too long, it show even more why the isekai genre shouldn't be stereotype

myskaros wrote:
It's just the current "thing." A few years ago, the fad was "the most unique power while enrolled in a special powers high school (and sometimes the only male in an all-female school)," popular ones being Zero no Tsukaima, Index, Mahouka, Asterisk, Soul Eater, Infinite Stratos, but also lots of "meh" shows or dregs, such as Absolute Duo, Hundred, Unlimited Fafnir, Sky Wizards Academy, etc.

After isekai dies down we'll just be waiting for the next anime schtick.

The School-Action-harem / Battle school LN era or at least that's how we usually called it, we could also add in passing that most of them had the same problem than the isekai, Aka adaptation of the first two light novel which were characters introductions and such. and unfinished arc, the popular ones you cited were among the lucky ones with more than the first 2 LN adapted and the meh wasn't because they had only 1 season , it show even more where the problem lies in

Last edited by Yune Amagiri on Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:52 pm Reply with quote
Why does this column almost always focus on series that already have weekly reviews? How about looking at some of the ones that got passed over to see if they're actually worth watching after all instead of making us wait until a seasonal review if that?

There are lots of candidates, like Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Hakumei to Mikochi, Toji no Miko, or even Idolish7.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:54 pm Reply with quote
myskaros wrote:
Overall, Death March just feels really lazy. Even when there were isekai shows I hated, I usually got the sense that the creator was excited by their own world, at least as a way to imagine getting a harem and having an adventure. Death March doesn't even feel like it's excited about its slavery fetish. It's not even putting in the effort to be titillating. It's just barely there.

This is really the thing. Animation issues aside, it basically feels like a committee decided "Death March meets the current market demand, let's assemble an anime" then sicced the closest intern into skimming through the books and slopping together a basic story framework. It's not like the novels are miles better than the anime (if you didn't like what you see here, the anime still follows the novel plot), but the fact that there's even a misconception about "slavery fetish" means the writers really dropped the ball or just flat-out didn't understand the appeal of the books.

Utsuro no Hako wrote:
Yeah, guys, better get used to the slavery thing, because we have a lot more coming up -- Rising of the Shield Hero and How Not To Summon a Demon Lord both feature it, as will How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom, which hasn't been announced but will almost certainly get an adaptation soon. Some of them are better at depicting slavery, but ... uh, yeah, I fear slavery may be the fetish that replaces siscon.

How I long for the days of wholesome anime fetishes ... like tentacles.

I think the main thing is that those series all have a concrete reason to have slavery beyond just "there it is!" Death March really just throws it out there then never really does anything with it, so it feels really strange. Shield Hero uses it in an important scene at the end of the first book, Isekai Maou has it for comedy but also doesn't take it super seriously, and in Realist Hero basically they're indentured servants (not that being a 2/10 is that much better than a 1/10) and, again, they serve a real purpose in the plot. Only Death March specifically depicts how horrible being a slave is (they must follow orders no matter what, even if they would die from it), then just continues to let Sato prance around gaily with a slave harem.

The anime committee really dropped the ball with this one because in the WN/LN they actually explain why Sato can't/shouldn't let the 4 girls go yet.

In case anyone is interested:

Tama/Pochi/Liza spoiler[ Can't be let go because demi-humans are discriminated against and if they were freed they would be treated worse than they are now as slaves. Sato actually tries to free them right after he leaves the labyrinth and is informed of this and thats really why he kept them. ]

Arisa/Lulu spoiler[ It was left out of Arisa's backstory but her and lulu are cursed to always be slaves and must be freed of said curse before bring freed as a slave. ]
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:05 pm Reply with quote
That Satou collects slave girls like pokemon is a tad controversial but his actions in the show are fairly tame. I get the sense that most of the outrage over Death March is from people that see the occasional image on Twitter and not the people watching the show. The main issues with the show are average animation quality and that it skips over a lot of information in the light novels that provides context for what is happening.
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