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Joined: 03 Mar 2004
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:28 pm
no love for Dragon Ball it seems, just DBZ
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Joined: 02 Jul 2002
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:29 pm
That was exceptionally informative.
I'm not a DBZ fan, but maybe I will pick it up...
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:30 pm
...So we're getting more horizontal footage that was never intended to be seen at the expense of vertical footage that was intended to be seen? That sounds a little odd.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2002
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:31 pm
UltimaShadowfax wrote: | no love for Dragon Ball it seems, just DBZ |
Well. Hopefully, somewhere down the road when they have the option of releasing Dragon Ball uncut (the first 13 episodes still remain edited on dvd thus far because Kidmark renewed their license for it, I believe) They will do they same for it. I love the original Dragon Ball.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:54 pm
I'm not a big fan of DBZ, but that restoration is amazing! I can only hope and pray that somehow the same would be done to all Sailor Moon seasons and have them released in uncut box sets here in the US. Perhaps if a petition was started...
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:10 pm
Emerje wrote: | ...So we're getting more horizontal footage that was never intended to be seen at the expense of vertical footage that was intended to be seen? That sounds a little odd.
Emerje |
Goldang it, you're right! In the shot of the Saiyan capsule being retrieved, the worker's boots are cut off at the bottom and the lights' auras are cut off at the top. Other shots show the same cutting-off, but that one's more clear.
I don't get it. I don't want widescreen, I want all the screen. Whatever the aspect ratio originally was. If it was 11:7, then I want to see it 11:7. The whole image. Other than that, I'm pretty enthused by this. The film quality on early DBZ ep.s left something to be desired.
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:56 pm
From what I can tell of most of that trailer, it is being incredibly deceptive in regards to what you're getting.
You see, quite a bit of the footage included is actually from the movies, which, while being shot and animated at 4:3 or what not, is generally cropped and also framed at 16:9 for theatrical exhibition and the like. This is common for a lot of Toei movies released in theatres, and also on DVD and on laserdisc (back in the day). So while the movies can be cropped, you won't lose anything THAT important (though it's still a preference choice and such).
The TV series, on the other hand, was animated at 4:3 and they're deliberatly not showing shots that would be affected because they know that this is a load of crap. They're also completely dancing around the subject that people KNOW you're losing from the top and bottom, even if you're gaining at the sides, despite the fact that the sides were never really meant to be part of the picture anyway.
Seriously, FUNi, this is annoying and everything else is fine with this release (so far) except for this. If you could give us a straight answer and what not, instead of this overscan 'reason' bullcrap, that would be fine.
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Raven Shinobi
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:19 pm
I've been hunting for the individual releases that my DBZ collection lacks once I saw the disappointing widescreen capture, thankfully my collection doesn't lack that much, so even if I'm not planning to get your remastered release Funimation, you're still getting alot of money out of my pockets
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:52 pm
The problem with the individual DBZ DVDs is that unless you want English-dub, edited only for a certian ammount of episodes, you'll never actually get around to collecting the entire thing.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:16 pm
Although it didn't show anything shocking or amazing, I do think they did a fairly nice job cleaning up the picture quality. The footage they showed in the trailer seemed to flow really nicely. A big improvement over some of their earlier releases.
A change like this, however, isn't really enough for me to empty my wallet on a show that I already own. Then again, I thought I heard that they were planning on using the original background music from the Japanese version. That might be interesting...
AnimeJ wrote: | (the first 13 episodes still remain edited on dvd thus far because Kidmark renewed their license for it, I believe) |
I don't think they own the license anymore. The first 13 episodes are currently airing on the FUNimation block on Colours TV. Although they remain edited, the voices have changed and the dialogue is slightly different than the old Kidmark/Saban dub.
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naruto fan 09812
Joined: 24 Jul 2006
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:32 pm
Wow,the same material and episodes only remaster{wow what a great deal not!] This sounds like alot like a quick cash in for Funi and of course they are going to get away with it because of all the diehard DBZ fans. Maybe,if it was on Comcast On Demand station for a couple of bucks maybe more people be interested in it. This is the same as Capcom putting three Resident Evil titles that you have already pay for and making you pay 39.95 for it.
Last edited by naruto fan 09812 on Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:39 pm
NimbusRain wrote: |
A change like this, however, isn't really enough for me to empty my wallet on a show that I already own. Then again, I thought I heard that they were planning on using the original background music from the Japanese version. That might be interesting... |
One of the up sides about this release is barring any man made or natural disasters relating to FUNimation, they'll actually be able to put the entire show out on DVD. The previous release, on top of that, had pretty poor Japanese audio and video quality, along with the fact there was some 40 odd episodes that did not get released uncut, thus making the entire release completely invalid since it wont finish ever.
And yes, they're doing an English dub with Japanese background music, in conjunction with the US music dub.
Quote: |
I don't think they own the license anymore. The first 13 episodes are currently airing on the FUNimation block on Colours TV. Although they remain edited, the voices have changed and the dialogue is slightly different than the old Kidmark/Saban dub. |
FUNimation have redubbed and can air newly redubbed versions of Dragonball eps 1-13 (and probably the first movie but they've yet to do that), but the big problem is that they still dont have DVD rights to them, Kidmark still have them. You can get the FUNimation uncut/bilingual version of eps 1-13 from Australia, though.
Quote: | Wow,the same material and episodes only remaster{wow what a great deal not!] This sounds like alot like a quick cash in for Funi and of course they are going to get away with because of all the diehard DBZ fans. Maybe,if it was Comcast On Demand station for a couple of bucks maybe more people be interested in it. This is the same as Capcom putting three Resident Evil titles that you have already pay for and making you pay 39.95 for it. |
I don't think you're really comprehending what this release is.
This release is basically, disregarding the widescreen issue, the way Dragonball Z should have been released in the states in the first place. For the first time in the TV series run you get a choice of watching it in English without the retarded wrestling music. For once you can buy a large chunk of episodes without having to buy tens of DVDs for ten times the price. And most importantly, you'll be able to buy the entire thing, which previously you weren't able to do. This isn't like Capcom, this is something that honestly should be appreciated, barring certian issues.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:51 pm
Quote: | Notice the extended imagery in the horizontal frame. |
How about, "Notice the reduced imagery in the vertical frame"? Funny I didn't hear anything about this in the trailer...
On the plus side, what I found interesting was the apparent fact that DBZ is in 24 frames per second. That's all. Just that part.
naruto fan 09812 wrote: | Wow,the same material and episodes only remaster{wow what a great deal not!] This sounds like alot like a quick cash in for Funi and of course they are going to get away with because of all the diehard DBZ fans. Maybe,if it was Comcast On Demand station for a couple of bucks maybe more people be interested in it. This is the same as Capcom putting three Resident Evil titles that you have already pay for and making you pay 39.95 for it. |
Is Capcom forcing you to buy these three Resident Evil games again? For people that haven't played one, two, or any of these games, this is a great deal. For collectors, they also now have another avenue to show their love for RE. What's the problem here?
By the way, there's no way I'd pay to see DBZ (or anything else) on "Comcast On Demand", unless it was only for renting purposes, which I wouldn't do with DBZ anyway. Besides, I'd rather own what I pay for.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:27 pm
Without taking any sides or making any statements that can be in any way be construed as an opinion...
The film they show the engineer loading into the telecine is 16mm (which every film school student knows is 1.37:1 aspect ratio -- almost identical to TV's 1.33:1). Most TV anime was shot in this format in the pre-digital days. It is not a widescreen format film unless either it was shot scope (I've never heard of anything, animated or otherwise, being produced in 16mm scope) or in Super 16mm (in which case the aspect ratio would be around 1.66:1 - I've only seen this used in live action movies and a few odd OAV's). I don't see a way the source material could be standard 16mm and have the result be in widescreen without losing something.
This'll all be resolved when the first screeners come out and somebody does a side-by-side with the old discs, I suppose.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:52 pm
Actually, there have already been numerous comparions with the original screens and even the cels themselves. The exact % cropped is up to debate, but it is cropped, we are losing more than we are gaining, and what we are gaining was never meant to be seen anyway. Nothing is really going to change that.
But apparently, if you make the colors all pretty and stick "remastered" and "widescreen", people will buy it anyway. Maybe we'll get to see the Tie-Dye version as it was REALLY meant to be seen on HD in a few years. "DBZ in Pretty Colors on HD as it was REALLY meant to be seen! We mean it this time, we swear!"
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