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This Week in Games - Switch Rumor Roundup

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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:29 pm Reply with quote
At stores, people lined up far beyond initial allotments, and the time consoles have been available online are measured not so much in “seconds” as much as “how fast is your ping?”

And Jim Sterling keeps saying there's no real reason to pre-order things anymore Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:59 pm Reply with quote
First, there's some new Final Fantasy VX footage out there! Some new let's player named Conan—I guess it's a barbarian thing—got ahold of an early copy and posted his impressions in a new video. He really, really didn't like it, and even went so far as to call the game an “aggressive waste of time.”

First of all Dustin, that should be XV not VX. XD

Second, I wouldn't exactly rely on some random let's player nobody as the source for anything requiring intelligent discussion. They're all the same posers on YouTube to me. How people can stand listening to some clown with an annoying voice carry on and on while they're playing a game is beyond me.

Switch Rumor Roundup: Can't say no to a new Mario title if it's anything like 64 or Galaxy.

Birthdays the Beginning: Hey if you can have dinosaurs and crocodilians, it's a game worth playing.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:00 pm Reply with quote
So when do you think we'll get that one asshole Youtube video of a guy who bought an NES Classic before everyone else just so he could smash it into pieces and post it online, as an asshole is want to do?
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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:31 pm Reply with quote
Second, I wouldn't exactly rely on some random let's player nobody as the source for anything requiring intelligent discussion. They're all the same posers on YouTube to me. How people can stand listening to some clown with an annoying voice carry on and on while they're playing a game is beyond me.

A perfect example of completely missing the joke. The "random let's player" here is Conan O'Brien, as in one of the biggest names in late-night talk shows. While belvadeer's basic argument may be fine to some extent, Conan's Clueless Gamer segment is appealing mainly because Conan isn't "posing" in any way... He's truly someone who has next to know familiarity with video games (at least, nothing beyond maybe Atari 2600 or the NES), and wants to show off brand-new games in a way that you'd normally never see online by NOT being your traditional let's player. The FF XV segment is one of the best episodes of this segment, in fact, because of Conan's (& Elijah Wood's) reaction to how the game expresses itself.

Another personal favorite is when he did Modern Warfare 3, and spent a seeming eternity trying to cross a busy street without getting run over. There was just this innocent kind of determination to do such an insane thing, which he felt he needed to do, and when he finally did it, only to realize that there was an overpass he could have used the entire time, it was just glorious.
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Joined: 25 Aug 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:35 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
First of all Dustin, that should be XV not VX. Anime hyper

Geez, I've made that typo about a thousand times this week, and I thought I finally got it out of my system. (Good catch.)
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
A perfect example of completely missing the joke. The "random let's player" here is Conan O'Brien, as in one of the biggest names in late-night talk shows. While belvadeer's basic argument may be fine to some extent, Conan's Clueless Gamer segment is appealing mainly because Conan isn't "posing" in any way...

I wasn't talking about Conan specifically when I posted that. Because Dustin brought up the subject of let's players, I just wanted to rant about why anyone would even watch dorks like that or rely on them to get any coherent argument about a game. And I know who Conan O'Brien is.

dkbailey64 wrote:
Geez, I've made that typo about a thousand times this week, and I thought I finally got it out of my system. (Good catch.)

No problem. Count on me for your article proofreading needs (if you want). ;D

Last edited by belvadeer on Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:58 pm Reply with quote
Why anyone would listen to random lets player? Well remember when FF13 came out and all the reviewer gave it near perfect score? Yeah, that's why I'm gonna watch lets play of FF15 before I buy. At least I can see with my own eyes what I'm buying.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:36 pm Reply with quote
meiam wrote:
Why anyone would listen to random lets player? Well remember when FF13 came out and all the reviewer gave it near perfect score? Yeah, that's why I'm gonna watch lets play of FF15 before I buy. At least I can see with my own eyes what I'm buying.

FF13 didn't get anywhere near that much praise. Bioshock Infinite on the other hand did,and has had one of the fastest turn-arounds with it's reception. Nice to hear Killing Floor 2 is getting out of early access.I put more hours into the first than any of the L4D games;It's up their with some of the best gunplay in a game.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Themaster20000 wrote:
FF13 didn't get anywhere near that much praise. Bioshock Infinite on the other hand did,and has had one of the fastest turn-arounds with it's reception. Nice to hear Killing Floor 2 is getting out of early access.I put more hours into the first than any of the L4D games;It's up their with some of the best gunplay in a game.


The average by meta critic is 83-84%, nowhere near what it deserves.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
Another personal favorite is when he did Modern Warfare 3, and spent a seeming eternity trying to cross a busy street without getting run over.

......This is news to me due to the fact I don't recall any such level in Modern Warfare 3.

meiam wrote:
The average by meta critic is 83-84%, nowhere near what it deserves.

Curse those reviewers giving high scores to a game that doesn't deserve it.
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