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REVIEW: My Hero Academia GN 5

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Joined: 02 Sep 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:21 am Reply with quote
I know it may be off topic here. but can we comment which are some of the best tournament arcs in shonen series, and which are their substance, themes, what they do for develop characters or story and so on? Or at least make a "The List" segment about it? PLEASE
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Monster Hunter

Joined: 29 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:40 am Reply with quote
One of my favorite moments in the volume and in the manga as a whole is when Midoriya runs into Endeavor, Todoroki's father and the #2 hero in the world, in the hallway before his match against Todoroki. Endeavor goes on how his son will beat All Might and how Midoriya's match will be good practice for him. So he tells Midoriya to at least try to give Todoroki a good match. Midoriya then tells him "I'm not All Might and Todoroki isn't you!" Just a simple line of dialogue but it has so much weight and meaning behind it.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:47 am Reply with quote
Towards the end of this arc is when I finally started to lose my patience for Bakugo and his shtick of being perpetually unnecessarily angry all the time. It's fun for a bit but it quickly (IMO) gets so granting that his characters stops coming across as likable hated and slides into, annoyingly hated. It's not like other hate-able characters where they usually have n interesting side thing or have moments of likability, Bakugo is just always angry and never has any likeable moments to the point I want to spend time with literally anyone else cause at least they have growth or more dimensions than "I'M ANGRY JUST BECUASE!"

It's like how Sasuke being angsty was fun for a bit but then got tired and annoying just as fast, that's the path Bakugo is on. The always angry thing was fun for the first 20 chapters but now I need you to show me something more than that. (And yes I'm up to date with the most recent chapters but I feel some of this is still valid criticize of the character.)
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Joined: 03 Sep 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:51 am Reply with quote
Snakebit1995 wrote:
Towards the end of this arc is when I finally started to lose my patience for Bakugo and his shtick of being perpetually unnecessarily angry all the time. It's fun for a bit but it quickly (IMO) gets so granting that his characters stops coming across as likable hated and slides into, annoyingly hated. It's not like other hate-able characters where they usually have n interesting side thing or have moments of likability, Bakugo is just always angry and never has any likeable moments to the point I want to spend time with literally anyone else cause at least they have growth or more dimensions than "I'M ANGRY JUST BECUASE!"

It's like how Sasuke being angsty was fun for a bit but then got tired and annoying just as fast, that's the path Bakugo is on. The always angry thing was fun for the first 20 chapters but now I need you to show me something more than that. (And yes I'm up to date with the most recent chapters but I feel some of this is still valid criticize of the character.)

Bakugou literally has more depth than most shounen's characters. And up to the current chapter (chapter 103), he's one of that characters having most growth in the series. Not to mention his fighting style, involving the use of some boxing techniques like one fo Deku, has more depth and diversity than just spamming nuke. And in Sport Festival arc, his angry attitude was for comic relief, except one in the finale of the tournament, where the anger made sense and Todoroki DID acknowledge and apologize him. In fact, many of his quotes in this arc are still very popular in the fandom nowadays, so if you don't find it's likeable or funny, it's just your opinion. It's like how people hate Mineta only because they dont find him funny, even though the jokes are created by the author after all.

Besides, I believe most of his fans don't like to change his angry trait to some Mary Sue kind of character. There are several characters that still keeps their traits even in the end of the series, although some of these traits can hamper the plot, like how some main characters get tricked all the times and cause troubles. Bakugou's angry personality, however, doesnt cause any troubles and he's actually very calm in major situation, such as how he didn't shiver in front of All For One unlike all of his classmates and managed to defend himself against the whole Villain Alliance
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Joined: 17 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:28 pm Reply with quote
I have no idea people keep comparing Bakugo to Sasuke, when he's CLEARLY more like Vegeta.

Bakugo's not an emo, "woe-is-me" brooder, he's an arrogant, loud jerk with a bad temper! That's Vegeta to a T!

But yeah, he's a LOT more unlikable than Vegeta, and I don't really see him as "hero" material at ALL.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Is there a place to request reviews at all?

DanMachi volume 6 recently came out, and I'd to see someone else's take on it.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:31 pm Reply with quote
This tournament was what fully sold me on the fact that MHA is one of my, if not my all-time, favourite shonen series. There was heart here that doesn't always come across in other series, and especially in recent years just hasn't really been present.

It also pushes what I really like about a lot of the characters, particularly Midoriya, to the forefront.

That said, it's the stuff that comes right after this that I really adore. It takes some of the themes introduced here, and pushes them further; exploring this world of heroes and heroism even more.

FireballDragon wrote:

But yeah, he's a LOT more unlikable than Vegeta, and I don't really see him as "hero" material at ALL.

I think that's one of the great things about how Bakugo is being handled so far though. He's angry, unlikable and quick to get violent, yet he spoiler[turns down joining the villains when offered since he's absolutely determined to be a hero], which makes him a much better character than some people give him credit for. He's not hero material, due to his attitude, but he strives to be one. It's an awesome contradiction that has worked to make him interesting when the story decides to push him back to the forefront.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:30 pm Reply with quote
Snakebit1995 wrote:
Towards the end of this arc is when I finally started to lose my patience for Bakugo and his shtick of being perpetually unnecessarily angry all the time. It's fun for a bit but it quickly (IMO) gets so granting that his characters stops coming across as likable hated and slides into, annoyingly hated. It's not like other hate-able characters where they usually have n interesting side thing or have moments of likability, Bakugo is just always angry and never has any likeable moments to the point I want to spend time with literally anyone else cause at least they have growth or more dimensions than "I'M ANGRY JUST BECUASE!"

It's like how Sasuke being angsty was fun for a bit but then got tired and annoying just as fast, that's the path Bakugo is on. The always angry thing was fun for the first 20 chapters but now I need you to show me something more than that. (And yes I'm up to date with the most recent chapters but I feel some of this is still valid criticize of the character.)

By the end of this volume, Bakugo's schtick is so over the top, that I just find him hilarious. I don't think the reader is supposed to take him seriously anyways, I mean, he's literally the type of person who while brushing his teeth screams at germs to piss off. The other characters don't take him seriously either, saying while he's right there that he has too crappy a personality to be a popular hero. And he's never supposed to have been a LIKABLE character, not even in the liking a good villain sense imo. He's introduced by bullying the crap out of Midoriya, and that's pretty much all he does. Maybe he'll get some sort of redemption arc later.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:29 pm Reply with quote
FireballDragon wrote:
But yeah, he's a LOT more unlikable than Vegeta, and I don't really see him as "hero" material at ALL.

Besides Piccolo, Vegeta was a favourite of mine among DBZ characters. In terms of how unlikeable they are, wouldn't Vegeta easily outdo Bakugo simply because he's a genocidal monster who hates his children, is incapable of expressing gratitude and does more damage than a majority of the villains? He was exceedingly watchable, much like Bakugo is here, but Vegeta was much farther from redemption than it seems Bakugo will ever be. But I agree with the comparisons in terms of their loud, boisterous nature.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:52 am Reply with quote
Snakebit1995 wrote:
Towards the end of this arc is when I finally started to lose my patience for Bakugo and his shtick of being perpetually unnecessarily angry all the time. It's fun for a bit but it quickly (IMO) gets so granting that his characters stops coming across as likable hated and slides into, annoyingly hated. It's not like other hate-able characters where they usually have n interesting side thing or have moments of likability, Bakugo is just always angry and never has any likeable moments to the point I want to spend time with literally anyone else cause at least they have growth or more dimensions than "I'M ANGRY JUST BECUASE!"

I think that Bakugo lacks other traits is intentional. That is, my interpretation is that you are supposed to feel both frustrated at Bakugo (that he refuses to see things any other way than "I hate you all!") and pity him (because he willingly closes off most of the world by doing so, and this attitude is bad if you're a humanitarian, or want to be one).

I also think Horikoshi is setting Bakugo up for something really big, considering any time Midoriya's narration says something along the lines of, "Little did we know that..." or something of the sort, Bakugo is involved with whatever immediate event it is.

FireballDragon wrote:
But yeah, he's a LOT more unlikable than Vegeta, and I don't really see him as "hero" material at ALL.

That's something I find is really interesting about My Hero Academia: You have characters like Bakugo and Endeavor, who are superheroes but in a pretty non-superheroic way. The two of them come across something like the anti-heroes popular from the late 80's through the entire 90's: Pretty despicable as human beings, but, for one reason or another, what they want to do happens to line up with the greater good, and they know it. Perhaps not coincidentally, both Bakugo and Endeavor also seem to be in the gig with the goal of fame and glory.

Endeavor is one of my favorite characters to think about (far from my favorite character--that'd be Tsuyu), because he is quite a contradiction himself. He has absolutely no sympathy for his family, treating it like an amateur eugenics program, and yet he does so because he wants to do more good for the world than anyone else. He happens to be a superhero for all the ethically wrong reasons. But while he is quite villainous to his family, when called into action, he will fight the bad guys and save innocent bystanders like anyone else. I guess, in a way, he has a very competitive and perfectionist drive in him that compels him to do morally questionable things if it means gettig ahead of this peers.

Responder wrote:
Besides Piccolo, Vegeta was a favourite of mine among DBZ characters. In terms of how unlikeable they are, wouldn't Vegeta easily outdo Bakugo simply because he's a genocidal monster who hates his children, is incapable of expressing gratitude and does more damage than a majority of the villains? He was exceedingly watchable, much like Bakugo is here, but Vegeta was much farther from redemption than it seems Bakugo will ever be. But I agree with the comparisons in terms of their loud, boisterous nature.

Well, after the Frieza saga was done, there was Kakkarot there to keep Vegeta in line. Not sure how redeemable he became, but he did at least reach an anti-hero status.

Bakugo was designed to be the rival type character, a foil or antithesis to Midoriya. Midoriya has a highly cooperative but docile nature, and genuinely wants to save everyone in every sense, and through that, he gains the trust and respect of his classmates even though he is below average at best in combat. Bakugo, on the other hand, is fiercely independent and loud, acts to gain recognition, but through his selfish nature gets the cold treatment from most of his classmates despite him being one of the best combatants AND getting near top marks on his grades. No doubt we're going to see redemption from him, considering the ideology of My Hero Academia more or less lines up with Mdoriya's.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:21 am Reply with quote
While I'm glad people are discussing my mention of Bakugo's dubious status as a hero, my main point was that people shouldn't really compare him to Sasuke so much, considering he's far more like Vegeta.

FireballDragon wrote:
I have no idea people keep comparing Bakugo to Sasuke, when he's CLEARLY more like Vegeta.

Bakugo's not an emo, "woe-is-me" brooder, he's an arrogant, loud jerk with a bad temper! That's Vegeta to a T!

I keep seeing/reading people comparing Bakugo to Sasuke all the time, and it boggles my mind so much. How the HELL is Bakugo like that whiny little forever-forlorn brooder?

He's a boisterous, loud, arrogant, EXTREMELY ill-tempered jerk. That's not Sasuke, that's VEGETA.

I don't know why people can't make that connection. Clearly Shonen Jump fans haven't forgotten about DBZ, and trying to lump Bakugo with emos is like saying Eren is emo, which people do, and like with Bakugo, that's SO NOT TRUE, because also like Bakugo, Eren is perpetually pissed with an EXTREME violent streak.

Are we really gonna keep lumping people who are constantly in a sour mood with emos like Sasuke? Because the difference between characters like Sasuke and Vegeta is ultimately how they ACT upon their sourness.
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