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Update Suggestions to The Rules

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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:22 pm Reply with quote
I've edited this post to make it more constructive (the original post appeared in an anime discussion thread). Thank you to whichever mod created this thread here.

{Am inserting a copy of "Teh Rules" in order to more easily facilitate discussion. ~nbahn}

Teh Rules are a work in progress. Discussion, disagreement, criticism, comments and suggestions are all permitted.

As for "Teh", it's a joke regarding a spelling mistake that I frequently make. I'm not the first person to post "Teh Rules", I claim no originality in naming them as such, it has been done before.

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Concluding Statements:
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Last edited by Blood- on Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:20 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
The posting of several images in a single post is not considered uncivil - it's frowned upon for bandwidth and eyesore reasons, if I had to guess. It's one of those "unofficial" rules that doesn't seem to be codified anywhere (not in Teh Rules, at least, unless I missed it). I really wish ANN would update the rules so that they are all in one place and written down. I've made that point recently a few times but sadly no one seems to give a shit so we are stuck with these "ad hoc" situations.

I'm a bit busy right now, but if you would please open a thread in the Feedback forum, then I'd make a point of bringing up the issue with Chris Macdonald.

EDIT: Just to be clear -- I will not touch "Teh Rules" unless I am given explicit permission.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:30 am Reply with quote
This topic was not appropriate for the Kill la Kill thread and apparently has been an issue to some for a while.

I've never felt it was the moderators' place to modify Teh Rules without Chris Macdonalds' permission. Until he feels it is necessary to do so or gives us permission to do so, the mods are not touching it (or at least I'm not).

However, we can open a discussion thread on how it can be improved and if there are any other rules that people feel need to be added. The ideas can then be discussed privately by the mods and admins behind the scenes.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:48 am Reply with quote
I'm very happy to see this thread. I think it is important for users to have all the various rules outlined in one place and I believe it will make the moderators' jobs easier as well.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few examples for updating:

1) I personally don't agree with the "use spoiler tags" to hide important plot points of currently airing shows. I think it should be up to readers to either be up to date on episodes or go in knowing you will probably read things that - to you - are spoilers (they won't be to those who have seen the episode in question). However, if this is going to be an enforced policy, it should be noted in Teh Rules.

2) Where I think spoiler tags MUST be used is when posters refer to source material events that HAVE NOT APPEARED in the adaptation yet. I.e.: "I can't wait for next episode because if it follows the manga, the entire cast gets killed!" I also think that major plot reveals for old shows should be spoiler tagged, especially when they appear in threads that are not dedicated to discussion of that show. I.e. a thread discussing "Magical Girl Big Tah-tahs" and some poster wanders in, "wow, that scene in the last episode totally reminds of the time Light and L got it on at the hot springs!" Not everyone has seen every classic title out there. Don't spoil stuff for peeps. Anyhoo, I'd love to see this codified in Teh Rules.

3) We need guidance on posting images. Apparently, posting too many in a single post is a no-no.

4) Rule 6 about excessively quoting should have a link to the relevant Talkback thread that deals with the subject.

If I think of any more, I'll post them later.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:31 pm Reply with quote
I do not know if we necessarily need an update to Teh Rules.

For what we have been discussing, debating, and disagreeing about recently I think that clarifying the guidelines and policies posted here in this forum would probably be sufficient.

Right now I think that we have threads for quoting, listing, necroposting, and speculating.

I suggest that spoilers be added.

One good start, in my opinion, would be to have "Guidelines" or "Policy" in the title of each thread.

In general I think that it is not necessary to have exact detailed rules as part of the policy.
I believe that moderators should be allowed to use their own judgement to determine what is excessive.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Touma, your post makes zero sense. It makes ZERO SENSE. There is a section that all new users are invited to read called Teh Rules. So what you're saying is that new users should read that... and then somehow discover any related threads in this totally different forum? How is that even remotely sensible? Do you realize that there are "rules" that mods enforce THAT AREN'T WRITTEN DOWN ANY WHERE??? That doesn't suggest that, oh, I dunno, maybe those rules should be added to Teh Rules? Really? Honestly?

Jesus friggin' Christ. I think I honestly gotta stop coming to ANN because the sheer level of stupidity I encounter on the part of some posters is, I swear, shortening my life.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:06 pm Reply with quote
Now, now Blood- -- just take a deep breath (in with the good, out with the bad).....

On to a different subject:
The last time I discussed this with Chris Macdonald he made it extremely clear that he was not going to expand "Teh Rules" because it was big/long enough as it is right now. Therefore, I submit that that if we do submit any more rules, then it should be in the format of the last two rules that are both one sentence long and contain a link to a thread with a discussion.
Tempest wrote:
Necroposting is discussed here.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:16 pm Reply with quote
nbahn wrote:
The last time I discussed this with Chris Macdonald he made it extremely clear that he was not going to expand "Teh Rules" because it was big/long enough as it is right now.

I believe that you mentioned that in the discussion that led to the creation of this thread.
That is why I said that it would probably be possible to accomplish what is needed without having him change Teh Rules.

Therefore, I submit that that if we do submit any more rules, then it should be in the format of the last two rules that are both one sentence long and contain a link to a thread with a discussion.

That seems like a reasonable course.
Get things in order here and link to the appropriate threads.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:20 pm Reply with quote
*completes Zen calming exercise*

Sure, I get wanting to keep Teh Rules as lean and mean as possible. I'm fine with a relatively brief mention there and a link that then goes to the relevant thread here where there is more room to expound upon the topic and give specific examples to help guide people.

eta: oh, I forgot to mention this: in Teh Rules forum there is a thread called "Location" Must Be Your Location which stipulates your location field must be where you actually are. Obviously this rule is not being enforced, so it might as well be deleted.

Plus the rule against making lists without providing reasons should be added to Teh Rules thread (it currently exists as its own thread in that forum).

In fact any rule that exists as a separate thread should have the rule transferred to Teh Rules thread and then that separate thread should be deleted.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:45 pm Reply with quote
OK, so I've inserted a copy of "Teh Rules" so that Blood- and I can easily play around with edits. Any edits I make will be in red.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:54 pm Reply with quote
I think I have already mentioned all the updates I have noticed, but if anything else occurs to me, I'll add it in as you suggest, nbahn. Would you like me to use a different color than red to distinguish my edits from yours?

eta: I'll go back and make my edits with respect to my points above when I have a bit more time and energy.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:04 pm Reply with quote
Just make your edits in red. If you modify an existing sentence, then please make sure to use strikeout tags on the entire sentence. The goal is to make it easy for Chris Macdonald to skim and scan the proposed edits.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:32 pm Reply with quote
If you can make the rules shorter, I'm all for it.

If they get longer... I'm unlikely to approve any changes.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:36 pm Reply with quote
Do we really need a specific rule regarding signatures? They are disabled and I can't remember the last time I have ever seen someone warned about it. If the goal is to not make the rules longer but we need to add some new ones then we need to subtract some or condense. If admin want the signature rule kept maybe merge it with #5.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:55 pm Reply with quote
People do make their own signatures even though doing so is not allowed, for example mgosdin, Emerje, and Tempest . . . oh. Uh . . . that might explain why the mods throughout the years have typically been rather lax on signature enforcement.
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