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ANNCast - The Cosmic Odyssey of the Supernerds

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Joined: 01 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:37 pm Reply with quote
Saw Jupiter Ascending with my son and three of his 11-12 year old friends, and they loved it...as I did. Not a perfect movie by any means, but it was great. There were a lot of nods to anime, but I also thought it was just as much influenced by Flash Gordon and other pulp sci-fi. The only issue I saw with it was that it didn't fully embrace its pulpiness; there was no winking. It really needed a Queen soundtrack. Wink
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Joined: 18 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:44 pm Reply with quote
'A good time to be an anime fan,' said Zac. Really? In many respects maybe. But when Funimation vacuums up vast swathes of product for streaming - and then cynically denies it to the whole world outside North America.... So how do I watch this stuff legally?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:16 pm Reply with quote
The Seven Deadly sins episode 16 has been downloaded 45.000 times English subtitled and 42.000 times raw. People are NOT too lazy do download, I don't know where you're getting that. Also, the show is really good. I mean REALLY good. One of the best battle shounens in a long time. I even love the bad guys.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:38 pm Reply with quote
Supernerds time! Now I have something for my commute going home!

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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:46 pm Reply with quote
Really don't understand why they don't sell more End of Eva merch, you obviously have Shinji Lubricant with Shinji wearing nothing but a towel on it. Giant Naked Rei statues alone will sell hundreds of thousands for 150 bucks each, and imagine how amazing EoE The Flamethrower would be so you can re-enact the first half of EoE.

As for Sakuga, I have said a ton of awful things about recent mecha shows, and its not because the giant robot battles look like crap, there fine, its because usually I hate the character piloting those giant robots. No amount of excellent animation can make up for the fact that I think Celestial Being is made up entirely of stupid, hypocritical not-so-nice-people. Good animation is the frosting, and I am not going to just eat a bunch of frosting and call it a meal.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:51 pm Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
The Seven Deadly sins episode 16 has been downloaded 45.000 times English subtitled and 42.000 times raw. People are NOT too lazy do download, I don't know where you're getting that.

Not even counting people using convenient DDLs or XDCC. Maybe casuals are too lazy, but not every fan is a casual, and then there's all of the anime out there that no amount of legal streaming can bring you.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:00 pm Reply with quote
Having seen the 5 episodes of Yatterman of the Night, I want to ask the opinion of someone else who has seen them. I might be wrong, but so far, the bad guys do some very horrible things, but they don't seem outright evil, they seem legally insane. I don't mean crazy evil, I mean bat-shit crazy for cocoa puffs.

Edit: That's it! Now I get why it seemed so familiar. This is Joker level evil. 100% evil with 100% insanity.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:16 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
DmonHiro wrote:
The Seven Deadly sins episode 16 has been downloaded 45.000 times English subtitled and 42.000 times raw. People are NOT too lazy do download, I don't know where you're getting that.

Not even counting people using convenient DDLs or XDCC. Maybe casuals are too lazy, but not every fan is a casual, and then there's all of the anime out there that no amount of legal streaming can bring you.

The automatic assumption that hardcore fan = unrepentant pirate kinda sucks. Plenty of people I know, including myself, who know full well about those methods of getting unlicensed material simply choose not to, now that there's already too much to watch via legal channels.

"Oh well CASUALS might not but REAL FANS" yeah, alright man, not everyone who doesn't identify as a casual fan is still using the old illegal channels to get stuff. Plenty of people just wait.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:20 pm Reply with quote
While the words chosen were... poor, to say the least, walw6pK4Alo might have been replying to the part of the podacast where one of you said that it was may too much trouble for fans to download something that is not legally available, which is just not true.

Since I know you're reading this, Zac, I want to tell you something about Yuri Kuma. I know you're planning to wait until it's over to watch it, but I recommend against it. I really don't think this show was meant to be seen in one go, even if you do have a "strategy guide". So goddamn much stuff happens in each episode I think you really do need a week to process it. I joked with my friends that we'd have to take notes after each episode, but that turned out impossible because after the episode ended, I had nothing I could put down on paper. And the problem is that you're supposed to have figured out what the heck an episode was saying before you watch the next one, or you're going to be completely lost. Well... more lost then usual.
If you have the time, I think you'd enjoy Yuri Kuma much more if you take it one episode at a time.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:23 pm Reply with quote
As usual, a packed Supernerds podcast. Thanks guys for being such nerds. I also want to comment that I have been using Funimation's PS3 app, and my experience has been very smooth.

Zac wrote:
Plenty of people I know, including myself, who know full well about those methods of getting unlicensed material simply choose not to, now that there's already too much to watch via legal channels.

I feel the same way. I rather wait for the legal streams than pirate.

Last edited by Angel M Cazares on Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:23 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
The automatic assumption that hardcore fan = unrepentant pirate kinda sucks. Plenty of people I know, including myself, who know full well about those methods of getting unlicensed material simply choose not to, now that there's already too much to watch via legal channels.

"Oh well CASUALS might not but REAL FANS" yeah, alright man, not everyone who doesn't identify as a casual fan is still using the old illegal channels to get stuff. Plenty of people just wait.

Its also weird to try to make watching shonen anime look like your watching some obscure show that only really hardcore super nerds watch.

"Yeah I only enjoy anime most people have never heard of like Fairy Tail, Naruto, and One Piece"

[Edit]: please don't over-quote. Thanks. Errinundra.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:26 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Its also weird to try to make watching shonen anime look like your watching some obscure show that only really hardcore super nerds watch.

I think you should re-read the discussion. I was answering to the claim that nobody is watching Seven Sins because people don't want to have to bother to download something that is not available legally, and that's just not true.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:45 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Zac wrote:
Plenty of people I know, including myself, who know full well about those methods of getting unlicensed material simply choose not to, now that there's already too much to watch via legal channels.

I feel the same way. I rather wait for the legal streams than pirate.

What's with the assumption that pirating is mutually exclusive with paying for stuff?
I don't get the notion that one must choose between downloading something or wait for legal channels in your region, sometimes very long or never.
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John Thacker

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:11 pm Reply with quote
albanian wrote:
'A good time to be an anime fan,' said Zac. Really? In many respects maybe. But when Funimation vacuums up vast swathes of product for streaming - and then cynically denies it to the whole world outside North America.... So how do I watch this stuff legally?

Well, I don't really think that Funimation actually gets exclusive licenses that prevent other companies from getting non-US streaming rights. There have been a number of shows that Funimation has licensed for North American streaming and other companies, including Crunchyroll, have licensed for outside of North America. Perhaps Funimation should try to be a more worldwide company, but perhaps other non-North American licensors should just step it up.

Your point that Zac's statement was perhaps a little too North American centric is reasonable, though.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Its also weird to try to make watching shonen anime look like your watching some obscure show that only really hardcore super nerds watch.

"Yeah I only enjoy anime most people have never heard of like Fairy Tail, Naruto, and One Piece"

I'm not watching Seven Deadly Sins, but yeah sure, I'll go all in on that statement with Amagi and Hyouka.
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