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correction and/or merge - Ryukou Masuo and Takayuki Masuo possibly the same person?

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Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:13 pm Reply with quote
I was adding some credits for Takayuki Masuo (person#18063), who did numerous illustrations for anime-related items in the 80s and 90s (so far I've only added ones I have firm sources for), when I realized that one of his credits, the 2002 one for a Hamtaro movie, actually belongs to the person listed in the encyclopedia as Ryukou Masuo (person#18069). Since Ryukou Masuo is the president of the CG VFX company Ludens, he's definitely the one who should be credited with "CG Production Assistance (Ludens)"

I have some cause to believe that they may be the same person. I was at first not inclined to think so, since one is a traditional illustrator and the other is a 3DCG director. However, their names are written the same in kanji, and I can't find a source indicating that the CG director's name is in fact read as "Ryukou" rather than Takayuki. Also, both have worked on Gundam properties. There are other credits listed on various English-language sites for a "Ryukow" Masuo who has worked on video games, but it's unclear to me if that is the same person as the head of Ludens.

At the very least, the Hamtaro credit should be moved from Takayuki Masuo to Ryukou Masuo. I'm hoping that perhaps someone with better Japanese skills than myself, or specific knowledge related to one or both of these people, can clear things up regarding whether they are the same person.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:38 pm Reply with quote
For the record, being a CEO isn't a skill or ability. That would normally go under Chronology if a date is available.

The source that has been provided for Southern Cross actually spells his name out in katakana as Takayuki Masuo, although it is a wiki.
All the same, I doubt he took a 20 year break and came back as a CG animator.

Hamtaro, Gin-iro and Gundam Evolve all have clear links to Ludens so I agree that is the same person for everything from the noughties.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:18 pm Reply with quote
It wouldn't be a 20-year break from the industry, as Ludens was founded in 1990. I haven't gone over the list of works from Ludens' website, but he would presumably have some production staff credits from the 90s.

Thanks for the tip about chronology vs abilities, but in this case I can't find dates for either his presidency/CEO position in the company, or his membership on the VFX Japan board. How would one list those items without a date, particularly the leadership of the company? It's certainly important to understanding a staff member's position, when they're the head of a company being contracted as opposed to an individual staff member.

I did notice that the source about the Southern Cross illustration spelled his name that way, and so far that's the only source I've found that indicated a reading for either person's name (aside from the English-language listings about video games, which I'm unable to confirm).
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