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If you could make an anime, what would it be?

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Joined: 22 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:20 pm Reply with quote
Hey guys,
I would be very interested to hear some fan's ideas for an anime. So hypotheticly speaking, if you could make an anime, what kind of ideas do you have. For example, what would it's story be, what would the plot be, and what would the characters in it be like. Hell, if there are any really good ideas out there, perhaps some of us can collaborate and make one. Or maybe not. But anyways, I'm sure this will make an exelent topic for people to add to.

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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:40 pm Reply with quote
If I were to make an anime, it would not be anime. I am not a trained japanese animator. Neither would any of us do that. Neither can any of us really create more than a flashish show. That said, I would to create a show with a gunfighter traveling thru the Orient at the end of the old west. Particularly Taiwan in 1895 and have a story about a one man resistance against the Japanese invaders. Also, a movie about Perry opening Japan would be cool.
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Chief Encyclopedist

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:19 pm Reply with quote
There are actually two anime that I sometimes dream about making.

One would be a time/dimension-travel story on the theme of fate. Like El-Hazard, you would only learn about causes *after* the consequences. And like Boogiepop Phantom, you would be given the pieces of the puzzle in chronological disorder. But in this case the chronological disorder would be because of time-travel, not the storytelling style.

The other would be a war drama set on a steam-tech ocean world with insanely huge warships lobbing shells at each other from miles away. The theme would be loyalty, with the main character slowly realizing the enemy are actually the good guys.

Ah, it can be nice to dream sometimes...
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Joined: 20 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:40 am Reply with quote
This topic gives me deja-vu, NEway, what would I make? I have alot of ideas which all probably suck, but the one that I like the best is a story about time travel. The main character goes back in time about a billion years or so, and he meets the people who live at that time. Everyone he meets is doomed to near destruction by a society that has gone out of control, there is nothing he can do to help anyone. He tries to stop the enevitable destruction of this civilization, but utterly fails. All he can do is observe and take the knowledge of this ancient civilization back to his own time. It would be a story of perserverance.

Now if Shinichiro Watanabe would just start knocking down my door.......
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Joined: 28 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:46 am Reply with quote
I would make smethign for the American market, and sell it here before Japan. They already have enough anime world premeires, let someone else have them for a change. Also, I probably convert all webcomics to anime.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:51 am Reply with quote
I'd make a pre-quel to Space Cruiser Yamato of the last mission of the world war II battleship based on the book " A Glorious Way to Die."

And another one on the battle of Iwo Jima from both sides of the battle.

But my real dream....to take Osamu Tezuka's life into a 10 episode series.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:53 am Reply with quote
An Army of Darkness 13 episode series
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Joined: 17 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 6:45 am Reply with quote

1) A anime series based on the books by Steven Brust about Vlad Taltos. The fiorst book is called Jhereg.

2) The second is a anime based on the first trilogy of "The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant"

3) A anime series based on Ringworld by Larry Ninven

4) A GOOD anime series based on Battletech, not that horrible abomination released back in the 80's.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 9:20 am Reply with quote
As of right now, I have very rudimentary descriptions of sixteen ideas actually on paper. I can't speak for their quality as they are not fully developed enough for any real assesment, but there are a few favorites I might as well share.

Paradoxical Utopia (that's a lousy working title)
13-episode TV series
This series will be set in a future utopia. Not a false utopia like those in so many science fiction stories or a complete true utopia as envisioned in More's book, rather a sort of compromise utopia. One where the ideals of utopian socialism compromised with capitalism and the imperfections are minor. It is a world as close to perfect as humanity can ever realistically come. Crime is almost unknown, and what little there is known only to a select team of operatives that control it and keep it from affecting the public in any great way. A further wrinkle lies in the creation of the utopia. It relies on the idea that every time someone time-travels a new timeline is created. It is speculated by scientists that this utopia was created by time-traveling social engineers who generated, eventually, a timeline in which time-travel is impossible. But since it is impossible, it can never be known for sure. As to the story, it is the tale of one of the aforementioned operatives and a man who tries to tear down the utopia. Essentially it is intended as another look at the idea of whether a utopia (albeit not a true utopia in the traditional sense) has the right to exist if based partially on things its populace is not aware of. (I actually have very basic story outlines for all 13 episodes of this idea)

Libera Populae (the title is supposed to be Latin for Free People, I never got around to making sure it was correct)
6-episode OAV series
This will be the story of a radical youth revolution group called Brutus and their attempt to overthrow the political system by radical means. The opening scene will be the assassination of the President; his entire cabinet save for the Attorney General, and a sizable portion of congress during the state of the union address. The story will focus on the struggle of Attorney General as he ascends to the presidency as he tries to handle the job and deal with a very tense international situation. The continued assassination of the politicians by Brutus and their flooding of the airwaves with young, radical pundits will provide a backdrop for a carefully controlled philosophical ruminations about politics. (I also have episode outlines for this one)

The Birth of Power (a working title)
13-episode TV series
Set on the world of Gaelardan this series is about a young scribe tasked with the decipherment of an ancient document written in a language thought to have never had a writing system. By accident the scribe will discover a means of manipulating language to produce magic. As he develops his powers and theory of magic he begins to train others and spread magic through the world. I have no actual plot for this, but as a language geek, the idea attracts me. (a lot about the setting is developed, but I still don't have a plot)

The MAAC Project (another lousy working title)
13-episode TV series
This series will give an account of the testing of experimental combat vehicles known as MAACs (Mobile Anthropoid Armored Combatants). It is essentially a mecha show, but unlike other mecha shows it will more or less show these things as unworkable and ineffective. The testing will be riddled with failures and accidental deaths and driven on only be conspiracies and foolishness. In the end a plot demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the MAACs, orchestrated by one of the engineers, during their first public showing will go awry because of a terrorist attack on the capitol. The result will be that the MAACs capture the public's imagination and offer a potential new arms market that could stimulate an ailing economy, and thus they will enter production. There may be some logical gaps that further development would take care of, but I like the basic idea as a non-salutary look at the idea of Mecha. (I have modestly detailed story outlines for this one draw up somewhere)

I'd also like animated adaptations of Herman Hesse's Siddhartha, Demian, Journey to the East, and Steppenwolf as well as Franz Kafka's The Trial, The Castle, and some of Kafka's short stories.

I have many other ideas, many I'm not confident of the merit of (not that I'm fully confident in those listed) or that wouldn't be that interesting with merely a description. I'm sure these are enough to intrigue or amuse a few readers for a while.

Last edited by Delthayre on Sat Jun 28, 2003 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Stray Jacket

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 9:26 am Reply with quote
..........That would take me like 6 days on the crapper to think of that
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Joined: 13 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 11:00 am Reply with quote
I'm making a manga about Japanese Gods and Goddesses, so an anime series about them (made by me) would be cool. There's so many gods and goddess that there could be an unlimited amount of characters.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 11:55 am Reply with quote
I want to make a Noir Detective story in the style of the Animatrix: Detective Story.

I want it to be a 26 ep season of Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest. with everything from the book in it, not leaving anything out(especially, Tom Bombadil).
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Joined: 15 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 2:55 pm Reply with quote
The Lotus King:
The series would start with The Lotus King siezing power on Mars in 4000AD before order is established and declares it a communistic government,releasing all ties fron the universe.Also on Earth a rebellion is starting to kill half of Earths population.At the same time a cult on Venus ressurects a god that is destined to kill the false god.Meanwhile the Black Plague is back and killing 20% of the population.During the second part Earth is destroyed in a battle staged by The Lotus King to have humans believe he is God returning during the Apocalypse.Later the rebel group dedstroys Venus while there leader destroys the entire population of it with one attack.It is then believed on Saturn that he is God.During this time the cult has gained the entire population of Jupiter for there cause to cure the plague.After this all three gods have gained the entire universe to be allied with one of them.The revelation that the cult were priests from disbanded Religions even further confuses things.During this time no one is sure who is the real god.
I'm still working on the ending.Also,the whole thing will be orchestrated
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The Ramblin' Wreck

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:48 pm Reply with quote
Try these on for size:

1) A long series (how long? as long as the story takes) based upon the Dark Tower Saga by Stephen King

2) A WWII series about the Pacific War, from the perspective of an American GI

2.5) A follow up to the previous series. A romance between a GI and a widowed Japanese woman set in the Occupation of Japan (between 1945 and 1952)

3) An alternate history verison WWII, where the American Fleet was completely destroyed at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese invade the American homeland. Gen. Patton is recalled from Europe to fight a difficult defensive battle in the deserts of the West.

4) An anime verison of Megatokyo!!
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Joined: 17 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 9:28 pm Reply with quote
I'd like to see some of the classic sci-fi space opera novels done as anime. At a yard sale I recently ran across an old anime tape(Circa 1984) called "Lensman" based on the E.E. "Doc" Smith Lensman novels written in the 1930s. It was an early attempt at computer animation, mixed with cel animation, and had nice imagery although the music selection was awful and the voice actors doing the dub sucked. If it were remastered and redubbed with decent VAs and a musical score appropriate to the space opera nature of the story, it could be quite good. I'd also like to see something like A.E. Van Vogt's classic "Voyage of the Space Beagle" as an anime. (^_*)
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