Forum - View topicHi everyone! I am new and need suggestions!!
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![]() Posts: 89 |
Hello everybody. I am a new member here, as you can tell. Ok, to start off my posting here, I have a few things to say and ask.
Let me start of by saying that I am not a typical anime "fan". In fact, I hated anime, and still hate most of the anime that I have seen. Here is what I hate (in order). . . -Dragonball Z -Dragonball -Gundam (ALL of it) -Pokemon -Yu-Gi-Oh! -Yu-Yu-Hakshu Now, I know that the top 3 will make me be hated instantly, but just stay with me. When I heard that anime would come to TechTV, my favorite network, I was devastated. I was 100% against it. Anyways, it came on, with Crest of the Stars. I decided to watch it on the first Friday night it was on. It was on for four hours straight that night, from 10PM to 2AM where I live. I thought I would only watch an hour or two, however, much to my surprise, I stayed up until 2AM that night. I loved every single minute of it. I did the same last week. I am truly addicted on this series. I don't mind the dubbing, but I know that it is the only option as far as broadcast TV goes. I am always looking forward to the next episodes to see what happens to Jinto and Lafiel. So far, Crest has been the only anime I have liked. Now I am going to explain why I hated Dragonball Z and Dragonball. First off, the show is just plain stupid!! The battle sequences are long, dragging, and repetitive. Sure, the battles are cool for a while, but they get boring when the entire show consists of one long battle. Here comes my personal reasons for hatred of one of the most popular animes of all time, Gundam. Now before the looks of ![]() ![]() ![]() What I liked about Crest of the Stars was that the plot was great. I also am happy that the emphasis is not on the battles, but on the plot and characters. I found it to be entertaining. I have always been a fan of american animation. My favorites are The Simpsons, Family Guy, Dilbert, The Critic, Looney Tunes, and Clerks: The Animated Series, to name a few. Something cool about Clerks: TAS, on one episode, the ending to one episode was "lost on it's way overseas, but it was finished by the Korean animators.". Right after that, it kicked into a full-on anime parody. That ending made no sense, and did not relate to the plot. ![]() Now time for my question. Since I liked Crest of the Stars, I want to explore anime further. So, where should I start? I also do not want to spend tons of money on DVDs and stuff like that if I do not know that I will like it. I was thinking about seeing Akira next. I will most likely watch the next series on Anime Unleashed. Remember, I don't like battle-driven shows, I like plot-driven shows. Thanks for putting up with me. ![]() |
Former ANN Editor
![]() Posts: 120 |
All together now:
Cowboy Bebop |
![]() Posts: 89 |
I knew that would be the first suggestion!!! Anyways, I did watch one episode on Adult Swim, and I found it to be OK. Not the greatest thing in the world, but just OK. |
Craeyst Raygal
![]() Posts: 1383 Location: In the garage, beneath a 1970 MGB GT. |
Just out of curiousity, did you watch the first episodes of each Gundam series? It's fairly difficult to just jump into Gundam, and sometimes you have to wait for the true depth to jump out (ie. The concept of the "newtype" and the character Lalah Sune don't seriously appear in Mobile Suit Gundam until at least midway through the series, and that's when things get incredible)
Still, each to their own. If you like Crest of the Stars, then Macross is definitely for you. It's a great story with plenty of interesting characters (and Minmei) that (while the original is growing dated) is easy to pick up. In fact, if you'd like to see just how good you youngsters have it today, try sitting through Robotech DVD's. That's a reformatted Macross plus two other series (Mospeada and ???) that made its way stateside in the 80's. It's not really unwatchable, but it still is far enough removed from the original product that it's mind bogglingly lame. Also, if you really like character driven outer space series, there's this gentleman by the name of Leiji Matsumoto who created the gorgeous (and instantly recognizable) Harlock Saga. Captain Harlock, DNA Sights 999.9, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Emeraldas, and quite a few others I'm sure, make up a tale about the original quiet badass whose pirate ship, the Arcadia, has been a anime staple since before many of us can remember. By all means, start collecting all the Harlock related series you can. It's magnificient. By the way, no one around here can honestly blame you for hating Dragonball Z. It's fairly common. Now, if you'd brought in your l33t speak and asked us for what besides Cowboy Bebop and Trigun you should wacth cos' those rock! (purposely misspelled), then you could probably have grilled a whole brahma bull on the flames you'd have received. |
Posts: 51 Location: Downstate Illinois |
I’m not a big “mecha-style” anime fan myself so I’m not all that impressed with Gundam either. I thought Escaflowne was a colossal waste of time (though I haven’t seen the movie yet). I didn’t care for Macross…and just for good measure I share some of your opinions on DBZ (though not necessarily your hatred of the series). My first suggestion is to purchase Cowboy Bebop. Yes, I know you said you saw an episode and that it was just “ok”, but the fact that you haven’t seen the entire body of work is probably why you think that. Bebop isn’t the strongest of anime when it comes to individual episodes, but as a total work…I haven’t seen a better series yet. Another space type series that I thought was just a lot of fun was Outlaw Star. You may have seen some of it on Cartoon Network…but quite obviously, the discs are better than the “butcher’s cut” was. Also I’ll hasten to add that the entire series can be had for quite a reasonable amount of cash. Gunsmith Cats…another disc that I really enjoyed. You get the whole series on one disc and the attention to detail in the artwork (especially the autos and guns) is staggering. Record of Lodoss War was a great series (both of them). The OVA was better drawn, but the TV series (Chronicles of the Heroic Knight) told a better story. If you like the “what makes a human” slant in your anime…give Armitage III OVA a shot. I thought it was a great piece of work. If you’re looking for feature length stuff, try Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies, Ninja Scroll, Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell, and of course everyone that watches anime must watch Akira at least once…it’s required or something (though I wouldn’t go so far as to purchase it). Also…if you don’t have a strong aversion to “mecha-style” anime, Gasaraki was pretty good, and (though I haven’t seen it all yet) Neon Genesis Evangelion has been entertaining for the most part. As far as non-Japanese animation goes…Heavy Metal (skip 2000), Wizards (Avatar’s my hero), and those old Underdog cartoons are still the greatest. Message Ends, Last edited by Saxton on Wed Jan 15, 2003 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 23 |
I'v got two words for you: fruit basket. And as for Akira, you should know that there is a huge 2000 page, 6 part, manga that the movie was based on. If you see it at borders or somewhere, I highly recommend giving it at least 5 minutes to check it out. I myself like reading about a world and then seeing it live in a movie or anime
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Chief Encyclopedist
![]() Posts: 3794 Location: Montreal |
You're a little vague on which Gundam series you have seen. Granted they're not usually the most intellectual of shows, but have you seen 8th MS Team? That had very good character development. And very little comes close to the political intrigue in Gundam Wing. But like many anime series, you only get the full benefit if you watch the series from the very beginning. This is probably one of the biggest strengths of anime over US cartoons: they have story arcs that span several episodes. This allows to build up steam in a way that episodic shows simply cannot match. The reason you liked Crest of the Stars is maybe because you watched it from the start. (Well, maybe it's also because it's also a wonderful and intelligent show.)
Watch Cowboy Bebop from the beginning; even though it's largely episodic, you'll get deeply attached to those wonderful characters and to the mystery of Spike's dark past. Try watching Gundam Wing from the beginning; even though there's a lot of mindless action for the younger crowd, you'll actually be able to grasp the overall development and twists in the political situation. If the story arc could get you past the horrible dub of Crest of the Stars, maybe the same things will apply to other shows. Well, maybe not for DBZ... |
![]() ANN Publisher ![]() Posts: 10474 Location: Do not message me for support. |
I know you don't want to hear it repeated again, but you should watch Bebop a bit more. One of the show's strongest points, is the character development and ongoing plot, although they are hidden beneath other things. The characters in Bebop don't actually evolve much, when we meet them they are pretty much at the end of their evolution, but over the course of the series we learn about what made them who they are. This starts happenning right away in the opening credits of the first episode, but you won't really notice or appreciate it till the midpoint of the series. If you are willing to invest that much time into a show that, as it stands you don't like that much, then I recommend it. Berserk is a story that is a bit more similar to Crest of the Stars in terms of development. It is not episodic, and character development and plot are very strong. However, similarly to Bebop, when we are first introduced to the protagonist, he is more at the end of his evolution, but unlike Bebop, the flashbacks that show us his evolution are very blatant and prominent parts of the show. I wouldn't otherwise compare Berserk and Crest of the Stars, they are very different shows. UNfortunately Berserk is not airing on TV, so if you can't rent it... BTW, a sequel to Crest of the Stars is on its way soon. |
![]() Posts: 471 Location: Chicago, IL |
First off, welcome Tondog! BTW, Clerks TAS was the sh--!
Anyway, which Gundam series did you see? Wing is a tad dumb (I still find it enjoyable from time to time), but you should give any one of these series a shot (if you have not have already): Gundam 0083, 0080, or 08th MS Team. Cowboy Bebop is good too. Also to second Raygal's suggestion: Macross (or the first part of Robotech), but check out Macross Plus also. I'm recently getting into two wonderful series called GTO. Gunsmith Cats is also very cool too. Hope that helps. |
ANN Executive Editor
![]() Posts: 7912 Location: Anime News Network Technodrome |
Hooray, another newbie who thinks we all care that he hates popular shows. I've got some news for you, pal; the bulk of seasoned otaku don't like Dragonball. I've been working in the anime industry for about 5 years now and I hate everything you mentioned (except Yuu Yuu Hakusho, which is pretty entertaining). Furthermore, if you really thought we were going to flame you, why'd you post this rant and then insist that you knew what our reactions were going to be? I think "I hate Dragonball" and "I hate Gundam" are phrases uttered so often on this board, they rival "which is better teh bebop or teh trigun?!?". Chill out. Make sure you see Escaflowne and Neon Genesis Evangelion too. I won't recommend Utena. Yet.
![]() -Zac |
Hotaru's Sister
![]() Posts: 102 Location: NYC |
Like you, I generally prefer plot driven anime, although I do like alot of Gundam etc. Have you every seen Gundam: War In The Pocket? This series is very much character and plot driven, with more of an emphasis on getting rid of the fighting on the colony it takes place on. It's a very sweet show in my opinion.
The only thing you told us about genre's really is that you don't like fighting or mech anime. I'll try to post a wide variety of possibilities then, Now and Then, Here and There is great. There is some fighting and violence, but it's only used to further the story and it's not the focus of it. Excel Saga is probably the greatest and most twisted slapstick comedy around. Each plot generally doesn't affect the next episode, and they take a different genre each time, from Sports Anime to Shoujo Drama. A good comedic drama we've just started watching is Strawberry Eggs. The comedy comes from a man who crossdresses to get a job teaching, and the perverted men in his apartment building. The drama occurs in the school where he works, invoving his relationships with the students, and their relationships with each other. It's a wonderful series I've grown to love after seeing only 4 episodes. One of my personal favorite series is a few years old. Blue Seed was released by ADV, and the whole series is avaiable in a DVD box set for $40 at Best Buy. It's about a girl who finds out she has a twin sister, seperated her from birth. The reason she was taken is that they're from a line of the Kushinadas who have the power to stop the arigami (demons). The arigami were put to rest a long time ago but when twins were born they were awakened. It's actually not a dark show at all, very lighthearted most of the time. It's main focus is character relationships, and the quest to put the arigami back to sleep, with the help of a secret government agency. There is some fighting to it, but the fights generally only last a few minutes. Love Hina is also a comedic drama. I don't know if you'v ever seen Tenchi, but it's similar to that, minus the aliens ![]() 801 TTS Airbats is another series released a while ago. It's about a female arial acrobatics team in the JASDF. The plot focuses on the teams mechanic and his relationship with the two lead girls. Alot of good subtle humor and sweet moments. Gatekeepers is great. It's about a group of teens and a secret worldwide organization trying to stop the "invaders." Take place in post WWII Japan and is hilariously cheesy at times(intentionally). Ah My Goddess is a sweet drama, El hazard is a comedy action drama, Nadia is good if you can get through the horrible episodes near the end, the Bio O is funky cool, Arjuna is turning out to be great, Escaflowne is a fun drama(not a mech show like many people think). Then there's always the classics like the aforementioned Macross/Robotech, or Sailor Moon. I'd suggest looking through's reviews of the above shows, or you can just browse through the listings there to find something. Unfortunately alot of what's on TV is the stuff you don't like, so you'll have to pay for your anime. Most rental places carry at least some anime. It's a great way to check out the first disk/tape of a series before spending $20 on it. |
Posts: 101 |
HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE GUNDAM? Maybe i find a special fascination in it because i am into enginerring and physics, but there is a plot to all the Gundam series, you just have to know what to look for. I cannot beilieve you compare the fighting in Gundam to DBZ. I am offended by this. For GOKu to beat Vegeta, it took maybe 20 episodes which equals about 10 hours of my life which i demand back. BUt Gundam battles are over within a few minutes, there is only one instance i can remeber where a battle takes a little longer and thats G Gundam. It takes Domon like 2 episodes to beat the devil gundam (Dark GUndam for you noobs out there). But there is some pretty deep shit about humanity in G GUndam if you actual think about it.
Posts: 1016 |
With all due respect, Excel Saga is NOT a very good title for a newbie. It's only really funny if you've seen a lot of anime and are accustomed to the various comedy cliches that show up all the time. (And its also an aquired taste - if you don't find anime comedy cliches funny, that's $20 right down the toilet.) As for what you SHOULD watch... If you just can't stand the kids' stuff they show on TV, the best suggestion I can offer you is to check out those series and films that have wooed the film critics and convention-goers over the years: Spirited Away, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Perfect Blue, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Princess Mononoke, Jin-Roh, Macross, Trigun, etc etc etc. Just browse the site and message board looking for editorials and posts that are long and written in proper English. (Convention reports are especially good.) The recurring titles are the ones that elitists would probably tell you to see. |
Old Regular
Posts: 94 |
First, to the original poster: If you liked Crest of the Stars, you should keep an eye out for the two sequel series Banner of the Stars and Banner of the Stars 2 (also called Battleflag of the Stars). They're not out in the US yet (the first DVD of Banner of the Stars comes out at the end of the month), but I thought it worth mentioning. The series is actually based on a series of Japanese novels, so the sequels are just as good as the original series.
On a more general note: One site that I never see mentioned in these threads is , a site which uses some sort of algorithm to make anime recommendations based on your ratings of what you have seen. While it's less helpful to the very new newbies (which seems to be the case here), I find it fairly useful (all of my current recommendations are things I've been interested in for a while). It also provides the top ten and bottom-ten rated anime. |
![]() Posts: 89 |
Thanks for all the replies so far!!! I am grateful that you are being so nice to me. I am honestly trying to get into anime. I really can't prepare a big reply at the moment. I will do that sometime tomorrow. Expect a lot of information from the reply.
By the way. Concerning Excel Saga. I am a huge fan of parodies and comedy. I really liked Airplane!, Naked Gun, Top Secret!, and movies of the like. I hear that Excel Makes fun of anime. I would most likely really enjoy that.
Easily. I don't like it!! ![]() Please keep the great replies coming!! I will read them all and respond tomorrow. |
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