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Favorite "short" anime?

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Comet Reaper

Joined: 09 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Hello Anime News Network! I wasn't certain I was allowed to start a topic, but I might as well start somewhere.

I'd like to talk about those favorite short animes out there. Not the super-long TV feasts like Bleach or Naruto, but ones that may only take around ten episodes to complete; and still leave you satisfied with your time investment. Would anyone like to share? Because personally, I loved Hellsing Ultimate. (Now, that may seem like a contradiction to the whole, 'TV-fest' thing because each installment was near the hour mark, but I think you get the picture.) Hopefully... Confused

[EDIT: Reworded your thread title to flow a little smoother. -TK]
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Joined: 21 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:52 pm Reply with quote
I don't know, I almost never fell satisfied with just 12 episode series. Angel Beats is one that is pretty short, but even then I feel like it should have been longer to explore the characters some more. Madoka Magica is another one that was short, but still felt good pacing-wise.

I think my favorite "short" series is Rurouni Kenshin Trust & Betrayal. Its only a few hours long in total, but its one of the rare ones that can feel complete and satisfying.
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Joined: 28 May 2011
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 9:04 pm Reply with quote
Potemayo, only 12 episodes long and it's absolutely wonderful, its cute, sweet, and absolutely hilarious and depending if you cry easily the last episode might leave you in tears. ( There's only one movie that ever brought tears to my eyes and that's Marley and Me, other than that I never had cried in any movie or TV show, heck I didn't even cry during Clannad and Clannad after Story,) but it's a wonderful anime that is very underrated. I suggest whole heartedly that you watch it if you have them time, its short, but sweet and one of the funniest animes I've ever seen. Anime smile

Bunny Drop, 11 episodes long and it's a sweet story. Its so sweet it makes me want to eat Japanese flower candy everytime I see it. It's the type of sweetness and lovingness that Clannad has minus the depression.

Princess Jellyfish also only eleven episodes long- It's funny and really sweet. The animation is good and the characters are wonderful and unique they're also relatable, well worth watching.

Air This one is the shortest of Key's Legendary " The Tearful Trio" animes, only lasting 12 episodes. It's a sweet anime, the characters are well liked, and have heartbreaking experiences especially towards the end (Hence the Tearful in the tearful trio)

Anohana (The flower we saw that day) Only 14 episodes long and one of the first animes that did not have a VN by Key to make people cry. I love it, I don't cry at TV and Movies (I'm nearly finished with the tearful Trio and I haven't shed a single tear, talk about something for the anime record books) but if you do, then pack yourself a tissue box. (Same when you watch Air TV)

Ninja Nonscence, It's so stupid and perverted that I can't help but die of laughter, at only 12 episodes long it's fast paced and very VERY Raunchy so viewer Discression is advised (even though I watched it for the first time in the 7th grade) but It's pretty funny, I would recommend it. (The only bad thing is you spoiler[ don't get to see the epic battle scene that happens in the opening, SORRY!!!])

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Joined: 29 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:57 pm Reply with quote
I Love Animes such as USAGI DROP, MAYO CHIKI!! , KARAS and WORKING!! these are simple Animes with a rich plot so it was extremely fun to watch, But the problem with short Animes is that you always want more.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:17 pm Reply with quote
Not exactly what I thought when I read "short episode, I thought it would be on anime that only go for several minutes at most per episode. Which I think I would have gone for the earlier Nyaruko-san series before seeing a proper series.

But I have seen a lot of series, and I guess nailing down a series I was really happy with after only 12 episodes can be rather hard. Actually I know the perfect one, the 8 episode Black Rock Shooter (TV), at only so few episodes at the normal episode length it fits into what this topic asks for. A good requirement would be that a series feels complete, and BRS felt very complete, but despite its length, the episodes felt like they were long, there was so much they were able to squeeze in but it did not feel cramped. There was foreshadowing, drama, action, superb animation, a really catchy opening song, and a lovely melancholic ending song.

I was so happy when Siren Visual managed to license the series out here, but I actually had trouble tracking down a copy in the shops, possibly from being more popular than they expected, I don't know. In some ways if I was asked to show a series that had my taste in anime, Black Rock Shooter would be a likely series I would show.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:48 pm Reply with quote
Off the top of my head: FLCL six episodes of perfection. It's actually classified as an OVA, I believe. Anyhow, this is one the few anime I've rated as a Masterpiece. The music, the (multiple) styles, the characters, and the ending are all first rate.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:50 pm Reply with quote
I think 26 episodes might be my favorite length for anime series, but 13 is a close second. There are a good number of series I've seen that left me satisfied after only one cour of episodes. These series cut out the filler so they can focus all of their episodes on moving the plot forward. Here's a list of a few off the top of my head that used their time very wisely:

Baccano! is over in 13 episodes (well, there are three OVAs, but they're just a bonus story/aftermath) and I think that was the perfect length for the show. It's over in one brief, marathon-able explosion of craziness.

Bunny Drop is 11 episodes long and tells a sweet story about a bachelor who adopts his six-year-old aunt and over the course of the series learns what it takes to be a good parent.

Eden of the East is 11 episodes long and I think it tells a complete enough story without the accompanying movies. It's fast-paced and full of intrigue, and the main characters are very likable.

Kenji Nakamura's series are all short. I especially recommend the beautiful and unique horror series Mononoke and the bizarre comedy about four guys who fish, tsuritama.

Paradise Kiss is a 12-episode adaptation of a five-volume Ai Yazawa series. It's a great drama about the fashion industry and Yukari is a wonderful heroine.

Kino's Journey is a fantastic and philosophical seinen series about a traveler named Kino who rides to different countries on her talking motorcycle Hermes, never staying in one place for more than three days. The stories are often painful, but always poignant and full of depth.

I'll also second Angel Beats!, which is a concise but very emotional experience, and Madoka Magica, which is a recent anime masterpiece.
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Joined: 12 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 12:30 am Reply with quote
Cowboy Bebop ( on the very small chance you have yet to see it)

I agree on Angel Beats!, was surprisingly good, i found the ending a little bit forced but beneath the violence and comedy it actually drives home some seriously emotional stuff.

I found the series of Ninja Scroll to be quite good, not up to par with the movie but a good slash fest nonetheless.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 3:32 am Reply with quote
I quite like shorter series, I have never been very fond of the ones running longer than two seasons with a few very rare exceptions such as Monster or Fullmetal Alchemist.

Definitely the mentioned Mononoke. 12 episode was a perfect ength for it to show a few cases Kusuriuri had to solve, but I am not sure I would enjoy it in a larger quantity.

Time of Eve (6 spidoes if I can remember) is an excellent short, I also really liked the horror series Another quite a lot.

Haibane Renmei is another shorter series that springs to mind- it has been a while since I watched it, but it wa a rewarding experience without taking up the whole to seasons to convey the message.
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 3:50 am Reply with quote
Serial Experiments Lain is an excellent short series. I've very much enjoyed what I've watched of it so far. It's a mindscrew, no doubt about it, but it's interesting and just gets better as it goes along.

I'll second Bunny Drop, Tsuritama and Paradise Kiss as well. Madoka Magica also does a lot in 12 episodes which most series can't manage in 26+.

Aoi Hana is a lovely, gentle yuri drama. It's so sweet and 11 episodes long.

Kamisama no Memo-chou is an interesting mystery/drama type show that seemed to fly under the radar when it aired a few years ago. It's focused on NEETs but they have some interesting mysteries to solve and the characters are well developed. 12 episodes.
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:02 am Reply with quote
If we're talking about anime that take up less time than 20 minutes per episode, I'd have to say REC. 10 episodes 12 minutes each.
Mister V wrote:
I really liked it. I found it short and sweet, and it left me with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. A rare find, really.

Kruszer wrote:
REC is a masterpiece in my opinion, and one my all time favorites. It's one of the better adult oriented romantic comedy series. As far as length, it's a classic stereotype buster that shows how good direction and writing can make even something so short feel completely satisfying.

There was nothing I did not like about this series, but for me, the lack of any twists or moments of originality failed to elevate it above the decent rating. Still, it remains my favorite short anime, at least till I find something better.
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:45 am Reply with quote

The Tatami Galaxy, Hourou Musuko, and Anohana are pretty short and I think they're pretty good enough to be considered favorites. Katanagatari is also 12 episodes, but each episodes is like 50 minutes long so I don't know if that qualifies but people are bringing out two cour shows so maybe it does.

And if we're talking about "short" as in not over 26 episodes, Texhnolyze is the superior of the Lain/Haibane/Texhnolyze trio and Mushishi is probably the best supernatural anime I've seen (I haven't finished Mononoke but holy shit the first episode was the most vapid introduction I've seen yet).
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:02 am Reply with quote
I would have forgotten Paranoia Agent.
13 episodes I think? It was one of the first series I have watched and I remember loving it a lot, all together with the music that is totally not up my alley.
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Comet Reaper

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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:40 am Reply with quote
I originally meant less than around 26 episodes as "short" because while there are many with lots of episodes that are satisfying, some of the short animes might get overlooked because you may just end up wanting more. (Not that I blame you Smile I know that's probably the case most of the time, but I do like the few that show entire character development in a short span of episodes.
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victor viper

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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:56 am Reply with quote
Maybe it's because I was introduced to anime in the 90's when OVA's were still the norm, but still many of my favorite anime are "short" series. It might also be because those are the series that most easily can be rewatched in a short period of time.

Of the Air/Kanon/Clannad trio, for instance, Air is one of my favorite shows. There is a large amount of story covered in 13 episodes. Between telling the stories of Kano and Minagi, the entire flashback arc, and resolving the main story, there's hardly a second that doesn't do something to advance the story.

The first season of Gunslinger Girl as another good example (because it really stands alone independent of Il Teatrino, it can be considered on its own). Again, there's so much story packed into those 13 episodes.

And then there's the best anime ever produced per unit time, the 4-episode adaptation of Alien Nine. There's almost two full volumes of the manga packed into four episodes. And, just where the uninitiated might think there's a filler episode (episode 3, when Yuri and company go to Kasumi's beach home), the last 5 minutes of the episode will dispel that idea quickly. It's a shame the rest of the manga never go animated.
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