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REVIEW: Vampire Knight GN 15 & 16

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Joined: 05 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:27 pm Reply with quote
Ok, it looks like I'll have to start this thread but if no one else posts, I'll understand. Yes, it's nice to have Yuuki and Zero back together but enjoy it while lasts. No, Yuuki and Kaname have not ended up together; it fact, it looks like Kaname might die but be prepared for more love triangle angst as the story rushes toward the finish line.

Seriously, as much as I've enjoyed Vampire Knight, I'm glad to see it finally end. I just hope it ends well. With Zero being alive and happy.
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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:19 am Reply with quote
i'm not reading any more VK until i know Zero dies at the end.
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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:59 am Reply with quote
Then you might want to stop reading. In the next to last chapter, Zero is very much alive and well, while Kaname is spoiler[pulling his own heart out of his chest in the last two panels.]
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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:30 pm Reply with quote
rinmackie wrote:
Then you might want to stop reading. In the next to last chapter, Zero is very much alive and well, while Kaname is spoiler[pulling his own heart out of his chest in the last two panels.]

i stop reading it like 2 years ago.
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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:51 pm Reply with quote
Spotlesseden wrote:
rinmackie wrote:
Then you might want to stop reading. In the next to last chapter, Zero is very much alive and well, while Kaname is spoiler[pulling his own heart out of his chest in the last two panels.]

i stop reading it like 2 years ago.

So, just trolling, huh? *sigh* Can I get a legitimate thread going here? Guess not, sorry I even posted in the first place.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:12 pm Reply with quote
rinmackie, I think part of the problem is that you tend to jump ahead too far. In general, assume that you're talking to people following the English manga release - not the original Japanese or illegal scans - in situations like this. Readers like myself are going to be especially trying to avoid spoilers or any discussion of how the series ended as the original Japanese version begins to wrap up soon until the manga volumes are released in English. Let's talk about what's happening in the two volumes under discussion.

Naturally, Yuki and Zero opening a dialogue again is huge, but there was also alot going on with the supporting cast as well. It looks like Aido and Kain are shifting greatly from where they were in the beginning of the series, with Aido one of the most stable and reliable characters in the story at this point and Kain's love for Ruka drawing him into the wrong side of things like quicksand. I'm worried about what might happen between them, and even more worried about Ruka with the things Kaname has been saying about her in recent volumes. I also like it whenever Shiki shows up again, and these time were great. How awesome was he in his last scene in volume 16? I can understand why he didn't tell Rima what he was going to do because no way in heck would she have allowed it, but man is she going to kill him if Sara doesn't do it first!
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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:22 pm Reply with quote
^Sorry, didn't think of that. I'm just been desperate to talk about Vampire Knight is some capacity without it devolving into another stupid love triangle argument. But it's been awhile since I've read the chapters in the volumes. I do appreciate the English releases; scan translations are sometimes too obtuse. I read volume 16 and finally realized what Sara told Zero that made him so mad at the end.

But no matter what we discuss, you can be sure someone will come along and say something about who they hope Yuuki ends up with and that either Zero or Kaname should die.
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PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 3:47 pm Reply with quote
They've been hinting that Kaname might die eventually from as early the end of the Shizuka arc. "There is nothing but pitch black darkness ahead for you now, Kaname." and all that, but I hope Hino doesn't do that. Killing off one of the characters is an extremely poor way to resolve a love triangle, it's a reason I have a problem with so many Yuu Watase ending. There's no emotional payoff, there was a love triangle, and now there's not. Considering we've been following this particular love triangle since the first chapter, Ill be disappointed if Hino just dispels it with a 'he's dead now'. The same gos for Zero too.

I'll be even more crushed if they turn Yuki back into a human and make her forget everything, the whole point of the story, from the vary beginning of the first chapter, the stories been about Yuki growing up and maturing. when the story opened Yuki was a small girl with no memory's, completely pure and innocent and blank, then a vampire tries to kill her and Kaname saves her. That it the first instants of her losing a bit of her innocents and naivety, and the rest of the story follows suite. I'd hate for the entire story to just reset at the end, what would the point be of having even read it in the first place?

Last edited by El-ahrairah on Thu May 09, 2013 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Actually, taking one of the characters out, even by death, will resolve the love triangle. And if Kaname and Yuuki end up together, the story will be reset, nothing will really change. All the problems of the past will remain. Not to mention the fact that Hino sensei said the story would be tragic.

The love triangle dominates the story so much that people fail to see the larger story. The problems with the vampire society status quo has been something Kaname has spent his entire life trying to resolve. And it's obvious that Zero has been a tool by which he means to do it. But all most fans seems to focus on is who Yuuki will choose. They ignore the fact that despite those two did get together, Kaname eventually forced Yuuki out of his life so he could back to his original course of action. But no one seem to pay attention to anything except the love triangle.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 1:47 pm Reply with quote
at least this love triangle is a hell of a lot better than the crappy ass twilight love triangle.

though i had a feeling he would eventually die himself after killing of shizuka hio.

i think that is the real reason a pureblood is forbidden to take the blood of another. Though you get enormous power, it seems that you end up losing your sanity in the process.

Not susprised he's going down the same path as Rido.

Though what can you expect from the manga creator. when it comes to her work the endings are good but tragic as well. especially to those who have died and all you can feel is utter pitty for them.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:12 pm Reply with quote
Thanks, jr0904. Nice to see a response like yours. As for the "crappy Twilight ending", I'm actually a bit worried about the ending, even though it appears that it will end in a way that actually makes sense and is NOT anything like Twilight. That's because Hino sensei seems to be rushing towards an ending and her writing is obviously suffering to the point that it's starting to seem more and more like Twilight. She's been milking this love triangle thing for all it's worth to the point that I'm completely disgusted with Yuuki.

Though I still don't want Yuuki and Kaname together, it's obvious Zero deserves better. The way she's behaved lately is just shameless; she doesn't seem to care about Zero at all, spoiler[though he's finally opening up about his feelings]. Some of the recent chapters have been so bad, that it seems everyone, even Zero fans, are convinced that Kaname will be miraculously rescued at the last minute and he and Yuuki will live happily every after. I mean even though it appears that he will obviously die and that he and Yuuki will NOT be together, the mangaka's constant will-they-or-won't-they BS has made me lose my faith in her writing.

Seriously, Yuuki and Kaname can just go f*ck themselves and/or die. Just so Zero gets to live and be happy, I don't care about them. Zero's the only reason I love this series so much.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:29 pm Reply with quote
well its the reason why a lot of fans have been comparing the love triangle to twilight and the way how it's going to end.

i haven't seen that type of comparision debate since the whole war between Lelouch from Code Geass and Light from Death Note.

though i wouldnt be susprised if kaname comes back. though she has made yuki a lot more weaker characterwise. she actually improved during her brief teamwork with zero against Rido, but once again the creator took her character straight to hell after kaname does his BS.

at least the female character from the twilight series had grown a lot in the final movie and became a real badass in thefinal fight.

though the way she is making Yuki out have me worried. the only thing that is saving her right now is her BFF Yori ( I think that is her name ) who is allowing herself to be who she really is.

Hopefully soon enough cause when it comes to creator,no one is safe from being killed off for the sake of drama.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:19 pm Reply with quote
What I don't like about Yuki's relationship with Kaname is that it's not a relationship of equals. Yuki's always looked up to Kaname and he treats her like a pet. The whole idea that he's been enduring years of "thirst" to finally taste her blood...that was a compelling and sexy scene, for sure. But then he wants to keep her safe in a castle? On the other hand, Zero's challenging her to a fight--maybe threatening her, but as an equal. I think that's what makes Yuki-Zero a better match.

Also, Yuki and Zero have way better chemistry.

I get that Kaname's supposed to be an aloof character whose attraction lies in how well he hides his true feelings. Even with his back story fleshed out a little (so to speak) I still suspect that instead of hiding his messy embarrassing feelings, that inscrutable facade is hiding the fact that he's a controlling jerk.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:41 am Reply with quote
True enough. but you have to admit it what makes it interesting isnt it?
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