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License to rent Anime online

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Joined: 26 Sep 2013
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:56 am Reply with quote
Hi Guys,
I am new here so don't quite know if my question was posted before. I am an entrepreneur who want to start an online anime rental here in South Africa. Basically what i mean is that give South African the posibility to access all their favorite and latest anime online at a fee; a bit like what Netflix and others are currently doing.

I am planing on going to various conventions next year for some shopping but my question is "How do I acquire the license to broadcast all those various Anime products?" that's one and secondly, "Who do i approach?"

I am thinking of having some kind of a server where register members could log in from the comfort of their house or where ever they are at the time and view their favorite Anime show online without any buffer.

Please assist, you input will be very much appreciated. You can contact me directly on my email at [email protected]
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Justin touched on this in a recent Answerman:

Crunchyroll is already providing this service for some titles in South Africa (e.g. Kill la Kill and Magi 2 from the current season). The titles list should be filtered to your current region: http://www.crunchyroll.com/videos/anime
It they have an exclusive license, those titles will be unavailable.

FUNimation has the South African rights to some of it's titles and some of these are available to watch on YouTube already (mostly the same ones that are available in the UK I assume). I have no idea why or whether they would be willing to sub-license.

I you are going to go direct to Japan, you're going to need to speak Japanese or get a translator. Existing contacts would help.

Security would be paramount. I think most of the English streaming sites other than Crunchyroll have at some point had an incident where something has leaked or been released early. For a startup, a mistake like this would probably be fatal.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:09 pm Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane wrote:
Justin touched on this in a recent Answerman:

Crunchyroll is already providing this service for some titles in South Africa (e.g. Kill la Kill and Magi 2 from the current season). The titles list should be filtered to your current region: http://www.crunchyroll.com/videos/anime
It they have an exclusive license, those titles will be unavailable.

FUNimation has the South African rights to some of it's titles and some of these are available to watch on YouTube already (mostly the same ones that are available in the UK I assume). I have no idea why or whether they would be willing to sub-license.

I you are going to go direct to Japan, you're going to need to speak Japanese or get a translator. Existing contacts would help.

Security would be paramount. I think most of the English streaming sites other than Crunchyroll have at some point had an incident where something has leaked or been released early. For a startup, a mistake like this would probably be fatal.
Shiroi, do you have something to do with the industry? I'm just a little curious, as you seem to know a lot.
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