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Cowboy Bebop Live Action Film

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 3:49 am Reply with quote
If thsi were real it would be on the front page, but since it's a very nicely done poster for a movie that doesn't exist. (The artist in not trying to pull a prank here).

Voila: http://www.comics2film.com/DCG/DispArt.php3?f_id=5958&f_ssn=

And the idea of John Woo directing Cowboy Bebop is just great. Who wants to bet that either myself or Zac (or more likely both) will get questions in the next week asking whether or not the rumours of a Live Action Bebop movie are true?
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 6:25 am Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:

If thsi were real it would be on the front page, but since it's a very nicely done poster for a movie that doesn't exist. (The artist in not trying to pull a prank here).

Yep, and Orian snagged the rights. I thinks it right up there with Sailor Moon and Star Blazers Live Action Movies, but hopely it's becames true like City Hunter.
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Joined: 10 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 11:49 am Reply with quote
Cameron Diaz was the only good choice there. I'd hate to see a Bebop movie with Jet looking like such a dolt.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:24 pm Reply with quote
"I'd hate to see a Bebop movie with Jet looking like such a dolt."


Actually, it's a nice little fake add. Very well done.

"Yep, and Orian snagged the rights"

Oh, now I know it's a fake for sure. Never heard of a company named 'Orian'. Hehheheheheh!
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Gai Super Napalm

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 1:32 pm Reply with quote
No fro, no go.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 2:40 pm Reply with quote
wow, cameron diaz would do a hot faye valentine
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 4:14 pm Reply with quote
dudesup wrote:

wow, cameron diaz would do a hot faye valentine

Dye her hair black, heck ya. Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Animan wrote:

"Yep, and Orian snagged the rights"

Oh, now I know it's a fake for sure. Never heard of a company named 'Orian'. Hehheheheheh!

Not just that, but ORION, the real movie company, probably best known for distributing Robocop and the original Terminator, went belly up in the early 90s and had most of its library gobbled up by MGM (who did a decent job with the Special Edition version of Terminator, though I would have liked a James Cameron commentary track besides just for the deleted scenes, but not so decent a job with Robocop, but you can get the out-of-print Criterion DVD with the Verhoeven commentary track for pretty cheap, relatively speaking for an OOP Criterion disk, on Ebay). Now MGM itself may itself go belly up and have its library gobbled up by Time Warner/AOL (from rumours I read on Ain't It Cool News).
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 1:06 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

Not just that, but ORION, the real movie company, probably best known for distributing Robocop and the original Terminator, went belly up in the early 90s and had most of its library gobbled up by MGM (who did a decent job with the Special Edition version of Terminator, though I would have liked a James Cameron commentary track besides just for the deleted scenes, but not so decent a job with Robocop, but you can get the out-of-print Criterion DVD with the Verhoeven commentary track for pretty cheap, relatively speaking for an OOP Criterion disk, on Ebay). Now MGM itself may itself go belly up and have its library gobbled up by Time Warner/AOL (from rumours I read on Ain't It Cool News).

*L* My spelling has been going south lately. Sad But yes, I meant that as joke. More then likely, if anyone is going snag the rights, it'll be Miramax or Columbia/Tri Star (They already grab the rights the anime movie, so why not the live action.)

Also, Artisan hold Terminator movies, er, now atleast. *Shurgs* *L*
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 2:13 am Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:

*L* My spelling has been going south lately. :( But yes, I meant that as joke. More then likely, if anyone is going snag the rights, it'll be Miramax or Columbia/Tri Star (They already grab the rights the anime movie, so why not the live action.)

My hunch is that it would be shot on the relative cheap (in the $40-60 million range, like Spawn or Resident Evil), probably by New Line, and would be a sleeper mini-blockbuster released in late-winter, early-Spring (like the Matrix, which performed well beyond expectations). John Woo would be too expensive; i'd guess they'd get Paul Anderson (Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil; not to be confused with Paul T. Anderson, of Magnolia fame) or maybe Sam Raimi (Evil Dead, A Simple Plan, TV's Jack of All Trades) to direct. Most of the cast mentioned on the fake poster would be affordable; the only one I'd doubt would be in the price range is Cameron Diaz, although she certainly does look the part. (There's something about girls with a certain proportion of Native American to White blood that makes them look about as close to a live action version of an anime girl as it is physiologically possible to get. I know a part-Huron girl that looks very similar to an anime babe; especially since she was able to grow her hair down to her butt, although she cut it after high school; she also has large expressive eyes.)

Ataru wrote:

Also, Artisan hold Terminator movies, er, now atleast. *Shurgs* *L*

Only T2... I don't see Artisan mentioned anywhere on the Special Edition Terminator disk released by MGM on October 2nd, 2001. And Warner's producing T3: Rise of the Robots.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 3:00 am Reply with quote
I cut a thing here and there to make it smaller. Aren't I nice.
Tenchi wrote:

My hunch is that it would be shot on the relative cheap (in the $40-60 million range, like Spawn or Resident Evil), probably by New Line, and would be a sleeper mini-blockbuster released in late-winter, early-Spring (like the Matrix, which performed well beyond expectations). John Woo would be too expensive; i'd guess they'd get Paul Anderson; not to be confused with Paul T. Anderson, or maybe Sam Raimi to direct. Most of the cast mentioned on the fake poster would be affordable; the only one I'd doubt would be in the price range is Cameron Diaz, although she certainly does look the part. (There's something about girls with a certain proportion of Native American to White blood that makes them look about as close to a live action version of an anime girl as it is physiologically possible to get. I know a part-Huron girl that looks very similar to an anime babe; especially since she was able to grow her hair down to her butt, although she cut it after high school; she also has large expressive eyes.)

I don't see Artisan mentioned anywhere on the Special Edition Terminator disk released by MGM on October 2nd, 2001. And Warner's producing T3: Rise of the Robots.

How can I forget New Line. Twisted Evil BTW, Fox is the guitly party. Twisted Evil Bandai and Sunrise is "lending a hand" (AKA: Hollywood, 'nuff said.). *L* I don't have the T1 DVD, but VHS and it has Artisan as the maker. *Shurgs* T3 huh. *LOL*
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Joined: 26 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 5:07 am Reply with quote
A younger, and yet balder Tommy Lee Jones as Jet Black...you know it'd rock.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 9:10 pm Reply with quote
How could I have forgotten him? He's so perfect for the role! Who? Why none other than Laurence Fishburne whom I think should don his Cowboy Curtis outfit and play the male host of Big Shot. Bandai even gave that character a "Cowboy Curtis"-ish accent in the dub. (For those of you too young to remember Pee-Wee's Playhouse, I should add that Cowboy Curtis sounded nothing at all like Morpheus; I'm still a bit surprised that both characters were played by the same actor.)

"Why Pee-Wee, I sleep in the nude!"<--- Best Cowboy Curtis line ever!

And it would just be a walk-on cameo, so my hypothetical $50 odd million budget could probably afford him.

Also, regarding who should play Faye Valentine, personally, I'd rather cast an unknown (perhaps a natural "purple-ette"?) and then, when she'd appear in other films I say "Hey look! It's Faye Valentine."

Ataru wrote:

*L* I don't have the T1 DVD, but VHS and it has Artisan as the maker. *Shurgs* T3 huh. *LOL*

Wait... did Live Entertainment, the company that produced the old Terminator VHS tape I have, transmogrify into Artisan? That would explain everything, because I don't really remember hearing much of anything about Artisan before the Blair Witch Scam... er, I mean Project. Yeah, Artisan is a better name for a video label... "Live" sounds just a little too "porny" for some reason.
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anime uncut

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Morrolan wrote:

Cameron Diaz was the only good choice there. I'd hate to see a Bebop movie with Jet looking like such a dolt.

Do you think Christian Slater, Uma Therman, and Judd Hersh could pull it off?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 5:51 pm Reply with quote
anime uncut wrote:

Do you think Christian Slater, Uma Therman, and Judd Hersh could pull it off?

Uma Therman would be a better pick than Cameron Diaz to portray Faye Valentine. She certainly looks the part (I have an easier time imagining Faye as a brunette than as a blonde, and I'd hate to see Ms. Diaz dye her hair). However, while I thought Ms. Thurman's career as an A-list actress had tanked after the Avengers fiasco (although my brother, a film school student at the University of Aurora in Colorado, loved the Avengers film, at least from a set design and cinematographic standpoint, so it's not universally hated), apparently she's getting $15 million each for two movies that will be released later this year (Kill Bill and Hysterical Blindness), $5 million less per film than Ms. Diaz, but probably still out of the price range of our hypothetical production.

Christian Slater's own stock has dipped sharply due to his affinity for drugs and hookers, and since then has been appearing mostly in smaller films or in bit parts in larger films, so he probably would be affordable. His scandal ridden personal life might actually be an asset should he play Spike, but can he do matial arts? Stephen Dorff, who was the pick for the lead by the guy that did the fake poster, is probably cheaper than Slater though. Mr. Dorff recently appeared in FearDotCom, shot on the cheap here in Montreal (I saw the little yellow signs showing the crew where to go everywhere around the city last summer), and, as such, I doubt he commands an eight-figure salary.
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