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Ruroni Kenshin

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Joined: 04 Dec 2004
Posts: 30
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:56 am Reply with quote
Anyone heard anything about why cartoonnetwork stopped airing ruron i kenshin or if it is coming back?? I missed the kyoto arc or second half of the series and I hear thats the best part?I also want to find kyoto arc for a reasonable price??
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:34 am Reply with quote
I believe I gave you a link to this same question on where to find Kenshin DVDs, so I'll repost it.

As for the series on CN, they stopped airing it after Kyoto because of a little controversy over some religious mumbo jumbo in the episodes that follow the end of the arc. Good riddance, the third season is terrible anyway.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:18 pm Reply with quote
Yeah the third season was rather terrible but you can probably go on E- bay and by the second arc of the series (Kyoto) used for a good price or just go out and get the manga as the Kyoto arc is currently coming out...
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Starwind Amada

Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
I believe I gave you a link to this same question on where to find Kenshin DVDs, so I'll repost it.

As for the series on CN, they stopped airing it after Kyoto because of a little controversy over some religious mumbo jumbo in the episodes that follow the end of the arc. Good riddance, the third season is terrible anyway.

Uh, no, after Kyoto they aired reruns of the first season but they stopped airing it because their license with Media Blasters expired in March 2005. It will not be returning.

And you can buy the boxsets at Suncoast or online somewhere. Do NOT use eBay; they only sell bootlegs.
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Starwind Amada wrote:
Uh, no, after Kyoto they aired reruns of the first season but they stopped airing it because their license with Media Blasters expired in March 2005. It will not be returning.

Well, whatever. I don't really care because one, I feel the dub stinks, and two, they edited a lot of little things that made the content look silly. Again, good riddance too a poorly handled English and televised adaptation.
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Starwind Amada

Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:54 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Starwind Amada wrote:
Uh, no, after Kyoto they aired reruns of the first season but they stopped airing it because their license with Media Blasters expired in March 2005. It will not be returning.

Well, whatever. I don't really care because one, I feel the dub stinks, and two, they edited a lot of little things that made the content look silly. Again, good riddance too a poorly handled English and televised adaptation.

[snip - no need to be rude -b]

And if you think the TV broadcast was badly handled, you need therapy. If you have problems with editing, tough. The editing wasn't even bad; we saw blood and heard the word "kill". What more do you want, full frontal nudity? It's people like you who destroy anime fandom, by spreading around your philosophy of "if it's dubbed, it sucks and my subs are better than you". Seriously, just start a [snip] religion or something.

Sorry, but I get very upset when some random person comes along and bashes a dub without giving any reasons, and this guy did it for no reason. Did anyone else mention a dub? No. So shut up, Tony.

EDIT: Just read the thread about Naruto VAs. I guess Tony is okay with dubs and just meant this one. [stop being rude -b]
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:57 pm Reply with quote
Starwind Amada wrote:

And if you think the TV broadcast was badly handled, you need therapy. If you have problems with editing, tough. The editing wasn't even bad; we saw blood and heard the word "kill". What more do you want, full frontal nudity?


When plot crucial scenes are removed from the final battle, it's fair to say the editing was bad.
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:04 pm Reply with quote
Starwind Amada wrote:

Way to be calm and diplomatic about it Anime smallmouth...

1. I said I feel the dub is bad. I didn't say everyone should think the same way I do and jump on the subtitle bandwagon.
2. Your "NOW SHUT UP BEFORE YOU TURN THIS INTO A DUB VS. SUB ARGUMENT" is really unnecessary. I don't instigate fights, nor do I take part in them.
3. "PURIST." You seem to jump the gun quite easily in assuming I'm some kind of fansub downloading, dub hating, "otaku", in which I must point out you are totally incorrect in surmising.

I can live with people disagreeing over my opinions, and I don't mind people labeling me for something I know is true.

However, your sorry excuse to try and intimidate me for whatever ludicrous sense of "justice" you think you have and attempt to disallow my right to even state a comment is uncalled for and out of line.

Sheesh, grow up and learn a thing or two about taking opinions.

And if you think the TV broadcast was badly handled, you need therapy. If you have problems with editing, tough. The editing wasn't even bad; we saw blood and heard the word "kill". What more do you want, full frontal nudity? It's people like you who destroy anime fandom, by spreading around your philosophy of "if it's dubbed, it sucks and my subs are better than you". Seriously, just start a [expletive] religion or something.

(*sigh*) Switch to decaf, will ya'.. This show could've done better if they didn't edit things like smoking toothpicks or bumping into people and knocking them unconcious.

If my eyes aren't as bad as your uninformed predjudice, I believe my post doesn't mention anything about "complaining," like you seem to be doing for a measly personal comment I made.

I don't really care if people watch it in English, but I simply feel the show might've faired better on [adult swim] rather than Toonami because of the difference in editing standards. It might've been as popular as Inu Yasha. But according to the almighty, Starwind Amada, that's tough.

I stated that the dub is poor in my OPINION and was implying that the broadcast could've been better.

Sorry, but I get very upset when some random person comes along and bashes a dub without giving any reasons, and this guy did it for no reason. Did anyone else mention a dub? No. So shut up, Tony.

Random? Uh... how many posts do you have? I'll have you know I'm on here everyday, whether it be for a topic in the Forums or any Encyclopedia work that needs to be done. I'm sorry for not being up to par with your 0.13 posts per day.

Anyway, you want reasons I don't like the dub? Then look here, here, and here.

Sorry, but I get upset when conceited, narcissistic, grandstanding, naive bigots calling me something I certainly am not Smile.

EDIT: Just read the thread about Naruto VAs. I guess Tony is okay with dubs and just meant this one. But still, shut up.

Uh huh... Way to do your research before impulsively calling someone a purist. Oh that's right, and look at this Wink.

If you talk like this to someone you don't even know, I'd hate to be one of your close friends Razz.
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