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Is Ah! My Goddess being animated? - New Series

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Joined: 01 Dec 2002
Posts: 18
PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:04 am Reply with quote

I read from the AMG forums about a rumor that a new AMG is being animated. Is this true?


Any news about the AMG series?[/url]
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Joined: 02 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:15 am Reply with quote
Judgeing from the lack of any other news on it, I would have to guess that it is a rumor - or it might just be an idea that is getting kicked around by the animators. So, don't get you hopes up too much - I will belive it once I see a press release on it. However, it is true that there is enough material to make a TV series, but the bulk of the AMG story has been told. I would like to see a new series though - I'm a big fan of AMG myself.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:55 am Reply with quote
While I've seen various forms of the rumour myself over the years, sometimes as a TV series, sometimes as a new OVA series, as well as the rumour that they were going to do a TV series, but Belldandy's hair proved to be too time-consuming to animate on a TV animation production schedule, I would love to see at least a 26-episode Oh My Goddess TV series, but I won't believe that one is coming until I see some kind of official confirmation. Barely anything from the manga's been animated; the five episode OVA series took a great many liberties with the source material to the point of directly contradicting the manga at some points (especially by changing the backstory of Keeichi and Belldandy's relationship in the final 2 episodes), whilst the movie seemed to be set in the same continuity as the manga but was a side-story with no roots in anything from the manga. I also didn't find the movie terribly satisfying seeing as how that was the first proper A!/OMG animated production in about 7 years, but too much of the screen time was wasted by two characters not from the manga and Belldandy wasn't "herself" for the bulk of the film. Marller/Mara/Marla hasn't even really appeared in animated form yet, not counting Adventures of Mini-Goddess and the notorious shot from the opening of the OVA series that implied she'd be a major character even though she never actually appeared.

There were just 7 manga volumes of You're Under Arrest, yet they squeezed out a 4-episode OVA series, two animated TV series with full-length episodes (1996 & 2001), another, more "adult" (T&A-oriented), series of 7-10 minute long "mini-specials", a theatrical movie and, of course, the live-action series. A!/OMG has over 25 collected manga volumes worth of material, but, so far, just 5 OVA episodes and a movie have been animated; why there isn't much more is one of the great mysteries for the ages.
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