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INTEREST: Heroes' Vs Game Teaser Combines Gundam, Kamen Rider, Ultraman

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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:09 am Reply with quote
*looks at the two Gundam series she knows*

Hmm, iconic villains.

*looks at the three Rider series*

Movie-only Rider, Movie-only Greeed that DOESN'T EXIST IN CONTINUITY, Movie-only Rider from a movie most of the fandom ignores.


KR Eternal isn't so bad, since W's movies are canon, but Terror would have been much more appropriate. Terror's story ties closely to both Shoutaro and Philip's (more Philip's, for spoilery reasons, but...).

The Giru Greeed is non-canon. The movie it appeared in breaks OOO canon. In a bad way. The movie is a perfect example of why you make your decisions on how the series will go BEFORE you write it. The Giru Greeed was supposed to be the Greeed for the purple medals... except there was never a Greeed for the purple medals. spoiler[Eiji and Maki each had half of the medals, making them half-human/half-Greeed hybrids, and they both pretty much were taken over.] Lost Ankh or Dr. Maki spoiler[with the purple medals] would be most appropriate, but Cazari or Uva wouldn't be bad, either.

Nega Den-O... From that horrid Kiva/Den-O Climax Deka movie. That I (and everyone else I know) have attempted to scrub from our memories, because it sucked that bad. If you were going to take movie-only villains, why not one of the villains from the better Den-O movies? Or, you know, ones that fit nicely into canon, as opposed to all of the reasons why Climax Deka doesn't make sense (it doesn't break canon like Movie War Core from OOO does, but it's bad enough as it is). The best combination would have been to use New Den-O vs. Yuuki. Or Den-O vs. G Den-O (although G Den-O was more DiEnd's villain than Den-O's). Or use Gaoh from I'm Born, or one of the brothers from Onigashima Warship.

Gah. TL;DR - Rider movies are non-canon half the time, and using movie-only villains is an insult to the franchise, when other franchises are getting iconic villains.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:28 pm Reply with quote
Why can't American companies ever put aside their differences and make a game like this with their properties?
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:04 pm Reply with quote
Vaisaga wrote:
Why can't American companies ever put aside their differences and make a game like this with their properties?

Because they don't want to afford that. Even the Japanese Dynasty Warriors Gundam games had their original music (instrumental versions of the Gundams' shows) replaced with new one for the English releases because of copyrights.

By the way, I was surprised the newest Gundam show, Gundam AGE, did not make it to this game. Is it that the show is not very popular or there are copyright issues?
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:45 pm Reply with quote
sainta wrote:
By the way, I was surprised the newest Gundam show, Gundam AGE, did not make it to this game. Is it that the show is not very popular or there are copyright issues?

The newest 2 Kamen Rider shows (Fourze and Wizard) aren't in here either. I'm more surprised SEED isn't in here, since with KR they went with the current super-popular/cash cow series.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:27 pm Reply with quote
sainta wrote:
Because they don't want to afford that. Even the Japanese Dynasty Warriors Gundam games had their original music (instrumental versions of the Gundams' shows) replaced with new one for the English releases because of copyrights.

No no, I didn't mean "Why can't they localize these games". I know why. What I said is why can't America make a cross over game with stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Firefly, etc etc?
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