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Avatar dump.

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The Mad Plumber

Joined: 31 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:09 am Reply with quote
I was briefly browsing the "your avatar" thread and I thought I came across a user who was looking for an avatar from New Cutey Honey. So, I thought, as a bit of service to casual users who don't have image-editing software, that those of us with Photoshop could compile stock avatars for users to adopt into their profile.

  1. As of September 2, 2011, the avatar upload console indicates that the maximum dimensions of an avatar are 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high and that the file size cannot exceed 12 KB.
  2. As a tip to Photoshop users, a technique to conserve file size of output images (as well as making image files readable in numerous internet browsers) is to utilize the "save for web" function. Setting the output JPG quality between 50% to 75% should bring the file size below 12 KB.
  3. I'm assuming (and hoping) that Anime News Network only accepts static raster images and doesn't support animated GIF images.
  4. To include an avatar in your post, use the [IMG] tag like so:
  5. Please don't go overboard in how many avatars you include in a single post.
  6. I am having trouble locating Anime News Network's "Rules" or "Terms of Service" in regards to acceptable content when it comes to avatars. I've tried looking in the obvious places in the "Announcements & Teh Rules" folder, but have failed to turn up anything. If someone knows an official thread illustrating code of conduct, please post a link to it. Otherwise, I would just say to contributors to use common sense in regards to what you know is not an acceptable avatar to share: images that are obscene, offensive, degrading, racist, etc.
  7. Use reliable, trust-worthy, dedicated image-hosting sites to share your avatars. Don't hot link to somebody's personal website.
  8. Do not use a PHP document in your image link.
  9. Write a text title preceding your posted avatars. Assuming that Anime News Network's forum has a search function, this will helpful for users finding an avatar under a particular theme.
  10. In my post, I've included all the avatars as a continuous string. In my Mozilla browser, there does not appear to be any frame-breaking and the avatars that I am sharing appear to be text-wrapping. If there is some disruptive frame-breaking for other users, please let me know.

With that said, here's my own contribution. Thank you.

Go Nagai's New Cutey Honey:

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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:57 am Reply with quote
The Mad Plumber wrote:
...those of us with Photoshop could compile stock avatars for users to adopt into their profile.

I'm bowing out of this request, so those who know I work with Fireworks/Photoshop, I will not be making stock avatars.

Take no offense, but this is time I'd rather spend doing other things than to chase down images from the internet, especially in a sue-happy environment we're all heading into.

However, I will provide a little more advice:

Setting the output JPG quality between 50% to 75% should bring the file size below 12 KB.

While true, this is not the best approach as the image visual suffers. Instead, dilute colors. The more colorful the avatar, the more expensive it is in size.

I'm assuming (and hoping) that Anime News Network only accepts static raster images and doesn't support animated GIF images.

The "support" is irrelevant since avatars can be hosted offsite. Though if a gif file is used, think of the audience. Tasteful, not noticeable, is appreciated.

Assuming that Anime News Network's forum has a search function...

It does, and it sucks ass. Though, to be fair, this is the limitation of the software, not the site. A search will only point to the thread, not a direct post. Therefore, it's highly recommended conversations be kept to a very minimum so search pages are kept to a manageable level.

I've included all the avatars as a continuous string.

I wouldn't exceed 5 avatars per row, so a line return is beneficial. While the software does seem to contain the images, monitor resolution dictates the rest. Considering not everyone has the same monitor, 500px should be more than sufficient to make them compatible for viewing.

That's all I have. Good luck with the project. Smile
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:49 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
The Mad Plumber wrote:
...Assuming that Anime News Network's forum has a search function...

It does, and it sucks ass. Though, to be fair, this is the limitation of the software, not the site. A search will only point to the thread, not a direct post. Therefore, it's highly recommended conversations be kept to a very minimum so search pages are kept to a manageable level...


When you get your results using this search each result has a topic heading and a subject heading. Clicking on the topic heading will take you to the start of the thread; clicking on the subject heading will take you to the actual post. Very Happy
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:07 pm Reply with quote
I used to make a lot of avatars. I think my main reason for stopping was starting to watch a lot of stuff on my PS3, which made screencapping impossible, and never took it back up.

I also used to run a site for hosting avatars and also let a couple of other people use it also (the number and ease of use of free image sites these days makes it redundant but I've never taken it down)

The site:

My personal gallery:
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The Mad Plumber

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Golden Boy:

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Joined: 19 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:45 am Reply with quote
I honestly wasn't under the impression that producing or using avatars was a breech of fair use rights in any degree. I can't imagine it would actually elicit a lawsuit.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:59 am Reply with quote
Considering not everyone has the same monitor, 500px should be more than sufficient to make them compatible for viewing.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:28 am Reply with quote
I think it should be pointed out that our forum only supports images that are around 100 x 100 pixels and smaller.
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