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NEWS: Noir Anime Gets Live-Action TV Series Green-Lit at Starz

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Mr. sickVisionz

Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:50 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
...will the production be a "white wash?"

Aren't almost all of the characters white or white looking to begin with?
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Until the show is actually produced and aired we can't really know if it will be good or bad but I am definitely looking forward to it. Much will depend on how serious Starz is about doing the show justice, i.e. budget. Noir is one of my most favorite anime and I think it has the potential for a pretty good adaptation, even if it ends up diverging from the original a bit.

I also think that it would be a very good thing if Yuki Kajiura were to be involved in the project, especially for those of us who are familiar with the original soundtrack. I don't think the entire original soundtrack necessarily has to be used, but if Salva Nos and Canta per Me, at the very least, are not used it could make enjoyment of the show more difficult.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:24 pm Reply with quote
Mr. sickVisionz wrote:
Richard J. wrote:
...will the production be a "white wash?"

Aren't almost all of the characters white or white looking to begin with?

Yep, but if Mireille won't be played by a corsican actress, fans will still rage. (But it seems that actually Kirika's, Chloe's and Altena's nationalities etc. aren't really known.)
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:59 pm Reply with quote
Just get some exotic actresses nobody's ever heard of, and they'll shut up.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Hope for the best, expect the worst. That way the disapointment isn't so bad
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Joined: 22 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:46 pm Reply with quote
This could work, however, please for the love of all that is good and holy can we quicken the pace of this show?
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:14 am Reply with quote
JackCox wrote:
This could work, however, please for the love of all that is good and holy can we quicken the pace of this show?

You obviously have never seen a Sam Raimi movie.

Most of his films go at about this speed:
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:

Someone actually green-lit a 2001 anime in 2011? Why? How many anime fans even remember Noir? I can understand this being green-lit in 2004 when anime was considered cool but it's 2011 and anime has been rendered a complete joke.

And that would actually help the live-action because fewer fans would remember the anime. Laughing

TopGunman wrote:

PS: Close female friendship does NOT equal romance the same way that (to you yaoi fangirls) male rivalry does NOT equal bum sex. And there were no romantic feelings between them either as much as some desperately want to interpret it as such. Kind of silly that some look into things that aren't there.

One word: Xena - produced by Robert Tapert and Sam Raimi (yes, the same people producing this live-action Noir). -Shippers would find slashes on anything, and these producers are more than happy to tease. Laughing

Richard J. wrote:

That's where I'll start my evaluation of the quality. Personally, for me at least, if they can't even use the names and cast people who vaguely resemble the characters from the anime, I'll be giving up hope on this one. (I mean for God's sake, the series has a hot blonde bombshell and a cute Japanese girl, what the hell combo could be better?)

Most likely, the girls could be any hot chick of any ethnicity but would have to be a bit older like young adults, to get around child-labor-wise and child-sexploitation-wise (they can get away with sexploitation on young adults). Laughing
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Rime of the Ancient Otaku

Joined: 03 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:22 pm Reply with quote
errinundra wrote:
I think adaptations should never be judged by their fidelity to the original. They are new creative works and deserve to be considered on their own merits.

The live Noir may have a Mexican and Chineses woman as the main characters. It could be set in Pittsburg. The soundtrack could be written by a Polish emigre. It might have an assassination of the week plot. The Soldats might be replaced by the CIA. But it might still be f**king awesome. The basic premise of a beautiful female assassin and her uncanny child offsider is so packed with possibilities that the new producers could come up with something unforgettable and totally unlike the original.

Well, I notice in the Variety article that the show will not be called NOIR, but Skein--as in a loose ball of yarn on a reel, often tangled. Whether that was due to the fact that for most folks noir is a genre all by itself (I'm no critic, but I don't think NOIR is noir enough Wink ) and the series title was changed to avoid confusion/expectations (while still hinting at the "grand retour" of the anime), or the premise has been tweaked and the Chosen Ones are now known code-wise as the Three Fates of Greek mythology is anyone's guess.

All I know is that I read "Skein" and With a Tangled Skein by Piers Anthony immediately leaped to mind...

But, yes, using Yuki Kajiura's music would be nice.

If the best they can do for a Kajiura/NOIR musical nod is a pocket watch/music box that plays "melodie" when opened, I'd be happy.

On the yuri issue, I think we should leave it to the yuri fandom to decide what is yuri or not. It shouldn't stop the rest of us from enjoying Noir in any way we like. Also, very little is accidental in anime. I believe Mashimo was deliberately inserting yuri suggestions into the series - they sleep in the same bed, for goodness sakes. It wasn't necessary to put that in unless there was a purpose behind it.

Chloe aside, NOIR to me was as yuri as you wanted it to be: yes, they slept in the same bed...because in 90% of the places that had a bed visible, the place (flat, hotel room, etc.) was too small for more than one. I always figured that if they were to a level of trusting the other in a firefight, they were able to come to a practical understanding about how much blanket-hogging was allowed...before it came down to bullets anyway.
There's no doubt Mirelle and Kirika were close. Close enough to be romantic? Unless you actually desire fan consensus, I thought it was left ambiguous enough to make everyone-- yuri fan or not--happy.

...What I could never understand were the folks that assumed the gunfire-and-casing sounds after the credits of episode 26 meant spoiler[ they went down together in glorious double suicide]. Razz

And to all the haters and naysayers - cripes, do you ever enjoy anything?

I can guarantee that there's at least one person out there saying 'if Chloe doesn't have purple hair, they might as well not bother to make the show'. Wink

I personally am in the What's Not to Like category: so long as the folks they face aren't all Sentai show reject Ninjas, "Mireille" isn't totally outshined by "Kirika" and "Kirika" is badass, bring it on!
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:01 pm Reply with quote
if you think about it this show is pretty much idiot proof when it comes to converting to live action in America. Seriously this project will not be that hard to convert.
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Egan Loo

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Rime of the Ancient Otaku wrote:
Well, I notice in the Variety article that the show will not be called NOIR, but Skein--as in a loose ball of yarn on a reel, often tangled. Whether that was due to the fact that for most folks noir is a genre all by itself (I'm no critic, but I don't think NOIR is noir enough Wink ) and the series title was changed to avoid confusion/expectations (while still hinting at the "grand retour" of the anime), or the premise has been tweaked and the Chosen Ones are now known code-wise as the Three Fates of Greek mythology is anyone's guess.

The live-action take on Noir will not be called "Skein." "Skein" is Variety's entertainment industry jargon for "television series," as in, "the Smallville skein ended this past season."

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Surrender Artist

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:00 pm Reply with quote
errinundra wrote:
I think adaptations should never be judged by their fidelity to the original. They are new creative works and deserve to be considered on their own merits.

I agree, which is why I always find myself slightly ambivalent about every adaptation. Certainly no matter how wildly an adaptation diverges from its source, I wouldn't hold that against if it turns out to be excellent, but then I'm left wondering what the point of alleging that it was an adaptation was. That would be little more than an indifferent footnote in my opinion of something, but it would nag me anyway. If, on the other hand, it were an utterly slavish recreation of the original, then I would be equally as uncertain as to the point, at least creatively, since it would then seem superfluous.

So, I suppose that I'm looking forward to some substantial changes, just so if I should happen to watch this new series, I'm not encouraged to glance at my discs of the original and wonder why I'm not watching that, but not sure of what kind of divergence would be wise.

errinundra wrote:
I guess that's part of why I don't work in television. The other part is that I refuse to move to California and have no applicable skills.

The live Noir may have a Mexican and Chineses woman as the main characters. It could be set in Pittsburg.

One's a Yukaghir from the depths of Siberia, the other is a ǃXóõ with a mysterious past, they fight crime -sorry, force of habit- I mean, together they kill people for money in Alice Springs.

I could probably go all night with those. At some point a hunter gatherer from the hills of New Guinea would end up teaming up with an amnesiac pygmy to become the most feared assassins on the hot streets of Centralia.

chefneer wrote:
Much will depend on how serious Starz is about doing the show justice, i.e. budget.

The nice thing about Noir is that I don't think it would need a particularly extravagant budget, except perhaps if they try some ambitious location filming or action choreography, since there are, assuming they don't diverge greatly in this regard, very few regular or even recurring characters and there isn't much need for elaborate special effects. Mostly squibs and blanks, I suspect.

enurtsol wrote:
TopGunman wrote:

PS: Close female friendship does NOT equal romance the same way that (to you yaoi fangirls) male rivalry does NOT equal bum sex. And there were no romantic feelings between them either as much as some desperately want to interpret it as such. Kind of silly that some look into things that aren't there.

One word: Xena - produced by Robert Tapert and Sam Raimi (yes, the same people producing this live-action Noir). -Shippers would find slashes on anything, and these producers are more than happy to tease. Laughing

I didn't even think that Yuri required outright romance, only some sort of close relationship, but I'm not well versed on the subject. At any rate, I would be leery of Mireille and Kirika's relationship being made explicitly romantic. I think that some ambiguity and subtlety makes it more interesting.

JackCox wrote:
This could work, however, please for the love of all that is good and holy can we quicken the pace of this show?

That would probably be good for increasing its appeal and I suspect that the producers will do effectively that, but funnily enough, to me, and a few others who like the original series, its, shall I say, languorous pacing was part of the appeal. Crazy, but true. I Swear.

Last edited by Surrender Artist on Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:33 am Reply with quote
Surrender Artist wrote:
JackCox wrote:
This could work, however, please for the love of all that is good and holy can we quicken the pace of this show?

That would probably be good for increasing its appeal and I suspect that the producers will do effectively that that, but funnily enough, to me, and a few others who like the original series, its, shall I say, languorous pacing was part of the appeal. Crazy, but true. I Swear.
Agreed. One mustn't fast boil a good stew. It must be allowed to simmer gently to allow all the inner flavours to come together slowing. Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:45 am Reply with quote
vwarrior wrote:
The thing with Noir for me is, like someone said earlier it was really Yuki Kajiura's music, and furthermore, Mashimo's directorial style that I really gave Noir its memorable personality for me. The same goes for most Bee Train anime and those are the two primary reasons why I'm a fan of them.

Very true.

Rime of the Ancient Otaku wrote:
errinundra wrote:

But, yes, using Yuki Kajiura's music would be nice.

If the best they can do for a Kajiura/NOIR musical nod is a pocket watch/music box that plays "melodie" when opened, I'd be happy.

Yeah, it would be awesome and I hope that whoever they get as composer will be familiar with and open enough to push for trying to do a little more than expected/hoped for in this area given how linked to the success of the show her music and her style of music was for this and license at least some of the really key pieces if they intend to tell the same excellent story, (and ofcourse selfishly I'm sure most of us wouldn't if having those pieces also gave a better chance that new show original music would try to be done in a similar style Smile), but I do agree that would be a "feel good" starting point to hear the pocket watch theme play when it's opened and as a strong foundation for the show's soundtrack.
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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:48 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:

One word: Xena - produced by Robert Tapert and Sam Raimi (yes, the same people producing this live-action Noir). -Shippers would find slashes on anything, and these producers are more than happy to tease. Laughing

For some crazy reason that actually makes me feel better about this show going forward, even though I know it shouldn't..... At least they wont take them selves too seriously.
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