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NEWS: Courtney Love Teams with TOKYOPOP for New Manga

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:32 pm Reply with quote
*sigh* The point is the manga glamorizes Love, and the girls who read the manga and read about Love the person will think it's ok to, say, hit a fan on stage, or take illegal prescription drugs.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:46 pm Reply with quote
*sigh* Okay. Well, at least I see the point that you're trying to make now. The similarities between Ai and Love are there (Ai falls in love with a guy named "KENT")...but I would hope that people aren't dumb enough to start thinking Ai is a "real person."
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:10 pm Reply with quote
Kent reminds me slightly of Kurt Cobain, and other than Love's involvement with the manga, that is the only problem I've had with it, both which are for personal reasons. Gatsu, the manga is not sending out subliminal messages that will cause girls to go out and do what you've described, and if anything, if I were you, I wouldn't try talking about what's best for influencing a young girl when I think Cutie Honey is the ultimate female anime role model.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:23 pm Reply with quote
*sigh* Okay. Well, at least I see the point that you're trying to make now. The similarities between Ai and Love are there (Ai falls in love with a guy named "KENT")...but I would hope that people aren't dumb enough to start thinking Ai is a "real person."

The point is she's based on a real person.

Kent reminds me slightly of Kurt Cobain, and other than Love's involvement with the manga, that is the only problem I've had with it, both which are for personal reasons. Gatsu, the manga is not sending out subliminal messages that will cause girls to go out and do what you've described,

Yes, but as I said before, the girls who read about her in the media if they like the manga will think it's "cool" to be a b*tch, and not an Alanis "ironically empowered b*tch" kind of way, but
a heartless, antagonistic gold-digging whore kind of way. Anyway, f*ck it. It's obvious by now that otaku will do anything for anime and manga to be mainstream, including supporting thieves like Love and Tarantino. Anyway, morality aside, her book got a cold reception at the Animerica AX panel from the fans, who weren't impressed that Tokyopop actually spent money on an anime commercial to promote the series. (I think one fan considered it a sign that the market was oversaturated.)
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:19 pm Reply with quote
I read the first chapter....you think her "heart shaped box" was a purposeful reference?

Granted I didn't even finish the first book, I kinda thought the general theme was kind of weak.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:44 pm Reply with quote
Steventheeunuch wrote:
In a way, this shows the medium is growing. But it just doesn't... feel... right.

I second those feelings, and I won't be purchasing this either (not just because it's a strange joint-project between Japan and Hollywood, of all places, but because it doesn't seem very interesting). This seems primarily targeted at fans of gothic culture (translation: angsty teens), so I will sit this one out. Not to mention that I dislike Courtney Love anyways. I don't want to line her pockets even further, and I sure as hell wouldn't do it because of some dumbass Tokyopop marketing stunt.

And for the record, GATSU, Kill Bill is brilliant.

But The Animatrix was crap.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:41 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
supporting thieves like Love and Tarantino.

Tarantino is a thief? Do tell, what is he a thief of?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:01 am Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf: Reservoir Dogs ripped off City on Fire.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:29 am Reply with quote
Plus the ear thing is from The Candy Snatchers, and there's a couple scenes taken straight from Ariel.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:37 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Anyway, morality aside, her book got a cold reception at the Animerica AX panel from the fans, who weren't impressed that Tokyopop actually spent money on an anime commercial to promote the series. (I think one fan considered it a sign that the market was oversaturated.)

The book got a cold reception at a panel hosted by and focused on the magazine owned and operated by Tokyopop's chief competitor.

Right, that must mean the book is bad and will fail.

This is like saying "I was at the Microsoft panel and the people in the room booed when someone mentioned Sony so that must mean Sony is going to fail."
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:53 am Reply with quote
Vekou wrote:

I second those feelings, and I won't be purchasing this either (not just because it's a strange joint-project between Japan and Hollywood, of all places, but because it doesn't seem very interesting). This seems primarily targeted at fans of gothic culture (translation: angsty teens), so I will sit this one out. Not to mention that I dislike Courtney Love anyways. I don't want to line her pockets even further, and I sure as hell wouldn't do it because of some dumbass Tokyopop marketing stunt.

And for the record, GATSU, Kill Bill is brilliant.

But The Animatrix was crap.

I really don't understand this. Apparently now it's evil to try and promote your product, and if you do, that makes you dumb. If you try and sell your anime or manga title beyond producing the book and putting it on the shelf, you've done evil in the eyes of fans who don't need to be promoted to since they slavishly read release lists and watch news sites and read scanslations of things before they hit the shelves.

Except that attitude makes absolutely no sense if you think about what you're saying. The company HAS to sell books. They have to promote books. They have to make sure people are buying books. The only way to do that is through promotion. Do you expect Tokyopop to just not promote their titles? Or is it that you unrealistically and selfishly expect them to only promote titles you like in a fashion you've approved?

I think the latter part of this is true for a lot of fans who don't even realize how incredibly arrogant and foolish that attitude is.

As for not buying "strange joint projects between Hollywood and Japan", you better stay away from Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, the upcoming Brave Story, and all of Miyazaki's recent films, all of which were heavily backed by US money. But I guess that's bad and evil too, maybe because it just "doesn't... feel... right..." which let me tell you, is the ultimate logical reason to dislike or disapprove of something.

I would really like it if people would think before opening their mouths. I think that's expecting too much, though.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:01 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
littlegreenwolf: Reservoir Dogs ripped off City on Fire.

You know, I have to question your continued crusade against Tarantino.

His films "ripping off" other films doesn't really effect you in any significant way. You can simply choose to not watch his films. In fact, I believe that if you didn't think you were the only person around here that knew Tarantino watched City On Fire before he made Reservoir Dogs, you wouldn't throw out all this hatred every time someone mentioned his name on these forums.

But you do. It's like you expected yourself to become some kind of celebrated Dork Revere, riding through town ringing the bell telling us sleeping fools that TARANTINO RIPPED OFF ANOTHER FILM!, and then expecting us to leap out of bed and run to his house with torches for making a film that lifted a few concepts or a lot of concepts or whatever from another film nobody's ever seen and nobody wants to see.

The fact of the matter is, man, NOBODY CARES. Tarantino could rip off every crappy old hong kong action flick ever made and call it his own and most people wouldn't care because they don't WANT to watch those moldy, old, low-budget piles you seem to revere so much. Tarantino's films are entertaining and amusing and believe it or not, THAT is what matters, not what Gung Soy Hoo-Park 1978 action flick he stole from. Kill Bill was funnier, more entertaining, easier to watch, better-written and better paced than every old Hong Kong action flick I've ever seen and most people would agree with me even if they HAVEN'T seen those crummy old movies. And there isn't anything wrong with that. There's no great injustice here. So climb off your trusty steed and please stop with the endless Tarantino bashing. We don't care. You aren't blowing our minds. Knock it off. Please.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:21 am Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
GATSU wrote:
littlegreenwolf: Reservoir Dogs ripped off City on Fire.

It's like you expected yourself to become some kind of celebrated Dork Revere, riding through town ringing the bell telling us sleeping fools that TARANTINO RIPPED OFF ANOTHER FILM!, and then expecting us to leap out of bed and run to his house with torches for making a film that lifted a few concepts or a lot of concepts or whatever from another film nobody's ever seen and nobody wants to see.

Ahahahah!!! Laughing The midnight ride of Dork Revere!!!! Laughing Ahahahaha... Laughing That's so funnny!!! I'm about to cry! Laughing
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Joined: 19 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:56 am Reply with quote
Animefan16 wrote:
Madonna has anime in her videos?

I don't know that it truly was 'anime' as I have been unable to confirm if the artist was in fact Japanese. In her 'Music' video directed by Jonas Åkerlund, there is a short animation that is supposedly touted as 'anime.' (There was also a Shockwave video produced for the Web only that was entirely animated, the artist is not credited.)

In her Drowned World Tour, she had a 'Japanese segment' in which she performed in costumes 'inspired by Japanese culture' and 'Japanese anime' appeared on the large screens behind her. Here is an excerpt from her Drowned World Tour DVD review:

For the next segment, Madonna changes into a kimono with 30 foot long plus sleeves going each way that are held up by her dancers. Men suspended from the rafters or ceiling wearing sumo-men type thongs add to the "props", preceding Madonna's rendition of "Frozen", looking quite the geisha in her straight black wig and rice powder facial makeup. In "Nobody's Perfect", a samurai appears with a long sword and does a dance duet of sorts with her. The slow-tempoed beat of the last few Japanese segments give, shots of Japanese anime and video of Madonna in red and white floral kimono and geisha makeup (with a coy, bow-tie styled mouth), give an authentic Japanese style theme to the songs.

Again, I do not know if the artist was Japanese but she was definitely trying to make it appear as if it were anime. Whether she was ripping off a culture, capitalizing on the mainstream appeal of anime, or paying homage to one of her favorite art styles remains to be seen.

At least Courtney Love and/or Tokyopop hired Yazawa Ai as a character designer for Princess Ai to make it a little more authentic.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:19 am Reply with quote
The book got a cold reception at a panel hosted by and focused on the magazine owned and operated by Tokyopop's chief competitor.

I don't really think the fans attending care either way, especially considering Tokyopop has(or has had anyway) the major shoujo titles, and Viz usually gets the left-overs. If you want to know, the subject being brought up by the moderators
was too little or too much manga on the market, and a majority of those there raised their hands in support of "too much". And then the topic steered to Tokyopop. Personally, I tried to blame ADV, but they had a point.

Right, that must mean the book is bad and will fail.

If ANN's review is any indication, Love's book will be a disappointment. I just hope Tokyopop didn't actually pay for this to happen, and that Love loaned them some of her coke money.

This is like saying "I was at the Microsoft panel and the people in the room booed when someone mentioned Sony so that must mean Sony is going to fail."

Apples and oranges man. Not everyone will be buying both an X Box and a PS2. But manga is relatively the same price from all these companies, so you definitely see it crossing over. In fact, last year, I remember actually seeing some people who worked for Viz buying Tokyopop books.

I really don't understand this. Apparently now it's evil to try and promote your product,

It's evil if no one likes you as much as the product.

and if you do, that makes you dumb.

It certainly makes you out of touch with what people want.

If you try and sell your anime or manga title beyond producing the book and putting it on the shelf, you've done evil in the eyes of fans who don't need to be promoted to since they slavishly read release lists and watch news sites and read scanslations of things before they hit the shelves.

Let's just say I only respect Tokyopop when they promote genuine artists(see Rising Stars of Manga), not hacks who killed artists.

Except that attitude makes absolutely no sense if you think about what you're saying. The company HAS to sell books. They have to promote books.

True, but there's only so many types of books that they are
going to be able to expand to, before they spread themselves thin and get less of a return on their investment.

As for not buying "strange joint projects between Hollywood and Japan", you better stay away from Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, the upcoming Brave Story, and all of Miyazaki's recent films, all of which were heavily backed by US money.

Well to be honest, Spirited Away did suck compared to Miyazaki's previous work, and Innocence might do better here than in Japan like the first film, but it's obviously having a tough time living up to the expectations of fans who loved the first film. And even Bebop fans were largely unimpressed by the movie. So maybe all that money just goes to those animators' heads, and they stop thinking creatively, and try to be too mainstream.

His films "ripping off" other films doesn't really effect you in any significant way.

They affect one's ability to see the original films, because he's either sitting on them or slapping his name on edited versions of them.

In fact, I believe that if you didn't think you were the only person around here that knew Tarantino watched City On Fire before he made Reservoir Dogs, you wouldn't throw out all this hatred every time someone mentioned his name on these forums.

It's not how many people know about it. It's the fact that he refuses to give credit.

and then expecting us to leap out of bed and run to his house with torches for making a film that lifted a few concepts or a lot of concepts or whatever from another film nobody's ever seen and nobody wants to see.

More than concepts. Entire scenes. And the people who don't want to see those other films are usually the people who don't like reading Moby Dick, so they'll study the Cliff Notes versions instead.

The fact of the matter is, man, NOBODY CARES.

I wouldn't say that. http://www.avary.com/rogeravary/faq/faq.html, http://www.impossiblefunky.com/qt/, and http://members.tripod.com/~Kissaki/QT.htm

Kill Bill was funnier, more entertaining, easier to watch, better-written and better paced than every old Hong Kong action flick I've ever seen

Maybe because it ripped off Lady Snowblood?(Conveniently on dvd from Animeigo.)

and most people would agree with me even if they HAVEN'T seen those crummy old movies.

Maybe that's the only reason they'd agree with you. I remember seeing Master of the Flying Guillotine with some yuppies who were ready to make fun of it, but were impressed.
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