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NEWS: 2 Adult Anime Labels Team Up to Fight Illegal Downloads

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:41 pm Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
I'd just like to point out how hard it is to actually find a decent hentai that's not unconsentual sex, rape, blackmail or bondage, etc. and understand why someone would want to preview these things before they buy them even if I don't agree with it. However, I also respect the company's right to enforce their copyright so I'm a little divided on this issue.

We have a number of lighter hentai titles, such as G-Taste, F3, Mail Order Maiden, and so forth. I will tell you, though, that the demand is higher for the really nasty stuff.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:43 pm Reply with quote
starcade wrote:
There's a real question no one is asking here:

Are anime fans the ally...

... or the enemy?

Anime fans realize that this type of action damages the industry, I believe. We're not targeting individual fans, just the sites which are outright bootlegging our material.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:46 pm Reply with quote
I've yet to hear of any US licensee that has to pay royalties for every volume sold

I'm not looking to get involved with your squabble, but the fact is that a royalty is paid on every copy of every title sold on every license out there. The first certain number of units may be covered by an "advance" in which the licensee pre-pays (in advance) royalties on units that aren't even sold yet - but there is an accounting to be made of every unit shipped and sold.

Hope this is of assistance.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:50 pm Reply with quote
shawnek wrote:
NezuChiza wrote:
I find it amusing how they bring the Japanese companies into it by saying that they aren't "compensated", but that has exactly NO impact on this particular issue in regards to piracy of releases licensed by a US company. After all, the US companies already paid the Japanese companies, sales of the DVD's themselves give NO money back to the Japanese source. So once something is licensed it could be pirated till the cows come home and it wouldn't actually impact what the Japanese were already paid.

Not advocating the piracy, just pointing out that using a defense of "It cuts into the Japanese profits too!" doesn't exactly work.

This is not actually true.

With licensing, you pay an "up front" cost and a "residual" cost. There is a revenue stream that continues to the Japanese licensor as sales continue throughout the lifetime of the license.

It does, cut into the Japanese licensor's profits:
If it cuts sales, the residuals will be less, cutting the licensor's revenue stream.
If the releases aren't selling, we won't license more, meaning no money for the licensor

Both factors cause less new product to be produced. Already, content in this area is down more than 30% from 2005.

Thank you for providing some info to show I was wrong rather than taking the route another did and just being condescending and insulting. I appreciate it. I was unaware of the residuals that were sometimes paid back, and it's nice to see someone in the know give a REAL response as opposed to "You don't work in the industry, so you can't POSSIBLY know anything" response. Smile
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Craeyst Raygal

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:16 pm Reply with quote
This actually isn't a problem limited to the animated pornography industry, either.

Porn companies have been bleeding away capital because of the internet. There are whole sites devoted to "archiving" older VHS pornos for download, stuff starring John Holmes, Nina Hartley, and other such well-knowns.

Long story behind my knowledge on this particular subject, but the fact of the matter is that illegal downloads have dried up the porn industry....

.... and considering porn is a niche media - just like anime - watching its decline should be heads up for us as well.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:20 pm Reply with quote
shawnek wrote:
And Adult Source Media is the US branch of a Japanese company. So you'd have trouble nitpicking on that......

This is not correct, to my knowledge.

Ooops.... guess I got it confused with JapanAnime.
Good to see you providing info to readers Shawne.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:29 pm Reply with quote
This fight they're fighting could be a very hard one.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:46 pm Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
I'm glad you Tyneol have balls of steel, but i refuse to walk into a physical store.
I hate even walking into the back section of a video store whre all the adult titles are, because the men back there give me some of the creepiest looks i've ever seen in my life. And that's been at all three stores i've gone into.

I'm 32 years of age. I live alone. And I don't make such a big deal about the fact that I'm buying and collecting animated porn. Very Happy

It's just that adult anime is the last honest sub-industry of the mainstream anime industry. Instead of having to watch blue-balling shows like Zero no Tsukaima et al, I can watch some guy actually get lucky during the first episode.

People NEED to put their money back into something they like as oppose to relying on some internet sites for their fix. All bad news about capitalism asides, it works. And there's an incredibly painful sting when it doesn't.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:48 pm Reply with quote
shawnek wrote:
We have a number of lighter hentai titles, such as G-Taste, F3, Mail Order Maiden, and so forth. I will tell you, though, that the demand is higher for the really nasty stuff.

And this is what's preplexing me.

I'm currently scanning thru 3 "Major" Torrent sites, and I see stuff ranging from futanari to guro to...well, stuff that isn't gonzo or your basic porn. And alot of it isn't even licensed by Critical Mass or Kitty!! I mean, where is the "enforcement" that these guys are claiming?

How did that saying go...Pissing in an Ocean of Piss?
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:05 pm Reply with quote
shawnek wrote:
starcade wrote:
There's a real question no one is asking here:

Are anime fans the ally...

... or the enemy?

Anime fans realize that this type of action damages the industry, I believe. We're not targeting individual fans, just the sites which are outright bootlegging our material.

Thats excellent. I think this is what companies need to do. Targeting fans is at best going to increase the fear of getting caught but wont comeclose to stopping downloads. As long as downloads are available people will use em. Cutting them off at the source will have the most impact.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:32 pm Reply with quote
shawnek wrote:
Kruszer wrote:
I'd just like to point out how hard it is to actually find a decent hentai that's not unconsentual sex, rape, blackmail or bondage, etc. and understand why someone would want to preview these things before they buy them even if I don't agree with it. However, I also respect the company's right to enforce their copyright so I'm a little divided on this issue.

We have a number of lighter hentai titles, such as G-Taste, F3, Mail Order Maiden, and so forth. I will tell you, though, that the demand is higher for the really nasty stuff.

Yes I'm aware of that I've bought several titles from Rightstuff (Although it's rare for me to buy or watch porn, so I only own 10 titles personally, a mere fraction of my overall DVD Collection). Sometimes it's easy to figure out the ones I'd like when I am so inclined, sometimes it isn't. It's hard to judge a DVD by it's cover, and offen the same can be said for a plot description. I've had some mixed luck finding titles.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:35 pm Reply with quote
Let's see-shawnek=must be Shawne Kleckner, let me tell ya one thing-one time I found and downloaded an iso image of Dragon Pink-I'll tell you there's no way I'd ever have purchased it. Hentai is a niche genre-for guys to w**K off in the privacy of what ever.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:43 pm Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
Why is it adult anime costs so freakin much? 6 episodes costs like- $80 bucks.
If it were $20 like the other anime...i'd know people who'd buy more. *coughs*

If you're familiar with the concept of vanity press, that's where a lot of yaoi anime seems to fall. I paid $50 for a vanity press family history someone in the family published.

It seems a lot of it is the publisher funds it & makes a limited amount so we get 1 or 2 eps. Because most are straight to video, there's no built-in profit (like the Hollywood blockbuster which made millions during its theater run & the dvd releas is just icing on the cake. Disney cab offer PotC3 for a cheap price because it made a lot during its theater run. My teen had to have the Producers the week it was released & the best price I could do was $20, much more than the &12-$14 I could find bigger titles on sale their premiere week for)
SO Libre or Biblos or whoever commisions the dvd figures their cost of making it & makes up a certain amount of copies they figure they can sell & sets the price accordingly.

And thus also the downloaders claim that "Japanese see it for free on tv" doesn't apply to a lot of this stuff.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:51 pm Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:

And thus also the downloaders claim that "Japanese see it for free on tv" doesn't apply to a lot of this stuff.

Who the hell said that? >.> I think I missed that part. I doubt they show Any type of adult oriented content on public television.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:30 pm Reply with quote
NezuChiza wrote:
Thank you for providing some info to show I was wrong rather than taking the route another did and just being condescending and insulting. I appreciate it. I was unaware of the residuals that were sometimes paid back, and it's nice to see someone in the know give a REAL response as opposed to "You don't work in the industry, so you can't POSSIBLY know anything" response. Smile

Look, dude, what I knew were basically the same as Shawne said:

Shawne Kleckner aka shawnek wrote:
The first certain number of units may be covered by an "advance" in which the licensee pre-pays (in advance) royalties on units that aren't even sold yet - but there is an accounting to be made of every unit shipped and sold.

I didn't tell you the details because I didn't have consent from either side of contract signers; that's something called politeness and decency, and you lacked both. However, since Shawne has disclosed it I think it's not a secret anymore.

When overseas licensees want to license a title from Japanese license holder(s), a "safety deposit / royalties-in-advance" has to be paid for a set number of units sold (this is often the number of first press/print), as well as royalties set for each additional unit sold beyond that set point. When several licensees compete for the same hot title, it is usually not the percentage of royalties that differs, but the number of "guaranteed to be sold" units. There were many examples of overestimation -- again, I'm not going to provide examples for this will name many names.

If said title sells well beyond the set number then Japanese license holder can continue receiving cash flowing in. On the other hand, if the title is not as popular as overseas licensees had expected, they have to find ways to cover the losses due to their overestimation, for the "safety deposit" shall not be returned.

NezuChiza wrote:
LOVE your idea that someone has to be closely connected to something to know ANYTHING about how things work, by the way

Tell me why you chose to believe what Shawne said. It is because he is the head of TRSI, right? So in the end you betrayed your own words.

Last edited by dormcat on Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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