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Registration requirements need to be increased.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:46 pm Reply with quote
getchman wrote:
just report, ignore, and move on would be my suggestion. sure it's annoying, but that's a part of being on the internet

Yeah but it's more work for the moderators, and Tony has said it himself on the first page, he wish this requirements become true so it'll be less work (including less mess and also less frustrations) for him.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:35 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Tempest wrote:
We can't implement a minimum number of posts to send a PM because some people register for the purpose of sending a PM to staff.

Also, people who have been warned about an early posting violation need to be able to discuss it with the moderator via PM.


Okay, I understand why you can't touch the PMs.

But, you can implement a minimum number of posts requirement before a user can start a thread on the actual forums themselves, right?

Do you think that would honestly stop people like Proud Dumbass from posting? Sure it would be nice if they weren't creating threads but if they couldn't they'd no doubt simply toss those asinine posts into an already established thread. Plus some posters make quality threads early on in their tenure. Such an implementation would not allow for that obviously.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:17 am Reply with quote
^ It might still hold people like him back. Also don't forget about the people who start a thread to ask whether their favourite anime gets a sequel or the people listing their favourite anime.

Anyway I have no problem ignoring ProudAsian and implementing this feature would help the mods more than the users so I don't understand why the mods aren't here begging on their knees for this feature to be implemented.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:10 am Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:
Do you think that would honestly stop people like Proud Dumbass from posting?

I doubt that anybody thinks that this would actually stop him, or any other pest, but it could be a deterrent.
And this was not originally about him. It was about spammers.

Spammers and trollers both want attention, and a new thread gets a lot more attention than a post in any existing thread.
Also, the spammers want to do their business quickly. They do not want to invest the time and effort required to make the minimum number of posts needed to start a new thread, just to have the account deleted, which would force them to start over again.

One thing I do wonder about is what will happen if this policy is implemented and somebody new does try to start a thread.
I would hope that they get an error message that explains the situation and gives clear instructions on how to contact the appropriate people if they are trying to report a problem.

Cam0 wrote:
I don't understand why the mods aren't here begging on their knees for this feature to be implemented.

The moderators can communicate directly with the administrators.
They can do their begging in private.Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:43 pm Reply with quote
Touma wrote:
One thing I do wonder about is what will happen if this policy is implemented and somebody new does try to start a thread.
I would hope that they get an error message that explains the situation and gives clear instructions on how to contact the appropriate people if they are trying to report a problem.

IIRC, the system will give a message saying that new accounts must have [x] posts to be able to make a new thread.

Since I'm the one who initially posted this (and yes, it was spammers and one-shot "will [series] get another season" type posts that inspired it), here's my thoughts on how this helps both users and mods/admins:

First off, this cuts down on certain types of posts, which are not allowed.
1) Spam posts. This includes both bots as well as all of those "come look at my youtube videos/stuff I'm trying to sell" posts.
2) People just asking a question that is easily answerable in other threads (such as the "what is this series" [should be in the "general questions" threads]).
3) "One-hit wonders," where they basically post asking for people's thoughts, but never reply again.
4) People posting in the wrong forums.

How this helps mods/admins: Less problematic posts for them to have to police. Furthermore, it requires people to watch the forums and get a feel for how things work before they can post, which will (hopefully) make them make less problematic posts.

How this helps users: First, the mods aren't tied up taking care of those, and have more time to watch threads. Second, threads aren't being bumped off of the front page as fast, so people can find discussions. Third, the forums become more welcoming, because new users won't be turned off from the number of locked posts. Fourth, it encourages people to become a part of the community if they want to post.

I did, though, just realize a problem with this: It would also keep people from being able to start Talkback threads. However, those usually get started pretty quickly, so I see this as a minor problem.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:02 pm Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
I did, though, just realize a problem with this: It would also keep people from being able to start Talkback threads. However, those usually get started pretty quickly, so I see this as a minor problem.

I had thought about that.
Since those threads are started from a link in the article maybe they would not be affected by this?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Regarding Dessa's recent post, I do agree with him, and I do see the pro and con of implementing this policy. But I still think the pros outdo the con.

Dessa, you wrote:
I did, though, just realize a problem with this: It would also keep people from being able to start Talkback threads. However, those usually get started pretty quickly, so I see this as a minor problem.

Is it possible to make the talkback threads the only exception from the rule with some restriction like remove the "new topic" button on the left side of the talkback thread and only allow creating the thread in the talkback by clicking on "discuss this in the forum" link (even for users that have less then 10 posts)? Is that possible or is their technical limitation?

Also it wouldn't be that much pain to the moderators if trolls decide to take advantage of this since it's less work for moderators (I think).
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:13 am Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:

Do you think that would honestly stop people like Proud Dumbass from posting? Sure it would be nice if they weren't creating threads but if they couldn't they'd no doubt simply toss those asinine posts into an already established thread. Plus some posters make quality threads early on in their tenure. Such an implementation would not allow for that obviously.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:25 pm Reply with quote
I've seen a lot of other forums that have adopted this idea of a minimum # of posts before being allowed full access, and the average range of minimum posts seems to be 25-50. Jes' sayin'.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:34 pm Reply with quote
shukujo wrote:
I've seen a lot of other forums that have adopted this idea of a minimum # of posts before being allowed full access, and the average range of minimum posts seems to be 25-50. Jes' sayin'.

While I can understand the idea behind such implementations I find them in most cases pointless. Some users can be turned off by that and not stay. Sometimes those were quality posters who you drove away. In most cases though in my experience it just encourages posters to make sad little posts that equate to nothing more than one liners to reach that point as quick as possible. Which again defeats the whole purpose of such an implementation anyways. I can see it working better on a smaller forum perhaps, but definitely not one this size with the amount of posts/posters here on any given day.

getchman wrote:
just report, ignore, and move on would be my suggestion. sure it's annoying, but that's a part of being on the internet

I have to say given the structure and size of the ANN forums this is honestly the only good option. Yes posters such as those mentioned are annoying. One post question posters are annoying. Spammers are annoying. It's however the internet and no matter how hard you try it's gonna happen. Even if the admin implemented a minimum posts to create a thread option I still think it would in the end solve nothing. Those same asinine posts would just wind up in an established thread and still need to be deleted anyways. I've seen, and am part of one, forums that require admin to approve of a new member's registration altogether before they can post. Given ANN's size that is most certainly out of the question.

I think the best option is to add more moderators so there are more people active in that role to handle the spam/troll poster/posts. Since they are going to be adding a handful more I would theorize the admin share that view as the best solution for this issue for the time being.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:
In most cases though in my experience it just encourages posters to make sad little posts that equate to nothing more than one liners to reach that point as quick as possible. Which again defeats the whole purpose of such an implementation anyways.

Ah yes, the law of unintended consequences

Now, not to rain on everybody's parade, but I just looked at the phpBB2 admin interface and there doesn't seem to be a way to set a number of posts before someone is allowed to start a topic. Maybe it's something that can be added with a mod but we're not going to start modding stuff. We'll change/upgrade the forum software before that.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:56 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I couldn't remember if it was in phpBB2 or not. I remember it being in phpBB3, but I wasn't sure if it was in 2 as well.

At the very least, we got a good discussion going on this as a potential future option for cutting down on these types of posts, for when the boards are finally upgraded!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:00 am Reply with quote
Its a wonder this forum is so biased against new members of the community, also one would think constructive posting and not whining and complaining about having to read a few off posts would be more normal but its not really shocking I guess and should be expected,

learning and speaking someones mind is really just freedom of speech and curtailing that should be a crime, but its a free world right?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:23 am Reply with quote
Catseyetiger wrote:
...but its a free world right?

your "freedom" to post here basically "ends" where someone else's "freedom" begins.

You, I, or anyone else posting here isn't allowed to spam, disrupt or express hate on other posters.

I think and also want to believe that the whole idea of this forum is to discuss things, exchange ideas, share our fandom. Doing that promotes the business of anime. And promoting that business serves my own interest (my love for comics and animation).

Of course learning to do that in a civil manner, with a modicum of intelligence is something for another thread, but no, you are not "free". That sense of entitlement is simply a steaming pile of BS.

The rules are here for a good reason.

whoop, times up. I gotta get to work. That notion of "freedom" is a funny one.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:09 am Reply with quote
Catseyetiger wrote:
Its a wonder this forum is so biased against new members of the community,

This forum is not a single entity with one mind. We are a lot of different individuals with many different ideas and opinions. That is why we have discussions like this.

The regulations that were suggested here were not aimed at new members to the community. They were proposed to try to deter spammers and trollers who have no interest in being members of the community. Unfortunately they could have also inconvenienced some people who really did want to be new community members.
That is probably the main reason why there are not going to be any new requirements.

The decision has been made, there will be no restrictions on starting new threads, and there is really nothing left to debate here.
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