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NEWS: Link of the Day: HollywoodMewMew.com

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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:22 pm Reply with quote
thank goodness there's no link for an online petition, nothing shouts "lazy" and "uneffective" quite like an online petition.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:38 pm Reply with quote
We're well aware how pointless email & online petitions are for this kind of thing, which is why we're concentrating on a written campaign. It's still a long shot, but what can you do but try? Smile

FYI, the main page for the campaign is at www.maehara.co.uk/tmm.html or
www.mewmewalliance.com - Troy very kindly pointed his domain at the page, and it seems to have had the desired impact!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Did I credit the wrong person with the site creation? I had seen your posts on AoD, and when I received the e-mail from Troy I assumed you were one and the same.

Although prior to that I had actually assumed you were a girl...
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Joined: 04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:57 pm Reply with quote
The joys of anime avatars Smile Definitely a guy. If you've been following the AoD threads, Troy is XStylus there. I've been too busy to do much in the way of promotion so far, but it seems he's been taking up the slack... Not too worried who gets the credit for it, mind - just as long as the word gets around!
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Joined: 27 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:13 pm Reply with quote
haha i bet 4Kids will sue them for cybersquatting. Laughing
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Joined: 04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:
Did I credit the wrong person with the site creation? I had seen your posts on AoD, and when I received the e-mail from Troy I assumed you were one and the same.

Although prior to that I had actually assumed you were a girl...

My apologies for not making it clear in my initial email to AnimeNewsNetwork staff, however the site itself is actually all Maehara's doing. The domain name itself, however, is mine. I want to make this very clear in case any legal trouble ensues over my possession of that domain name. Maehara and I have been discussing the site together to achieve maximum exposure, however he is the one who deserves the credit for his hard work. Anime smile

Last edited by xstylus on Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:02 pm Reply with quote
Zeus wrote:
haha i bet 4Kids will sue them for cybersquatting. Laughing

Haha! I doubt that! Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:13 pm Reply with quote
I also linked to this campaign on my blog (click the WWW button) last night, about the only time I've ever done anything like that either, since I find it's a polite campaign with a reasonable, realistic objective (re: NOT about closing down 4Kids or even stopping Hollywood Mew Mew), free from the fanboyish invective and the name-calling I've seen on similar such campaigns.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:14 pm Reply with quote
Guys, good luck with your campaign Smile !
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Joined: 04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:26 pm Reply with quote
Zeus wrote:
haha i bet 4Kids will sue them for cybersquatting. Laughing

I'm actually expecting it.

Legally, they don't have me on anything, and they haven't been materially damaged, so they can't sue me. I've broken no laws, so I'm not worried about that in the least. However, depending on what mood ICANN is in, they very likely could declare that the site belongs to 4Kids, and at worst I'm out my $15 bucks to register it. If that happens, I'm not going to cry over it. I'm not trying to make trouble, I'm just trying to get the message out.

I see several possibilities happening. The first possibility is the most obvious one, which involves 4Kids whining to ICANN. ICANN reviews the intentions under which I registered the website and would have to take several considerations in mind. First, the site isn't being held for ransom like a cybersquatter. As is stated on the site, the domain isn't for sale or trade at any price. At the most, I have stated that when the site outlives its usefulness it will be allowed to expire, and if 4Kids expresses an interest in the site at that time, I'd be glad to help them transfer it as a courtesy before some cybersquatter get it. Secondly, ICANN would have to consider the legitimate usage of the site. The site exists in the same spirit as www.bestbuysux.com and www.radioshacksucks.com. Those sites use well established trademarks, but are allowed to exist because they have a legitimate function. www.HollywoodMewMew.com could conceivably survive under this precident.

The second possibility is that after all of that, ICANN says Tough Cookies, hand it over. No problem. 4Kids at least knows that there's people out there who REALLY want an uncut DVD, and may give the idea more thought. If 4Kids makes things ugly though, this could become a negative PR matter for them. It'd show that 4Kids is going out of their way to specifically not give the customer what they want.

The third possibility is that 4Kids changes the name of Hollywood Mew Mew entirely. It's not too late for that. The site would become obsolite, and the name would (hopefully) be changed to something a bit less absurd. A win/win situation.

The fourth possibility is that 4Kids simply doesn't give a damn. Unlikely, but possible. They might decide to skip getting the site if the PR repercussions would respond very negatively against them. This is why I'm trying to get the word out as far and wide as possible. It'd be harder for them to resolve the matter quietly and sweep it under the rug.

All of the domain information on the whois registry is correct. If they want to send cease and desist orders and whatnot, it won't bother me.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:35 pm Reply with quote
Am I in the twlight zone or are people blowing this way out of perpotion. Why are they 2 news topics about this so soon after each other? It this really the biggest news in the anime world ? CN has 6 new shows plus new episodes of returning shows but that barely gives a blip on the various anime boards. But when one show Just the 1 that 4Kids has bought. It is treated like the second coming. (TZ has a 10+ page thread about it) Just be honest with me. Is this really all about the show and how important keeping the refrences in or is this one of the many many never going to end topics of anti 4Kids topics?
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Joined: 28 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:07 pm Reply with quote
xstylus wrote:
Zeus wrote:
haha i bet 4Kids will sue them for cybersquatting. Laughing

I'm actually expecting it.

Legally, they don't have me on anything, and they haven't been materially damaged, so they can't sue me. I've broken no laws, so I'm not worried about that in the least. However, depending on what mood ICANN is in, they very likely could declare that the site belongs to 4Kids, and at worst I'm out my $15 bucks to register it. If that happens, I'm not going to cry over it. I'm not trying to make trouble, I'm just trying to get the message out.

I see several possibilities happening. The first possibility is the most obvious one, which involves 4Kids whining to ICANN. ICANN reviews the intentions under which I registered the website and would have to take several considerations in mind. First, the site isn't being held for ransom like a cybersquatter. As is stated on the site, the domain isn't for sale or trade at any price. At the most, I have stated that when the site outlives its usefulness it will be allowed to expire, and if 4Kids expresses an interest in the site at that time, I'd be glad to help them transfer it as a courtesy before some cybersquatter get it. Secondly, ICANN would have to consider the legitimate usage of the site. The site exists in the same spirit as www.bestbuysux.com and www.radioshacksucks.com. Those sites use well established trademarks, but are allowed to exist because they have a legitimate function. www.HollywoodMewMew.com could conceivably survive under this precident.

The second possibility is that after all of that, ICANN says Tough Cookies, hand it over. No problem. 4Kids at least knows that there's people out there who REALLY want an uncut DVD, and may give the idea more thought. If 4Kids makes things ugly though, this could become a negative PR matter for them. It'd show that 4Kids is going out of their way to specifically not give the customer what they want.

The third possibility is that 4Kids changes the name of Hollywood Mew Mew entirely. It's not too late for that. The site would become obsolite, and the name would (hopefully) be changed to something a bit less absurd. A win/win situation.

The fourth possibility is that 4Kids simply doesn't give a damn. Unlikely, but possible. They might decide to skip getting the site if the PR repercussions would respond very negatively against them. This is why I'm trying to get the word out as far and wide as possible. It'd be harder for them to resolve the matter quietly and sweep it under the rug.

All of the domain information on the whois registry is correct. If they want to send cease and desist orders and whatnot, it won't bother me.

You forgot tht fifth possibility: 4kids wants to see the outcome of the campaign. The site isn't a bash 4kids site. All it says is to contact them about a show they bought, nothing more, nothing less. It's just a fan site, and 4kids is treating it as such.
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Joined: 02 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:10 pm Reply with quote
Hmm maybe ya can give em the domain at the end of this campaign? ^^;; Ah whatever ya liek hehe. I havn't gotten into this series, but I'll check it out on tv I guess. I hope they don't change much else x_x
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Joined: 09 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:35 pm Reply with quote
I'm sorta surprised you don't have a link to ANN on there. I mean, they even posted it in the news. I see animeondvd and animeacademy there.. :\
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:11 am Reply with quote
A massive conventional letter writing campaign is definetely more credible than an net campaign.

However, I doubt 4Kids will listen. I saw their interview, they only care about the bottom line.
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