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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:50 pm Reply with quote
While I understand the point of not troubling moderators trying to coral the obvious ignorance that would be expressed in these talkback threads, it does a disservice to your readers and the site to not allow any responses in any form.

If others are like me, the forum is actually often my first exposure to the news and interest articles on the site. I see the article titles in the forum, I search out the article.

New comments keepp interest and thought in your stories going.

If you are getting other email feedback (like the message I sent that originally contained this suggestion) I suggest cultivating some choice feedback and periodically publishing them IN THE CLOSED RESPONSE THREAD to the topic. In order to keep the story visible.

Because this story should be kept visible.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:29 pm Reply with quote
I would like to add on that even in printed mediums there is the existence of Op-eds.

It was mildly confusing to see an interest article turn into an interview with an ANN staff member followed by (relatively) immediate closing of the comments with followup articles all referencing the same thread.

I, too, understand why this was done, but, from my general reading of ANN, the original article was very notably different from the standard fare of news reporting.

From my point of view, locking any discussion regarding this chain of articles, or not posting any moderated responses similar to an op-ed looks like you're attempting to bury this and use the message in the forum thread to black hole any discussion.

Are there any plans with regard to how you will use any of the emails sent to the directed address?
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:26 pm Reply with quote
I'm glad to see there are other posters who aren't happy with the closing of comments with the cited article. As I pointed out in my own thread on the topic, it de facto consigned the article to a blip on the radar when it deserved to be so much more. Frankly, I have to wonder if Tempest wasn't just as happy to have the item fade fast. Perhaps he feared the reaction of anime creators/producers in Japan who may not appreciate having a topic like this publicized. No doubt I'll get yelled at for making such an assumption but the reason given (remember there were two but Tempest contradicted Zac's) is kind of lame. ANN has the resources to deal with objectionable comments short of closing down comments all together. In any case, nothing will be done, I'm sure.

Here's the link to the article. Please Read. It's Important and God Knows ANN isn't Going to Lift a Finger to Publicize It
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:40 pm Reply with quote
Just know, I'm not against their decision at all and am blaming no one. I'm a moderator of a forum myself and see no fault in closing public comments. I would just hope some form of feedback is shown and/or a different spotlight is shown in some way.

If no comments, maybe sticky the thread while the issue remains current.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:44 pm Reply with quote
I agree that the bigger priority is just making sure the article gets read by as many people as possible. I think your suggestions are good and I hope they use one.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:13 pm Reply with quote
I'll talk over publishing input sent to the feedback email address. I've been responding to those emails personally, but because we never advertised that that would be published publicly, I'd need to ask the senders if they are OK with it first.

What I can say is that closing the forums has not "buried" the article. The original is the second most read article on the site this month so far, likely in part because of wide spread sharing on social media by our staff.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:24 pm Reply with quote
octopodpie wrote:
IWhat I can say is that closing the forums has not "buried" the article. The original is the second most read article on the site this month so far, likely in part because of wide spread sharing on social media by our staff.

I'm extremely pleased to hear that. And just imagine how it would have been even more widely read if comments had been allowed. It's great that sources other than ANN are helping raise awareness about the article, but it is still an odd thing that the actual publisher is doing the least.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:

I'm extremely pleased to hear that. And just imagine how it would have been even more widely read if comments had been allowed. It's great that sources other than ANN are helping raise awareness about the article, but it is still an odd thing that the actual publisher is doing the least.

Genuinely curious here: just how would unlocking the forum thread make the article any more or less read? The news articles are posted right to the site's homepage. They're posted on ANN's social media accounts (I'd imagine this one has been shared like crazy). The only people who might not see it would be the tiny handful of people who exclusively look at the forums instead of the main news feed.

Honestly I can't blame the staff for preemptively locking the thread. There is no universe in which it doesn't plummet straight to hell and get locked anyway within two or three pages. At the end of the day, random Internet commenters aren't going to add anything constructive to the piece itself.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:10 pm Reply with quote
That particular article has long been pushed down the newsfeed. You'd have to go pawing through the "older pages" to find it and how many people do that? Just like mention of it on their social media site will get replaced by newer items. Look this is incredibly basic and I'm kind of shocked you even have to ask the question: a comment thread - especially a popular one - keeps an article in the eyes of readers for a longer period of time. Some people only pop in once a week or so. If the comment thread is still bouncing around the top of the first page, it gives them a chance to see it and then check out the article.

As an older ANN user, I'm sure I'm a little unusual in that I'm not hugely hooked into social media sites. I do have a Facebook page, but I don't go there very often and none of my FB friends are anime fans. I'm not on Twitter or any other social media site. Social media sites are great amplifiers and I'm very happy they are doing the job of keeping this article alive.

I should also mention that my entry into ANN via bookmark takes me right to the Forum Index page, not the news feed. Tempest once indicated that this was somewhat unusual, but it does point out that not every users is attuned to the newsfeed. Not that it matters, because as I noted above, items on the feed quite quickly get pushed down as new items come on line.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:16 pm Reply with quote
It's already been stated that the original article was one of the most-viewed on the site for the entire month. That's not to mention the fact that there have been at least two updates on the story since then, both of which have linked to the original article. Clearly people are reading it just fine. As Tempest told you, it's a very rare person who regularly visits a news site, yet doesn't actually look at the page listing all of the news. Just relying on the Talkback forum is a pretty terrible way to keep up on things in general, given how many articles never garner any comments.

Look, I understand being disappointed that you can't comment on the article in a public manner. But right now you have some sort of bizarre personal crusade going on, and I really don't understand why. You're presenting this hypothetical "person who never saw the article" who most likely doesn't exist in the first place.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:59 pm Reply with quote
That's just going to get him to say you're putting word in his mouth. which you kind of are.
Not that "I can't believe you aren't getting it' responses are helpful either.

Personally, as thread starter. I'm mostly interested in other views on it. But I'm not interested in reading forum wars. (in the original talkback or HERE).

I'm glad to know it's being read. And maybe being an old beardo too means i also don't view ANN like others and am out of touch.

But it begs some sort of public response that is site specific- that I don't need to go to Twitter or Facebook to read.

If not what's above, a moderated Q&A or a summary of feedback views without quoted sources if needed. something.

There may be feedback out there, people may be reading it, but ANN is a primary source and that primary source is missing a public response of record.

It's a shame.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:33 am Reply with quote
To each their own, I suppose. I tend to take the view that a good 99.9% of Internet commentary isn't really worth the bytes it took to store (that certainly includes my lifetime output), and that the best articles don't need any sort of obnoxious dangling comment thread to attract the usual population of idiots and trolls. I feel like one of the worst tendencies of modern journalism is feeling the need to get takes from every random schmuck who wanders by the camera or shoots out a tweet. Let the words stand by themselves, and react to them yourself.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:00 am Reply with quote
Spastic Minnow wrote:
If you are getting other email feedback (like the message I sent that originally contained this suggestion) I suggest cultivating some choice feedback and periodically publishing them IN THE CLOSED RESPONSE THREAD to the topic. In order to keep the story visible.

This is a great idea. I'll discuss it with Zac.

Unfortunately it's also a bit of a headache, there's no notice that e-mails might be posted on the site, and we're not going to post people's e-mails without their permission. So to do this, we'd have to e-mail every person whose e-mail we wanted to post and ask their permission.

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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:19 am Reply with quote
@ Top Gun - Bizarre personal crusade? Laughing I guess it escaped your attention that I didn't start this thread. I certainly agreed with it which is why I posted in it. Thank you for letting me know there have been two updates to the stories - I missed those thanks to there being no comment threads for them. Your comment that you find 99.9 of all Internet commentary to be worthless is very telling. I feel differently. There are a number of posters at ANN whose opinions I find interesting and worth reading. I mean these Forums exist for no other other than for people to post their opinions. Given your outlook, I don't know why bothered to post on this particular topic at all. Of course you didn't give a shit whether that article had closed comments or not. Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:38 am Reply with quote
Let's cool down on the baiting. We've got some reasonable discussion going, and Tempest is responding to the requests with what's potentially feasible.
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