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Spoiler Tags Guidelines discussion

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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:18 pm Reply with quote
Please provide feedback on the first post.

Do the guidelines make sense? Do the examples make sense? Do you agree/disagree with the guidelines? Are there any additional guidelines that should be added? Do things need to be formatted to look nicer?

The intent is to get this thread stickied and be a reference in the rules. All posts except for the first one will eventually be deleted.

Thank you.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:31 pm Reply with quote
So no more spoilering the first few posts of the new episode in the anime thread? In that case we should make it mandatory to put "Episode X" at the top of your post when you're the first one to comment on it, since not everyone's following along at the same rate.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:05 am Reply with quote
I'm of the opinion that if you don't want to be potentially spoiled by what happened in the latest episode, then you probably shouldn't be hanging out in the latest pages of the Anime Discussion threads. I know others disagree with me (and could give me scenarios on why they'd be in a thread on the latest pages despite not having seen the latest episode), so I want feedback on opinions.

One option is to not require spoiler tags at all and starting requiring that people do what Polycell suggests.

Another option is to still require people to tag latest episode spoilers in the Anime Forum discussion thread (for up to a month past the air date of the last episode of the series), but not the Daily Streaming Reviews thread (since the reviewers aren't spoiler tagging their reviews, the forum thread should not be expected to do so). That way, people who want a safe discussion could stick to the Anime Forum thread, and those okay with no spoiler tags could discuss in the Daily Streaming Review thread.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:56 am Reply with quote
Hi, willag.

I post lengthy reviews in the What are you watching right now? Why? thread. Rather than black out large swathes of text I put a clear warning at the start of the post - example. I think it makes it clear that readers proceed at their own peril.

Polycell wrote:
...we should make it mandatory to put "Episode X" at the top of your post when you're the first one to comment on it...

I think that is a great habit to get into.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:33 am Reply with quote
Polycell wrote:
So no more spoilering the first few posts of the new episode in the anime thread? In that case we should make it mandatory to put "Episode X" at the top of your post when you're the first one to comment on it, since not everyone's following along at the same rate.

I thought that was just common courtesy. I've got no problem turning it into a rule.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:33 am Reply with quote
@ willag - this is fantastic work! I can't think of a single thing to add or to alter.

willag wrote:
I'm of the opinion that if you don't want to be potentially spoiled by what happened in the latest episode, then you probably shouldn't be hanging out in the latest pages of the Anime Discussion threads.

Oh my Sweet Lord Jesus, you have no idea how much I love and agree with that statement. I love and agree with it so much I've booked the chapel in Vegas and I WILL have you marry me.

You have, in a single stroke of common sense, made life easier for those of us who, oh you know, have actually WATCHED a show and want to, you know, actually DISCUSS it in the relevant thread without mucking up our posts with a bunch of ugly looking redaction.

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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:18 am Reply with quote

Honestly, I always felt that your reviews deserved to be in your own review thread, like what Jose Cruz and Captain X do. One, it's essentially like an official review thread by that point and you can specify the rules within your first post (no spoiler tags, read at your own risk). Two, it's a nice, centralized location to read your thorough reviews.

I really appreciate being able to read them, but I never bookmark them so they just end up getting lost to the threads of time. A centralized location would help with that.

If you don't want to create your own thread, posting your reviews in the anime threads themselves would also work, and might generate further discussion in the anime threads where there aren't many posts in the first place. There's a reason we're putting effort into standardizing the discussion threads and continually updating the Anime List - we want them to be used.

The What are you watching thread? is mainly used as a casual discussion thread. I think if we started enforcing rules about spoilers that we need to be consistent. I would put this thread as one of those where you need to use spoiler tags since it's a casual thread that generates lots of views to discuss any sort of anime you're watching.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:59 am Reply with quote
I think that willag has done an excellent job of explaining why and how to use spoiler tags.

One slight change that I would like to see would be to have the first example emphasize the use of episode numbers at the top of the post when posting in the series discussion thread in the anime forum.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:13 am Reply with quote
^I have edited rule #1 to include the language (Note 2). I have also updated the corresponding Parasyte example to show that the person should start their post with the episode #.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:06 am Reply with quote
^ That looks good to me, but I just noticed one other thing:

In the third example, for posting in the "What are you watching right now? Why?" thread, the person needs to give the title of the show, as well as the episode number, before the spoiler tag.
This is one of those things that seems to be so obvious that it does not need to be mentioned, but still ...
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:42 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Polycell wrote:
So no more spoilering the first few posts of the new episode in the anime thread? In that case we should make it mandatory to put "Episode X" at the top of your post when you're the first one to comment on it, since not everyone's following along at the same rate.

I thought that was just common courtesy. I've got no problem turning it into a rule.

Pretty much my opinion and suggestion I made before. Though common courtesy with this rule in particular seems to a problem for some people. So I agree making it a bonafide rule will hopefully eliminate some of the problems. I think if people are strict and consistent about putting "epidsode x" at the top of their post when discussion shifts from episode to episode for currently debuting series then we can be more lax with spoilers. If people get lazy with it then I'd say spoilers go back into effect. There has to be some sort of warning so users know what they are about to see. I agree if you're reading the most current thread page for a series discussion in the anime section that is currently airing you should assume the discussion is going to be up to date on the most current episodes. However that shift from episode 4 to episode 5 can happen mid page so there has to be that big warning at the top of the first post or two that signifies users are now discussing the show up to that new episode. And obviously normal spoiler tags for talkback discussions for episode reviews, streaming reviews, etc.

willag wrote:

Honestly, I always felt that your reviews deserved to be in your own review thread, like what Jose Cruz and Captain X do. One, it's essentially like an official review thread by that point and you can specify the rules within your first post (no spoiler tags, read at your own risk). Two, it's a nice, centralized location to read your thorough reviews.

I really appreciate being able to read them, but I never bookmark them so they just end up getting lost to the threads of time. A centralized location would help with that.

Plus if it's your own thread you can also put one big giant bolded spoiler in the OP stating that there will be no further spoiler tags added so don't read if you don't want things spoiled. Provided you put a clear title at the top of each post so people know what title you're discussing. Such threads are not "official" review thread or official series discussion threads but rather the creation of the author. Thus I feel the author should have some more leeway and creative control over their own threads. Provided the threads are made with intelligent posts and follow the rest of the rules of course. Jose Cruz's are a fine example as he provides thorough opinions and discussion with his reviews. Tony K. does the same with his movie reviews and his older anime reviews.

willag wrote:

The What are you watching thread? is mainly used as a casual discussion thread. I think if we started enforcing rules about spoilers that we need to be consistent. I would put this thread as one of those where you need to use spoiler tags since it's a casual thread that generates lots of views to discuss any sort of anime you're watching.

I agree. Plus that thread is also very random in terms of what shows you might see someone watching. You never know what older or newer show someone might be watching and comment on. That randomness I think makes the thread deserving of spoiler tags because as a reader you have no idea what you're going to see next when someone posts. There's no warning. So best to be safer rather than sorry in that thread.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:32 pm Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:
I agree if you're reading the most current thread page for a series discussion in the anime section that is currently airing you should assume the discussion is going to be up to date on the most current episodes.

One minor problem with this is when there is any delay in the legal stream, even as little as 24 hours. We have several posters who rush to post their comments which sometimes appear before Crunchyroll or Funimation can get the episode up. I think these should be treated the same as spoilers from the source material. After the legal stream are available they could edit the post to remove the spoiler tags. An inconvenience but a small price for the "cred" of being the first to post. Confused
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:55 pm Reply with quote
Ah, thank you for creating this Willag, this is awesome. Very Happy But sadly, I can't remember all of this. Sad So are you OK if I put spoiler tags on anything even if it's not needed? As teh rule said when in doubt put spoilers.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:16 pm Reply with quote
You could do what I do if I have something too complex to remember. I print it out and keep it near the computer to refer to as necessary. After awhile, it will become second nature and you can dispose of the cheat sheet. Just a suggestion.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:29 pm Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:
You could do what I do if I have something too complex to remember. I print it out and keep it near the computer to refer to as necessary. After awhile, it will become second nature and you can dispose of the cheat sheet. Just a suggestion.

Nah, I don't need a cheat sheet (well I don't have space in my work area at home to put that on, and I also go to ANN at different location outside my home using a laptop so a cheat sheet wouldn't help me for that situation). I always put spoiler tags on a lot of stuff even before Willag set up this guidelines. It doesn't hurt to put spoiler tags in areas where it shouldn't be needed, it may sound weird to some but I just want to play it safe despite this guideline and also with a not good memory. It's a nice suggestion Alan but I don't need it, I just do what I used to do, put spoiler tags regardless.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice guideline that Willag created but not all of us have good memory (or very good at being second nature) and I got other forums I go to and each forum have different guidelines regarding spoilers so I don't want to mix 2 (or more) spoiler guidelines from 2 (or more) different forums together where it can lead me to accidentally violate ANN's spoiler tag guidelines. So I'm going to play it safe by putting spoiler tags in areas where it's not needed.
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