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NEWS: New xxxHOLiC: Rō OAD to Ship in Spring 2011

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Joined: 14 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:00 pm Reply with quote
Suga Shikao's 2003 song, Adayume, is the opening song used.

Funimation only released season 1. They have yet to announce xxxHolic Kei, Shunmuki or the first Rou.

ETA: yes, and they released the movie...not quite the definition of 'several'.

Last edited by seichan80 on Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:09 pm Reply with quote
That's awesome. I liked how the last episode of Ro ended but hopefully this will shed some light on what's up with spoiler[Yuko's little disappearing act.]
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:38 pm Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
That's awesome. I liked how the last episode of Ro ended but hopefully this will shed some light on what's up with spoiler[Yuko's little disappearing act.]

spoiler[She died, it's explained in Tsubasa.]
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Well, I really don't read manga, and that's not one of the few I do read. Anyhow I gathered that from the last OVA but it doesn't explain any details about spoiler[her death or how she came back after being dead for a while.]
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Joined: 28 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:09 pm Reply with quote
This is great news for the series. But why are they calling it an OAD? Yes, I know it's a DVD, but I hope this OAD thing doesn't catch on. Let's stick to OAV (or OVA depending on your preference). It's still video, the format shouldn't affect the term.

Yeah, I know I'm being nit-picky but I just found that odd.

Last edited by khaos1019 on Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:10 pm Reply with quote
seichan80 wrote:
Suga Shikao's 2003 song, Adayume, is the opening song used.

Funimation only released season 1. They have yet to announce xxxHolic Kei, Shunmuki or the first Rou.

They also licensed the crossover movie, so the article makes sense.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:14 pm Reply with quote
This is actually one of the few things that does make sense from the latter portions of the series.

spoiler[Yuuko had been frozen in time at the moment of her death by Clow Reed, hence why the shop was there, but wasn't there. When things were being restored to their "proper" timelines at the end of Tsubasa, Yuuko "restarted" her time to set things right. In other words, she died. She has not appeared in Tsubasa or xxxHOLiC since then (unless it's in the most recent xxxHOLiC chapter, I'm only up to 205). Watanuki gave up his freedom in exchange for taking over the shop, and he believes that eventually he'll be able to see Yuuko again (though how isn't explained).]

So I'm not sure where you got the spoiler["came back after being dead for a while"] part. A large part of the point of the series was that spoiler[death is permanent, you can't use magic to bring someone back, and there's no price equal to someone's life.]
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:20 pm Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
This is actually one of the few things that does make sense from the latter portions of the series.

spoiler[Yuuko had been frozen in time at the moment of her death by Clow Reed, hence why the shop was there, but wasn't there. When things were being restored to their "proper" timelines at the end of Tsubasa, Yuuko "restarted" her time to set things right. In other words, she died. She has not appeared in Tsubasa or xxxHOLiC since then (unless it's in the most recent xxxHOLiC chapter, I'm only up to 205). Watanuki gave up his freedom in exchange for taking over the shop, and he believes that eventually he'll be able to see Yuuko again (though how isn't explained).]

So I'm not sure where you got the spoiler["came back after being dead for a while"] part. A large part of the point of the series was that spoiler[death is permanent, you can't use magic to bring someone back, and there's no price equal to someone's life.]

I got if from the first episode of the Ro OVA, don't read on unless you've seen it or don't care about spoilers. spoiler[Watanuki spends seven years in the shop after vowing to never leave until Yuko comes back, being a male version of Yuko until Domeki brings him a case. It revolves around an old woman who died and the family hired a historian to to go through all her strange stuff because they want to sell it. Domeki works as the professor's assistant. It turns out the woman who died was some kind of medium for a god which looks like a white version of the pipe fox and has chosen her granddaughter to be the next medium. Watanuki has never met the granddaughter or the family since he solves the case through Domeki from inside the shop, yet she leaves him a message on the end of the video Domeki recorded of it with the words "Watanuki, I'm back". So it can only be Yuko.] This new OVA will supposedly be a continuation of that.
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:55 pm Reply with quote
This may be a stupid question, but are xxxHOLiC Rou and xxxHOLiC Ro the same thing with different spellings?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:11 pm Reply with quote
vashthekaizoku wrote:
This may be a stupid question, but are xxxHOLiC Rou and xxxHOLiC Ro the same thing with different spellings?

Yes. Note the stroke above the o; this is a "macron", it's used in some forms of transcribing japanese to that it's a long vowel.

In JAPANESE, long vowels are written by writing the vowel twice, but for odd historical reasons most long os are actually o+u, not o+o, and other transcribing systems mark it this way. [and the words that ARE o+o, like ookii and Oota, are written o+o. Long e is almost always e+i; the only example I can think of that isn't is oneesan]

Confusing? Well, it's better than the pre-war spelling.
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:26 am Reply with quote
seichan80 wrote:
Suga Shikao's 2003 song, Adayume, is the opening song used.

Funimation only released season 1. They have yet to announce xxxHolic Kei, Shunmuki or the first Rou.
To quote from Lance Heiskell about acquiring the rest of xxxHolic when asked during Balticon:

lheiskell wrote:
Aura Ichadora wrote:
For Funimation:

What is your stance on obtaining the rest of xxxHolic? It's been three years now since the first series was licensed and has already been released and re-released three times. How about xxxHolic Kei and the OVAs?

My American Airlines issued Magic 8 ball says "Outlook Cloudy"

There's a chance that we might acquire more of xxHolic, but don't hold your breath. As a fan of the series myself, it saddens me when I have to answer these type of questions. The series has a loyal audience and we are glad you love the show. I wish there were more fans of the series to support the expense of bringing a second series out right now.

Basically don't get your hopes up on seeing the rest of xxxHolic getting a R1 release, but do keep supporting and wishing for it. Anime hyper I know I am.

Anyway, my general thoughts: yay for more xxxHolic! ^^ Being a fan of the series, anything more of it makes me happy.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:45 am Reply with quote
vashthekaizoku wrote:
This may be a stupid question, but are xxxHOLiC Rou and xxxHOLiC Ro the same thing with different spellings?

Yeah, different spellings but both produce the same desired "sound" if spoken. Personally, I think writing extra unnecessary vowels is a waste of time so I'd go with any alternate shorter spellings of things.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:55 am Reply with quote
Aura Ichadora wrote:
Basically don't get your hopes up on seeing the rest of xxxHolic getting a R1 release, but do keep supporting and wishing for it. Anime hyper I know I am.

Unfortunately, the fairly recent news that J. Michael Tatum (Domeki) got the lead in the Black Butler dub pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of Region 1 getting more Holic anytime soon. Along with Todd Haberkorn (Watanuki) getting alot of work in other anime, that means it's unlikely that two key players in the English dub will be freed up to reprise their roles anytime soon. And we haven't even got licensing confirmation yet, let alone word that dubbing has begun. Even if we theoretically get good news before the year ends, I'd say even that would mean late 2011 for single disks and late 2012 for those who hold out for boxsets at the earliest.

I think we'll see it eventually since the Tsubasa OVAs have been licensed, but it's obviously going to be a very long wait. The only good news is that we'll likely get Tsubasa Tokyo before the end of next year - and if the manga is any indication, that should be incredible.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:00 am Reply with quote
Kelly wrote:

Unfortunately, the fairly recent news that J. Michael Tatum (Domeki) got the lead in the Black Butler dub pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of Region 1 getting more Holic anytime soon. Along with Todd Haberkorn (Watanuki) getting alot of work in other anime, that means it's unlikely that two key players in the English dub will be freed up to reprise their roles anytime soon. And we haven't even got licensing confirmation yet, let alone word that dubbing has begun. Even if we theoretically get good news before the year ends, I'd say even that would mean late 2011 for single disks and late 2012 for those who hold out for boxsets at the earliest.

I think we'll see it eventually since the Tsubasa OVAs have been licensed, but it's obviously going to be a very long wait. The only good news is that we'll likely get Tsubasa Tokyo before the end of next year - and if the manga is any indication, that should be incredible.

Oh no... If Mr. Tatum or Mr. Haberkorn aren't available then who will Funi cast as the two lead characters? :-(
I have been waiting awhile for season 2 and the Xxxholic OVAs from Funimation to come and I'll continue to wait for the boxsets.

Hmm... Is Funimation too busy releasing newly dubbed material to get started on the licensing for the rest of the series?
If so, then it's too bad cause I'm on the 15th chapter and I REALLY wanted to see the rest of the show dubbed...

I really hope the Tusbasa OVAs come as one collection instead of in separate volumes. Plus, I don't get why they spoiler[skipped the chess match from the manga in the anime.]
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:34 am Reply with quote
lheiskell wrote:

I wish there were more fans of the series to support the expense of bringing a second series out right now.

This indicates to me that Funi doesn't believe that sales of season 1 were large enough to justify licensing any more of it. Rats. I somehow had the impression that it sold pretty well.
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