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Joined: 27 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:28 pm Reply with quote
I'm so saddened by the passing of Satoshi Kon. What an absolute genius that man was. If it wasn't for Paranoia Agent, I probably would not have gotten into anime in the first place. I just adore all his works and blown away by how he went where no anime director had gown before. There's just no one else like him out there. Just the amount of depth put into his work impressed me. This is such a hard blow to animation. I want to go back and pop in all the DVDs I own of his works, but I don't think I would be able to stomach that he won't make any other movies (aside from The Dream Machine) ever again. I mean, I've always thought, and I'm sure I'm not alone, that I would continually look forward to movies made by him for years to come. This was so unexpected and he was still young too. Man, this is so depressing. I still look forward to The Dream Machine, though. I know that whatever happens, it will be handled with grace. And I look forward to the tribute to his career you guys will put out. Even with this tragedy, it's almost heartwarming to know how beloved he is by his fans.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:30 pm Reply with quote
My twitter question came in too late:

I was going to ask Mr. Cook why FUNimation's dub of Toji in Rebuild of Evangelion didn't reflect his Osakan accent. Its a defining feature of the character, and many people who I've watched it with have commented on the absence of the accent. Granted, the ADV dub didn't give him a full alternate accent, like "Brooklynese" or something, but they did try to reflect that he speaks more loosely than other characters. Even the manga tries to reflect this (which is difficult to do in print)

I was also floored by the death of Satoshi Kon this week so I held off on asking this, but may I suggest for next week:

September 1st will be the one year anniversary of the "shutdown" of ADV and the formation of the Section 23/Sentai Filmworks/Aesir/Valkryie/Switchblade/Seraphim group.

"one year later", what is your assessment of how Section 23 is doing, and I guess the industry in general?

Because they've actually been putting out new dubs again, getting good acquisitions like simulcasting High School of the Dead, and streaming them online, etc.

Given that there really isn't much other news going on in the doldrums until Dragoncon...other than to curl up into a ball and whimper after "The Week The Anime Died"...can you do a one-year retrospective on Section 23, how they're doing, future prospects, and while we're at it, wild speculation on the fates of Media Blasters and Bandai?
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:38 pm Reply with quote
I'm not ashamed to admit, I teared up reading that final message Satoshi Kon left. It was really sad and touching, and though he wasn't my favorite anime director, I did enjoy what I saw from him, and will certainly watch that last work with a heavy heart.

I still have so much more of his stuff to watch. Really ought to get to it.

I really like Justin Cook as a voice actor. His Yusuke Uremeshi in Yu Yu Hakusho is great, and I enjoy his Russell Tringham in Fullmetal Alchemist, as well. I also think he's doing great work with producing Dragon Ball Kai's English dub and appreciate his work in Baccano!, which is Funimation's best English dub by far.

The Dragon Ball Kai dub is an actually decent English dub, a far cry from the terrors of the Dragon Ball Z English dub, more of an English version of the Japanese product, rather than some dumbed down "hardcore" 90s action mess. I had my doubts going into the dub, but most of them have been calmed. There are still some VAs I feel are ill-casted, but for the most part, everyone's doing their job right. It only took them over a decade to get it right.

However, like I said in another thread, if you find that you're going to have to reversion a show a lot to make a profit, you probably shouldn't have licensed it to begin with. I don't want the Funimation version of a show, I want the show, but in English. That's what I'm looking for in the dub. Stop making the show into something it isn't.

My main problem with Shin-chan is that there's no Japanese track or subtitles. The only version you can get is the Funimation version. Mind you, I think the Funimation version is pretty funny, but it annoys me that this is the only version available.

And really, most of the time Funimation tries to punch up scripts, it ends up pretty bad. Especially if the show isn't a comedy to begin with, and they feel the need to insert little jokes and cracks where there weren't any in the original to start with. That makes a lot of their dubs very "jokey" when the material isn't intended to be funny. Look at some of the bullshit they put into their action shows. At least with Shin-chan there were comedy writers brought on board. That's better than Goku joking about his split ends in DBZ.

Somehow I've managed to avoid Fullmetal Fantasy. I will continue to.

Aaron Dismuke is a great voice actor. I had no idea he was related to Justin Cook. I guess there's a lot of talent in that family.

Thank god Funimation didn't get Cowboy Bebop or Trigun. Animaze completely blows them out of the water.

Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 13 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:39 pm Reply with quote
Weird thing to comment on, I know, but nice, thoughtful little touch with the audio in the intermission there. It's all gloomy and maudlin with the strings and somber lines, and then a pause and NO NOTHING RIGHT NOW, MR. HERMAN. That voice. Anime hyper A bright little bit of levity to help pick our chins up however briefly from the grief of Kon's truly unfortunate passing in time for the more light-hearted interview, and fittingly reflective of the mood in general.

Just something I noticed, being an audio nerd.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:40 pm Reply with quote
when is this going to be up on itunes? i just checked and its not yet.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:40 pm Reply with quote
John Lennon? Seriously? Good Lord could you guys get anymore pretentious with this crap Rolling Eyes
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:42 pm Reply with quote
I should point out that their where jokes that where incredibly mean spirited. One I can remember is that they make a joke about Imperial Japan accepting surrenders and than massacring the soldiers. In the original manga they spend an entire script showing the relationship between China and Japan, and the strip ends with Japan barging into China's house and attacking him with a katana.

Sgt;. Frog 's dub is amazing where they basically made several episodes that where unfunny funny, and even had one episode mock how the original japanese had a massive mood whiplash that wasn't really dramatic or funny.
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Joined: 26 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:10 pm Reply with quote
The English dub for Sgt Frog. butchered the scripts so bad, I was almost completely turned off by their previews. Funimation are trying to aim the series at a completely different group (Adult Swim style), focusing solely on humor, with added American pop culture elements. While Keroro Gunso was meant for children, and isn't solely a comedy/parody. The series sometimes offers information about Japanese culture, and their adventures are often summarized as a moral lesson at the end.

I only got into Keroro Gunso are coming across the trailer for the last movie, and importing the DVD releases of the previous movies.

I don't see any reason why Funimation couldn't provide an accurate English dub for Keroro Gunso, adding cultural notes if required by specific episodes. Similar to how Hare+Guu was handled.

The Sgt Frog. DVDs offer the English and Japanese versions, but I find the ridiculous episode titles (on DVD menus, title cards and next episode previews) that I can't avoid, are almost bad enough to stop supporting the DVD releases.

If the DVD sales of Sgt Frog. fail, it is completely the fault of Funimation.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:15 pm Reply with quote
ChocoBar wrote:
John Lennon? Seriously? Good Lord could you guys get anymore pretentious with this crap Rolling Eyes

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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:17 pm Reply with quote
Considering what was just said about Sgt. Frog, it looks like Funimation was right and your wrong. Look when you dub something your not dubbing it for the Japanese anymore, as such you need to change things so that it appeals to a radically different culture.

The average American doesn't know the difference between a Tokyo accent and a Osakan accent, and certainly doesn't know that the Osakan stereotype is of them being comedians.

The "no comment' about Sgt. Frog was very interesting considering the massive trouble the development of that series had. The dub was one of the best suprises I have ever seen, and Todd is simply amazing as Kerero.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:30 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Considering what was just said about Sgt. Frog, it looks like Funimation was right and your wrong. Look when you dub something your not dubbing it for the Japanese anymore, as such you need to change things so that it appeals to a radically different culture.

No, not considering that the DVD releases of Sgt. Frog have stalled (8 months), with no sign of further DVD releases.

An accurate English dub doesn't mean writing for the Japanese, it means people can enjoy the original series. There aren't constant cultural elements throughout Keroro Gunso episodes either.

Charred Knight wrote:
The average American doesn't know the difference between a Tokyo accent and a Osakan accent, and certainly doesn't know that the Osakan stereotype is of them being comedians.

Can easily be explained by added cultural notes (as extras or even subtitle track), if not possible by the English dialog.
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:47 pm Reply with quote
Kirben wrote:
An accurate English dub doesn't mean writing for the Japanese, it means people can enjoy the original series. There aren't constant cultural elements throughout Keroro Gunso episodes either.

Okay, well what if say certain people simply don't care for how the original version was done or they thought the original version was boring to them. Then what?

And also, to understand your personal opinion, do you care that significantly to hear only an english audio version of exactly what you vieiwed out of Sgt Frog in Japanese? Or can you be okay with the idea of simply watching it in Japanese with subtitles instead?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:

ok, that lightened the mood Laughing
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:56 pm Reply with quote
Kirben wrote:
Charred Knight wrote:
Considering what was just said about Sgt. Frog, it looks like Funimation was right and your wrong. Look when you dub something your not dubbing it for the Japanese anymore, as such you need to change things so that it appeals to a radically different culture.

No, not considering that the DVD releases of Sgt. Frog have stalled (8 months), with no sign of further DVD releases.

An accurate English dub doesn't mean writing for the Japanese, it means people can enjoy the original series. There aren't constant cultural elements throughout Keroro Gunso episodes either.

Charred Knight wrote:
The average American doesn't know the difference between a Tokyo accent and a Osakan accent, and certainly doesn't know that the Osakan stereotype is of them being comedians.

Can easily be explained by added cultural notes (as extras or even subtitle track), if not possible by the English dialog.

They just gave you a sign of more dvds, I mean a VA says their dubbing more, and that "no comment" seemed to say that they where making more. Considering how Sgt. Frog was never big on the sansub scene that tells you how succesful that dub was.

As for not getting the original version just turn the Japanese version on. You know the original version that was included with the DVD?
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Joined: 24 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:08 pm Reply with quote
I remember watching Shin Chan on Adult Swim a few times. I was really impressed with the dubbing and it made me laugh. Sgt Frog doesn't catch me the same way, but there is some fun to be had in that series as well. The ironic thing is that just as Cook mentioned pop culture references in Japan from years ago wouldn't work now, I think the pop culture refs in the series dubs will also be played out in a few years as well. This would make DVD purchases rather worthless if you ask me.

Zac wrote:
ChocoBar wrote:
John Lennon? Seriously? Good Lord could you guys get anymore pretentious with this crap Rolling Eyes

Oh, c'mon Zac. Can you ever resist making sarscastic comments towards posts like that? Sometimes it's best just to ignore them.
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