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NEWS: Kannagi Manga to Return in Japan

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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:59 pm Reply with quote
Good to see that she's made a recovery and will get back to the manga. After a year had passed and there was no word, I was beginning to wonder if she just decided to quit the manga.

Still wonder if it was stress related due to fans flipping out right before the hiatus there. But I hear that carpal tunnel and other overworking issues are fairly common with manga-ka.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:10 pm Reply with quote
"It's a Sony."

Can't wait for October.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:52 pm Reply with quote
Bandai Entertainment released the first and second parts of the anime last July and September respectively. A complete collection was released earlier this year in April. Bandai Entertainment also obtained the license for the manga at Comic-Con 2010.

I am glad to hear that Eri Takenashi's health has improved to the point where she can resume working. I enjoyed the anime adaptation of the title a lot and look forward to seeing the English version of the manga in the future.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:56 pm Reply with quote
aereus wrote:
Good to see that she's made a recovery and will get back to the manga. After a year had passed and there was no word, I was beginning to wonder if she just decided to quit the manga.

Still wonder if it was stress related due to fans flipping out right before the hiatus there. But I hear that carpal tunnel and other overworking issues are fairly common with manga-ka.

Not to bring out an old and slightly odd topic, but I wonder if there are still people in Japan burning those manga books? Sounds odd, I know, but I've seen much weirder actually.

Speaking of carpel tunnel, that is really bad news. I know a guy who has it and it is pretty tough to deal with. Sometimes my wrists get tired, but carpel tunnel is on a whole another level I hope I never see.
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:07 am Reply with quote
Oh, thank god! I was beginning to worry that since some manga artists, novelists had died within the past year or 2 due to poor health or unfortunate accidents (at least that's how long I've been aware of it), I was afraid there was, I dunno, a weird curse or something.

But it's great to know Takenashi's has recovered enough to continue where the manga left off.
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Egan Loo

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:21 am Reply with quote
Xenosnake wrote:
Can't wait for October.

I'm sorry — the manga's return date will be announced in October. The manga itself won't return in October.
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:33 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Speaking of carpel tunnel, that is really bad news. I know a guy who has it and it is pretty tough to deal with. Sometimes my wrists get tired, but carpel tunnel is on a whole another level I hope I never see.
As a person with the growing signs of it (at the age of 21 - gah!), it's not fun. However, since currently mine isn't a severe case and isn't in my dominant wrist (yet), it's easily dealt with by ice packs and a stabilizer on it whenever it flares up.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:40 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Not to bring out an old and slightly odd topic, but I wonder if there are still people in Japan burning those manga books? Sounds odd, I know, but I've seen much weirder actually.

I have never heard of that. Do you what is the deal is with that?
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Joined: 09 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:23 am Reply with quote
great news Very Happy
glad she is doing well, a year wait is still worth it if she is in good health.

More chance of a season 2 now, if we are lucky
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:35 am Reply with quote
I had surgery on my right hand back in '95 because I couldn't even hold a fork to eat it was that bad. Now my left is starting up, but I don't use it much so I'm living with it until I can't stand it anymore. I had intensive physio after the op to get my right hand back to normal function, and that took 6 months, so I know what she is going through. I hope she hasn't returned too quickly, but I'm sure she knows her limitations by now. Just don't be too upset if her style has changed from before the surgery, as it could. My signature changed lots afterwards.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:53 am Reply with quote
article wrote:
The manga's story centers around Nagi-sama, a goddess who comes to life before an art student when he carves a statue from a Kannagi tree.

I've seen this before, but from what I understand, the type of tree is just Nagi.
I believe Kannagi (神薙) is the name of the village, or the shrine within it at least, which is why as the local deity that is Nagi's "true" name.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:57 pm Reply with quote
The Naked Beast wrote:
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Not to bring out an old and slightly odd topic, but I wonder if there are still people in Japan burning those manga books? Sounds odd, I know, but I've seen much weirder actually.

I have never heard of that. Do you what is the deal is with that?

Before I tell you, I swear what I am about to tell you is the absolute truth. That said, you might not believe me, but I am not kidding.

So apparently, several months ago (maybe a year) it was hinted in the manga Kannagi had a past boyfriend. Not a big deal right? Wrong, big time. Some really hard core fans burned the manga simply because their "idol" had a boyfriend and that boyfriend wasn't them.

Why on Earth would anyone think a fictional character is real and will have a relationship is beyond me. A psychotherapist or psychiatrist maybe, but I seriously don't have the first clue.

This probably is reason why most (not all) female moe characters don't have boyfriends or aren't married. As bizaree as this sounds, it most likely is the reason.

Mohawk52, I know the feeling. Three plus years ago, I did something to my left wrist. Was bad enough that I had to get medical treatment from a doctor and a long time friend who is a chiropractor. It's gotten much better, but I now use a Ace Wrap when I do intensive wrist work. It might not look "cool" but feeling a burning pain is not "cool" either.

Recently, I did something to my right wrist, but luckily several chiropractor visits and much less stress have stopped the pain entirely. I've had to write for hours on end this year and I am glad I hopefully won't ever have to do that again. However, I recently learned that if I work without taking break, my wrists sometimes lock up entirely. Not fun, especially since I like to type.

Though this might not be my place, but I'd hold off surgery as much as possible. The reason I heard from my friend with bad wrists that surgery only corrects the problem, but doesn't make your wrist range of motion better. Though I do know that feeling of wanting to fix it once and for all, I have bad feet and have had to get cortisone shots because the pain was really pretty intensive.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:44 pm Reply with quote
I think this is great news and hope she can regain her stride as a mangaka and once again achieve success with Kannagi. Hopefully, if all goes well, the anime will eventually return as well.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, this is great news! I'm glad to see that she has recovered enough to continue with her art. I can't wait for the news when she'll be able to start up again.
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