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INTEREST: Scott Pilgrim Creator Talks About Manga Inspirations

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:27 pm Reply with quote
Not to mention that evil ex #3, using his spoiler[vegan powers], spoiler[flies up to the moon and blows a hole in it followed by (according to Ramona) pages of scenes of destruction], ala a certain famous manga by Katsuhiro Otomo.

There is still one person ahead of me in the waiting list for the final volume at the library and it is driving me nuts.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:28 pm Reply with quote
If anything out of Scott Pilgrim what I noticed the most was all the Revolutionary Girl Utena references that were put in, from a random poster in a bedroom featuring Utena and Anthy up to the spoiler[ex-girlfriends in coffins, swords being pulled from chests and the large castle-esque structure in the final volume.]

I can also agree with why his series would be placed in the manga section, I've also seen other books not related to manga put in that area because of their size or similar appearance. There's been a lot of wank online though.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:02 pm Reply with quote
Such a great series. And I say that as someone who hasn't finished any other graphic novel series in his life.

The various anime/manga references are fun, but definitely not the only reason to read the series. Just a really fun read with great characters and dialog.

Can't wait for the movie. Which, I've heard from fans of the graphic novels and have seen it (stupid advance showings. haha) is as faithful to the series as possible (it was scripted before the last two graphic novels were written, and filmed before the last one was written).
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Joined: 11 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Wow! Bryan's such a humble guy! Very Happy

I've been hunting down the last volume, and I can't wait to see the movie! I've heard nothing but good things about it.

I'm glad his biggest tip is to just keep working. I can tell you personally how hard it is not to burn out when drawing....
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:42 pm Reply with quote
Because Zac talked it up on the ANNCast and on Twitter so much, I gave the comic a chance and really liked it. Now I'm super excited to see the movie, even if I'm not a fan of Michael Cera. I'm even more excited to see the animated short Titmouse made for it and wish they could do an entire animated series on it.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:51 am Reply with quote
I saw the film the other day at a preview screening. It was fantastic. Sure it's missing a ton of scenes in fitting it into one film, but it still got the story, characters, and tone down pat. Amazing. Also amazing was that director Edgar Wright, Michael Cera, Anna Kendrick, and Jason Schwartzman there for a Q&A. So the showing was just mindblowing. I think fans of the book are going to love it. I sure hope it does well next weekend.

And speaking of the books manga references, I asked about this pane from Volume Six over in the manga board.
And I'm trying to place the manga reference. I'm pretty sure it's some crazy Go Nagai manga, but I can't place it.

I must agree with O'Malley, Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga is a brilliant book. Too bad that I think it's out of print over at Viz.

Oh and Blue Monday also from Oni Press is another brilliant manga inspired book. It really deserves as much acclaim as Scott Pilgrim.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:22 am Reply with quote
I think this interview only further cements my dislike for O'Malley and the awful series which he has spawned. -_-

(Seriously, guy sounds like a douche)
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:36 am Reply with quote
The Xenos wrote:

And speaking of the books manga references, I asked about this pane from Volume Six over in the manga board.
And I'm trying to place the manga reference. I'm pretty sure it's some crazy Go Nagai manga, but I can't place it.

looks like Bastard(!!!) to me. http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/5240/darkig1.jpg
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Joined: 25 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:14 am Reply with quote
It's interesting that he was influenced by those series; I never would have guessed Sailor Moon (bear in mind that I haven't read Scott Pilgrim). I feel like I should check this out, because all I've heard are good things about it.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:20 am Reply with quote
I read a few chapters years ago but never got into it. Now some Hollywood live action movie is based on it and suddenly everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to seem 'hip' and 'trendy' (which is exactly the aura the series itself gives off, so I guess it fits) Of what I read of it, though, an animated movie would have been better since a lot of the stuff is kind of hard to do in live-action.. but America seems to have some kind of phobia of doing animated movies based on things rather than live-action ones. This interview is kind of what I don't like; the influences seem more like references. "See, I referenced this popular manga series, that makes my series cool" rather than using the influences via thematics or writing style to make it read more like a manga. I hate referential humor.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:56 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
I read a few chapters years ago but never got into it. Now some Hollywood live action movie is based on it and suddenly everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to seem 'hip' and 'trendy' (which is exactly the aura the series itself gives off, so I guess it fits) Of what I read of it, though, an animated movie would have been better since a lot of the stuff is kind of hard to do in live-action.. but America seems to have some kind of phobia of doing animated movies based on things rather than live-action ones. This interview is kind of what I don't like; the influences seem more like references. "See, I referenced this popular manga series, that makes my series cool" rather than using the influences via thematic s or writing style to make it read more like a manga. I hate referential humor.

Ladies and gentleman, we have a winner. You hit the nail on the head with what you said.

It's not that I dislike the series, I just dislike the fact that influences are more like references. Sure anyone could make an anime reference and that is okay, for the most part. But when you think just because you referenced several anime shows that your comic is "ultra cool"as well, it just makes you look bad and slightly conceited.

And please, for the love of the definition, just because a comic has Japanese references doesn't mean it's manga. There is a giant difference between American made comic and manga.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:04 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
This interview is kind of what I don't like; the influences seem more like references. "See, I referenced this popular manga series, that makes my series cool" rather than using the influences via thematics or writing style to make it read more like a manga. I hate referential humor.

Then I'm guessing you hate Kevin Smith films.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
It's not that I dislike the series, I just dislike the fact that influences are more like references. Sure anyone could make an anime reference and that is okay, for the most part. But when you think just because you referenced several anime shows that your comic is "ultra cool"as well, it just makes you look bad and slightly conceited.
Don't forget the video game references. Also the indie hipster music scene posing. Though personally I don't mind these as there's a pretty good character arc and romance story behind all that dressing. Though I will say that people who like the book just for "ZOMG they referenced this manga stuff!" really don't get the book.
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
And please, for the love of the definition, just because a comic has Japanese references doesn't mean it's manga. There is a giant difference between American made comic and manga.
Well, I go by the view that it's manga in the same way that the enw issue of Morrison's Batman & Robin or Teenagers from Mars or X-Men Dark Phoenix Saga is manga. It's all manga. It's all comic books. They're the same damn medium and splitting hairs doesn't help anyone. Japan has certain norms and tropes that are popular. America has its own. Fanco Belgian comics have theirs. UK ones have theirs. Yet they're all the same damn medium and you need to look at where you want to sell your book and what you want to tell to see what comic book / manga / manhwa / BD you want to make.

Like the late great Harvey Pekar once said, “Comics are words and pictures – you can do anything with words and pictures.”
Wooga wrote:
The Xenos wrote:
And speaking of the books manga references, I asked about this pane from Volume Six over in the manga board.
And I'm trying to place the manga reference. I'm pretty sure it's some crazy Go Nagai manga, but I can't place it.
looks like Bastard(!!!) to me. http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/5240/darkig1.jpg

The harem fits, but I keep thinking of some Go Nagai cover or something I saw ages ago. The face in particular.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Like a lot of people who want to flow with the trend, I didn't care enough about the series until I saw the trailer. Gotta admit that it's really witty, but I'm sure a lot of people resent it for being American in a Japanese manga section.

I hope to see some future projects from him.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:04 pm Reply with quote
Are people really angry that bookstores put Scott Pilgrim in the manga section?
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:26 am Reply with quote
troizen wrote:
Are people really angry that bookstores put Scott Pilgrim in the manga section?

Manga purists, maybe. I just find it annoying. If I wanted to buy Scott Pilgrim in a bookstore, I'd start looking in the american comics/graphics novel section, not in the manga section.
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