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NEWS: Funimation Announces Partial English Cast for Hetalia

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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Dark Paladin X wrote:
Please announce who will be voicing America. I really hope that it's Johnny Yong Bosch.

You know I actually REALLY don't agree with this but everyone's been saying it. JYB is youthful and energetic but you know how I've never heard him sound? Stupid and obnoxious...REAAAAAAAALLY stupid and obnoxious and like a two year old in a man's body.

And that's America in Hetalia. So I'm not sure it fits! (And he probably will be cast anyway, and I'll have to eat my words, but again, I'm really thinking someone like Sonny Strait, who by his own admission plays "weird, creepy people." Anime smile)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:15 pm Reply with quote
Funimation's AX Day 3 video has some clips that show America and England at about the 2 minute mark.


Anyone want to make any guesses?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Dark Paladin X wrote:
Please announce who will be voicing America. I really hope that it's Johnny Yong Bosch.

He doesn't work for Funimation, so I'm afraid that'd be impossible.
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Dark Paladin X

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:59 pm Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
Dark Paladin X wrote:
Please announce who will be voicing America. I really hope that it's Johnny Yong Bosch.

He doesn't work for Funimation, so I'm afraid that'd be impossible.

He did voiced a character in BECK, an anime dubbed by Funimation.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:44 pm Reply with quote
Dark Paladin X wrote:
neocloud9 wrote:
Dark Paladin X wrote:
Please announce who will be voicing America. I really hope that it's Johnny Yong Bosch.

He doesn't work for Funimation, so I'm afraid that'd be impossible.

He did voiced a character in BECK, an anime dubbed by Funimation.

He was also in an episode of FMA, according to his credits.

The way voice acting works, as far as I know, is you aren't an employee of the company/studio. You are contracted to work on a project.

I doubt he'll be in it.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:20 pm Reply with quote
PBsallad wrote:
Dark Paladin X wrote:
neocloud9 wrote:
Dark Paladin X wrote:
Please announce who will be voicing America. I really hope that it's Johnny Yong Bosch.

He doesn't work for Funimation, so I'm afraid that'd be impossible.

He did voiced a character in BECK, an anime dubbed by Funimation.

He was also in an episode of FMA, according to his credits.

The way voice acting works, as far as I know, is you aren't an employee of the company/studio. You are contracted to work on a project.

I doubt he'll be in it.

I also remember reading a while ago on JYB's twitter that he was down in Dallas doing some ADR work, so it's entirely possible that it was in Hetalia. One thing's for sure; you'll be hearing JYB in a FUNi production soon Very Happy

Also, from the clips on FUNi's website, it's clear that JYB is not America, who I believe (from listening) is Eric Vale.

J. Michael Tatum plays France.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:58 pm Reply with quote
AntztheGreat wrote:
Funimation's AX Day 3 video has some clips that show America and England at about the 2 minute mark.


Anyone want to make any guesses?

Well it isn't JYB as America, that's for sure (probably is Sonny Strait - the voice is familiar but I can't quite pin it down).

So what might JYB be doing for Funimation in Dallas? How about "Trigun: The Movie?" That makes a lot more sense, though JYB showing up in a small part in Hetalia could happen as well. Also, if Funi wanted a JYB voice, they could go with Micah Solusod and it would be so close as to freak out everyone Laughing On the other hand, they'd better use JYB as Vash or I'll be one very unhappy fangirl Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:05 pm Reply with quote
AntztheGreat wrote:
Funimation's AX Day 3 video has some clips that show America and England at about the 2 minute mark.


Anyone want to make any guesses?

England reeeeeally sounds like Chris Patton. I'm not 100% sure but....95%. Sure enough I'd bet money on it.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:06 pm Reply with quote
PBsallad wrote:
Dark Paladin X wrote:
neocloud9 wrote:
Dark Paladin X wrote:
Please announce who will be voicing America. I really hope that it's Johnny Yong Bosch.

He doesn't work for Funimation, so I'm afraid that'd be impossible.

He did voiced a character in BECK, an anime dubbed by Funimation.

He was also in an episode of FMA, according to his credits.

The way voice acting works, as far as I know, is you aren't an employee of the company/studio. You are contracted to work on a project.

I doubt he'll be in it.

What's important in voice acting is location, for example the character JYB played in the first FMA anime was in one episode, he could have done that in a very short time period, and not need to stay in Texas for a long time. Also because Hohenheim's role was severely reduced in the first FMA anime they where able to get Scott Mcneil who works in Vancouver.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:13 pm Reply with quote
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:
AntztheGreat wrote:
Funimation's AX Day 3 video has some clips that show America and England at about the 2 minute mark.


Anyone want to make any guesses?

England reeeeeally sounds like Chris Patton. I'm not 100% sure but....95%. Sure enough I'd bet money on it.

Ah. America is Eric Vale, using his Desert Punk voice and England is Chris Patton, being...silly. Awesome! Very Happy I feel bad that it kinda steps on their announcement, but they posted the video. Razz

As for JYB doing voicework in Dallas, I don't really know what it was but it wasn't the Trigun movie. He wasn't even aware it was licensed, (and neither were we,) just over a week ago, so that can't be it. Maybe he is in Hetalia, who knows.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:16 pm Reply with quote
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:
AntztheGreat wrote:
Funimation's AX Day 3 video has some clips that show America and England at about the 2 minute mark.


Anyone want to make any guesses?

England reeeeeally sounds like Chris Patton. I'm not 100% sure but....95%. Sure enough I'd bet money on it.

If that wasn't Chris Patton, I'll eat my own sock, I'd say I'm 100% sure but lets go with 99.99%. I'm so excited for September!
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:21 pm Reply with quote
Mistypearl wrote:
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:
AntztheGreat wrote:
Funimation's AX Day 3 video has some clips that show America and England at about the 2 minute mark.


Anyone want to make any guesses?

England reeeeeally sounds like Chris Patton. I'm not 100% sure but....95%. Sure enough I'd bet money on it.

If that wasn't Chris Patton, I'll eat my own sock, I'd say I'm 100% sure but lets go with 99.99%. I'm so excited for September!

Given that it almost certainly IS him, I hope they preserve outtakes for the show. That'd be fabulous. Especially in the scenes where England is blind stinking drunk or starts imagining his friends the leprechauns and unicorns have come back...or both.

Completely random side note: Do you think they'll redub the ED theme song? O-o This is one case where that would actually be totally appropriate and I'd love to hear it.

Last edited by JacobC on Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:

What's important in voice acting is location, for example the character JYB played in the first FMA anime was in one episode, he could have done that in a very short time period, and not need to stay in Texas for a long time. Also because Hohenheim's role was severely reduced in the first FMA anime they where able to get Scott Mcneil who works in Vancouver.

One problem with this is the part JYB did in Beck was major (character is in at least 3/4 of the show). Also, JYB has mentioned (I think I saw this in con vids on YT) that his family is original from Texas and he actually doesn't have a issue with going back and working in Texas because of this. So while it is unlikely JYB is going to play one of the major character in Hetaila just because we've pretty much ruled him out from the clips, he can't be ruled out of Funimation dubs like some of the other L.A. actors are due to location and union issues. There are actually a few non-Texas based actors who are showing up more often in Funi dubs and Johnny has been one of them in the past (a couple of the others are Stephanie Sheh and Patrick Seitz).

Last and OT for a moment, Trigun wasn't a Union dub and I can't think of any of the main character's VA's who's gone Union only since so they could conceivably be in the movie dub.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:44 pm Reply with quote
You know, as an aside, I used to think Vic was gay. He is kinda flamy. I think he puts up this front in defense of his sexuality and comes off as a bit homophobic because he's probably been accused of being gay many times. But there's no need for it anymore. Gay is the new cool and being homophobic or doing anything that seems homophobic is way NOT cool.
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:47 pm Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
Completely random side note: Do you think they'll redub the ED theme song? O-o This is one case where that would actually be totally appropriate and I'd love to hear it.
I'd love to hear an English version of the ending theme - that would be hilariously awesome. Anime hyper

And wow, it does sound like Chris Patton as England - that's so cool. Gah, so taunting. x.x
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