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Hey, Answerman! [2010-05-15]

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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:06 am Reply with quote
Unfortunately, some young people these days try to rationalize their downloading or viewing the illegal version of a manga or otherwise. I've seen cases where people have rationalized, theorized, justified and even spun in directions that aren't even realistic.

A crime is a crime and stealing is stealing. Yes there are exceptions, but very few of them and the fact remains, when a person illegally downloads a chapter of a licensed series in the US, not only does that cause manga industries to lose money, but this is a fairly serious crime.

Yes manga does cost money, but practically every object in today's world costs something or someone had to pay for it. This is pretty obvious to almost everyone, but this is no longer the twentieth century. No every title will be licensed in the US and some titles may never be licensed or released. Accepting this and just enjoying what is available is really the best outlook to have. Because if all that is done is resenting the fact that favorite show of yours isn't licensed or may never be licensed will eventually ruin your enjoyable in reading manga as well.

However, in the end, I can only suggest doing the right choice, but ultimately is up to the person to chose to do the right course of action. Just remember, almost every situation in today's world has consequences, good and bad. But beware, some consequences are never ending and may actually plague a person for their entire life time. As harsh this may sound, not every person is granted redemption for their past transgressions.
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J. Kudo

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:39 am Reply with quote
Both seasons of Natsu no Arashi on DVD in the U.S...

...please....please. Embarassed
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:48 am Reply with quote
AFAIK Animax Asia's dubs are done in Hong Kong and the Philippines. I think Odex was the only one doing dubs in Singapore. In any case, yeah the dubs are done very quickly and cheaply.

Animax was airing a lot of promos with the K-On! seiyuu, but the subtitled airing was only at midnight.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:51 am Reply with quote
I now have the same face as Brian. Why did that guy spend all that effort on that Hentai spreadsheet???

The second Answerfan person is way off on the size thing. Japanese tankobons are significantly smaller than the standard American size. And that's not even taking into account stuff like Viz's Signature and Big lines which are larger than normal. And I think with a lot (not all) of scanlations there are way too many horrendous grammar errors and curse words that usually don't belong there (Yea, I'm sure Luffy says F--- all the time).
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Joined: 03 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:53 am Reply with quote
Why can't some people learn to accept that YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING JAPAN HAS, at least when they have it.

There's so much over here, there's so much being streamed, and if you wanna sample a manga, read a preview off the distributor's website or go to a library. If you don't like the official translations, buy the books in Japanese. (Shouldn't TRANSLATIONS be circulating instead of scans?)

Some of these fans come off as spoiled brats.[/i]
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:10 am Reply with quote
Crystal wrote:
Why can't some people learn to accept that YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING JAPAN HAS, at least when they have it.

There's so much over here, there's so much being streamed, and if you wanna sample a manga, read a preview off the distributor's website or go to a library. If you don't like the official translations, buy the books in Japanese. (Shouldn't TRANSLATIONS be circulating instead of scans?)

Some of these fans come off as spoiled brats.

Indeed... But nothing we say is really going to change that.

Why pay for anything when you can get it for free? Might as well steal all the food you eat too. Steal a house while you're at it. And all your clothing. :p
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Joined: 10 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:28 am Reply with quote
I laughed so hard at your cartoon. I don't know which amazes me more: the spreadsheet, or the fact that someone actually had to sit down and work on it.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:28 am Reply with quote
ZenErik wrote:
Why pay for anything when you can get it for free? Might as well steal all the food you eat too. Steal a house while you're at it. And all your clothing. :p

The thing about those that you listed (minus the car in many cases) is they are crucial for survival. You need food to stay alive, and not having a house to live in can prove detriment to your health. A car, well, you may need one for your occupation, but many people can live just fine without one.

Manga and anime on the other hand, is completely unnecessary for your survival, it is a luxury. For that simple fact, you can not justify stealing it at all. I always loose just that much more respect for the general public when I hear kids who live off their parents' money trying to justify downloading and pirating entertainment. I hate this delusion of entitlement these people have.
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:54 am Reply with quote
bahamut623 wrote:
I now have the same face as Brian. Why did that guy spend all that effort on that Hentai spreadsheet???

Because I find that sort of thing—compiling, categorizing, and listing information—to be fun, and because there was an apparent need on AnimeNation's Hentai forum which was not being served. (Of course, I also like hentai.) Downloadable versions are also available; it's an ongoing project.

Edit: "Downloadable" as in "Excel 2004".

Last edited by doc-watson42 on Sat May 15, 2010 2:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:55 am Reply with quote
Regarding Haruhi's sales, this ancient post sums up a lot of it. The 60k number was the shipped/production number with 20k of it the LE. They did seem to expect the Haruhi vol 1 LE to sell out within... let's say a year. I was never told an exact time frame but the emphasis was "This is limited. Get it before it is gone." for about that time period. If it ever did sell out, it took at least 2 years.

Also, the question is not "How well did it sell?" but "How much did Bandai have to sell to break even?" or "How much did Bandai pay for the license versus other Haruhi-sales level properties?"

Edit: And can't find the quote from the Bandai panel in a quick grep check.

Last edited by bayoab on Sat May 15, 2010 3:20 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:01 am Reply with quote
I think the idea of having more online manga subscriptions is good. You don't have to worry about where you are going to store all your books, you are supporting the artists, and, in theory, online can come out with new chapters faster since there is less production cost than publishing and distributing paper copies. Offer a pre-pay option, where you pay X amount up front for X number of chapters and then refill as you go along. I know this is already done but there could be room for improvement. This is especially useful when titles are discontinued even though additional chapters/volumes are being produced in Japan.

Good question, made me stop and think.
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:02 am Reply with quote
fuuma_monou wrote:
AFAIK Animax Asia's dubs are done in Hong Kong and the Philippines. I think Odex was the only one doing dubs in Singapore. In any case, yeah the dubs are done very quickly and cheaply.

Animax was airing a lot of promos with the K-On! seiyuu, but the subtitled airing was only at midnight.

Actually, it's a real mix and mash when it comes to the foreign dubbing. From my knowledge of knowing some of these actors, there were two dubbing companies in that area of Asia, the now infamous Odex and another, whose name I forget. Odex created such quite a few dubs, many of which can be still bought (Karin, One Piece, etc).

Another studio dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh! (I heard this got a release too), along with Prince of Tennis, Detective Conan, UFO baby and so fourth. I know that that version of Conan aired on ANIMAX and then was never aired again. I do have some of episodes from that dub and it seemed to be produced slightly less cheaply than Odexs (At least it didn't speed/slow down the dialogue to match lip flaps).
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:08 am Reply with quote
doc-watson42 wrote:
bahamut623 wrote:
I now have the same face as Brian. Why did that guy spend all that effort on that Hentai spreadsheet???

Because I find that sort of thing—compiling, categorizing, and listing information—to be fun, and because there was an apparent need on AnimeNation's Hentai forum which was not being served. (Of course, I also like hentai.) Downloadable versions are also available; it's an ongoing project.

Edit: "Downloadable" as in "Excel 2004".

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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:22 am Reply with quote
doc-watson42 wrote:
bahamut623 wrote:
I now have the same face as Brian. Why did that guy spend all that effort on that Hentai spreadsheet???

Because I find that sort of thing—compiling, categorizing, and listing information—to be fun, and because there was an apparent need on AnimeNation's Hentai forum which was not being served. (Of course, I also like hentai.) Downloadable versions are also available; it's an ongoing project.

Edit: "Downloadable" as in "Excel 2004".

While it's nothing hentai-related, I too like to make Excel spreadsheets. I actively edit several of my own for various things (mostly putting dates to things or recording certain transactions), just to look back and say, "Wow...".
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Ryo Hazuki

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:26 am Reply with quote
Although the Finnish Digimon dub wasn't really the issue I'd like to add that the first dub was made by a very notorious dubbing company that was known for horrible dubs and the second dub by a different company isn't that bad. At least both Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 were based on the original Japanese version instead of 4Kids localization.
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