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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:25 am Reply with quote
Suggestion for manga magazines: How do we, or shall we, add more manga to a magazine? Take Shonen Jump Japan for an example: there are hundreds of manga have been serialized on Shonen Jump, but I found no way to add up the list (has only twelve and most of them were finalized years ago), even if the manga is within ANN's database. Say, the picture on Shonen Jump's page is Ichigo 100%, which is serializing in Shonen Jump Japan right now but I found no mean to add it up.

However, adding ALL manga which Shonen Jump had serialized could overload both the server and ANN staffs. Wink
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:03 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Suggestion for manga magazines: How do we, or shall we, add more manga to a magazine?

Right now, the encyc's set up so that only staff can link manga titles with the "serialized in" tag. I'd recommend adding the titles as normal and then PMing me or another staff member with a list of titles that need to be associated with Shonen Jump.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 5:46 pm Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:
In Tankubon in the manga section, I often see the incorrect number of tankubon listed, mainly because someone posted the current number of tankubon for an ongoing series, only for their to be 3 more volumes in Japan 5 months later. People will often get the incorrent impression on how many volumes there are, and think it stops at that number. I was wondering if there is something you can do with the number of tankubon, like have the option of (insert number of tankubon here) and have a note that says it's ongoing, or a plus sign or something.

This idea would also be good for anime. I know that i've listed 6 episode (Illusion) titles for the Jungle Guu Final OVA, but since i don't know the names of the other 8 i left it alone. This does make it looks like there are only six episodes for the whole series when in fact there are 14 episode titles (or 7 episodes each containing 2 sub "Illusions")
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Samurai CDZ

Joined: 22 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 12:00 am Reply with quote
rage-demon wrote:
This idea would also be good for anime. I know that i've listed 6 episode (Illusion) titles for the Jungle Guu Final OVA, but since i don't know the names of the other 8 i left it alone. This does make it looks like there are only six episodes for the whole series when in fact there are 14 episode titles (or 7 episodes each containing 2 sub "Illusions")

It sounds like the episode titles should be listed out like Urusei Yatsura's first ten.

Also in a similar vein, is it be possible to allow multiple tankubon counts to be listed for different editions? For example, Nausicaa's first edition has 4 tankubon and it's second edition has 7(I think). And the page counts are different, as well. The only one I recall is YUA and I believe Tempest manually entered that data.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 12:59 am Reply with quote
Samurai CDZ wrote:
rage-demon wrote:
This idea would also be good for anime. I know that i've listed 6 episode (Illusion) titles for the Jungle Guu Final OVA, but since i don't know the names of the other 8 i left it alone. This does make it looks like there are only six episodes for the whole series when in fact there are 14 episode titles (or 7 episodes each containing 2 sub "Illusions")

It sounds like the episode titles should be listed out like Urusei Yatsura's first ten.

Hmm, that sounds like an idea, but what's the syntax to make it look like:

01. 1. Greetings
___2. Rita

02. 3. School Heaven
___4. School Hell
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:12 am Reply with quote
Recently, when I entered staff information I’ve noticed the inconsistency of translation about various tasks. I’d like to discuss this issue and let ANN Staff to determine the best translation.

プロデューサー, 製作, 制作
The first one is the katakana of “Producer” and must be a person. However, the other two can be either persons (“Producers”) or companies (“Production”). To make matter worse, the two latter phrases are difficult to differentiate. IMHO the second one is “Production” while the third one is “Producer.” I have no solid evidence to prove my theory, but 製作 is often linked with a “[insert anime name here] Production Committee” while 制作 is usually linked with animation, music, and sound production (アニメーション制作, 音楽制作, 音響制作), respectively.

原作 (“Original Story,” “Original Creator,” “Original Manga,” etc.)
It can be the original of anything. However, things can get complicated when two or more persons (but not as a group like CLAMP) did the original work, such as “Story” and “Art” of a manga. Hope this translation could get unified.

シリーズ構成 (“Series Composition” or “Series Construction”)
Personally I prefer “composition” and most entries use “composition” instead of “construction.” After all we are not building a house.

脚本 (“Script” or “Screenplay”)
According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a “script” is “the written text of a stage play, screenplay, or broadcast; specifically: the one used in production or performance” and a “screenplay” is “the script and often shooting directions of a story prepared for motion-picture production.” Looks like script is included in screenplay, and since a person who writes such a thing is called a “screenwriter,” I’d say “screenplay” is the better word in this situation.

キャラクター原案 (“Original Character Design” or “Character Conceptual Design”)
I’d say these are the most confusing ones, with roughly 1:1 ratio in ANN Encyclopedia. Personally I prefer “Original Character Design,” but I’ll let Staff and other ANNers to decide.

総, as in 指揮, 監督, 作画監督
In most cases “Chief” is used, but I’ve seen “Main.” I’d say “Chief” is better.

Isn’t this “Key Animation?” However I’ve seen a much more “direct” translation: “Original Art.”

Those above are most common ones; there are some other lesser-known tasks with ambiguous translations. I’ll be very grateful if any Staff or ANNer could help to make this list more complete and clarify the confusion caused by different translations. Thanks in advance.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 12:57 pm Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:
we already allow for that in the DB. For example, Rintaro is sometimes credited as Hayashi Shigeyuki. You just need to tell us which names need to be merged in that way.

All right, then:

Inoue, You should have the text
"Also credited as: Igami, Haruka or Inoue, Haruka"

-and both those names should link directly to Inoue, You.

And (I know this functionality already exists) any entry with one of these names
    Inoue, Yo,
    Inoue, Yô
    Inoue, Yoo
    Inoue, Yoh

should be corrected automatically to Inoue, You.


- abunai
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Chief Encyclopedist

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:42 am Reply with quote
abunai wrote:
Inoue, You should have the text
"Also credited as: Igami, Haruka or Inoue, Haruka"

Well, the problem here is that there is currently no one in the database name "Haruka Igami" or "Haruka Inoue", so I can't yet merge those names with You Inoue. First you'll have to enter one or two roles for those 2 names.
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Joined: 24 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:01 pm Reply with quote
If we could spilt Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch and Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch PURE (Becuase, the Japanese site episode list has started back at 1 for the start of Pure instead of going to 53) like Sailormoon and Sailormoon R (because MMPPP, as the series, had ended this April and its sequel replace it). Very Happy
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Joined: 12 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:21 pm Reply with quote
I think you do a mistake on Hi no Tori (2004). A japanese speaking guy say me the Art Director isn't Minoru Nishida, has you report, but Minoru Yasuhara. Both of them have worked on Tezuka-based stories, but it's the last who works on the recent series Wink

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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:51 pm Reply with quote
Thingol wrote:
I think you do a mistake on Hi no Tori (2004). A japanese speaking guy say me the Art Director isn't Minoru Nishida, has you report, but Minoru Yasuhara. Both of them have worked on Tezuka-based stories, but it's the last who works on the recent series Wink

Would you please supply the source of your information (like a website or something else) other than word of mouth?

According to the official staff & cast list, there are four Art Directors (美術監督):

河野次郎 (Kawano, Jiro(u), #6516)
西田稔 (Nishida, Minoru, #15893)
斉藤雅巳 (Saito(u), ?)
柴田正人 (?)

My Japanese is not good enough to spell out all their names in romaji, but I'm sure there's no Yasuhara (安原) in the staff list. Neither is Minoru Yasuhara in ANN's database.

In the future, please use "Report an error in this page" button to report an error. Use the forum only for problems that cannot be reported by the button (e.g. duplicate entries).
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:36 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:

斉藤雅巳 (Saito(u), ?)
柴田正人 (?)

斉藤 reads as Saitou or Saitoku
雅巳 reads as Masaki or Masami

There is no person in the DB that matches any combination of these.

柴田正人 should probably be read as Shibata Masato.

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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:51 am Reply with quote
abunai wrote:
柴田正人 should probably be read as Shibata Masato.

Thanks a lot! I just throw this name to Google and found a plastic surgeon, a lawyer, and a billards player who has his name here in katakana. Looks like this is a rather common name.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:56 am Reply with quote
Well... both "Shibata" and "Masato" are common - but the person I linked to is probably the right one, since his specialty is in the same field.

- abunai
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Joined: 08 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:07 pm Reply with quote
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) #910

Manga Entertainment has images for the box covers of Volume 2-7 on their website at http://www.ghostintheshell.tv/dvd.php

I noticed that images are present only for Volume 1 and 2 in the Encyclopedia.

Individual Box Cover Images:

I submitted links to preorder Volume 3 for Amazon.com and Anime Nation, but my attempts to add links for Anime Castle failed. The URL's are as follows:

Volume 3 Standard

Volume 3 Special Edition
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