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When it comes to anime theme songs (and J-Music in general)

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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
Posts: 1150
PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:21 pm Reply with quote
Is there much thought about what goes into the lyrics or is it just a matter of how to best translate them into english and they end up turning out the way they do? I enjoy listening to the songs, and don't usually think much of what they mean, but every once in a while I'll look the lyrics up and decide I'm better off not knowing.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:55 pm Reply with quote
It all depends on the skills of translators and editors, and what they want to do with the songs. Things like song lyrics and poetry tend to suffer in any translation, especially between languages as different as Japanese and English. So most song translations tend to be rough renderings that don't sound great when read in English, let alone when sung. And yeah, a lot of anime songs tend to be cheesy J-pop without particularly inspired lyrics. But there are exceptions where the songs themselves or the adaptations of them rise above the norm. Like this version of the Magikano OP. Although there are some liberties in the translation, it's more or less singable in English. Or look up episodes 33 and above of Sugar Sugar Rune. I counted syllables and made a rhyme scheme work when I rewrote the translated ED lyrics, and I'd like to think it turned out pretty well.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:02 pm Reply with quote
I was under the impression that some theme songs were made specifically for the show. My only real evidence for that would be any show that is sung by the seiyuu or has the name of the show in the lyrics (Orginal Macross is probably the easiest example).

I'd actually kinda be concerned if they made songs specifically for translation. I have no problems listening to a song in japanese, and knowing that if I tried to sing it in english it would be offkey (luls i r bad singer) and out of sync with the music.

I have a feeling that unlike in America, where shows just smash together some instruments and songs until they find something they like, Japanese anime actually takes time and consideration and a lot of $$$ getting their OP/ED's just right with the song choice and the animation to go with it.
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