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Kobato. - series discussion.

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:14 pm Reply with quote



Episode #02

Episode #03

Episode #04

Episode #05

Episode #06

Episode #07

Episode #08

Episode #10

Episode #13


Welcome to the land of Kobato.. Quick question; should I use another fullstop if the title is the last word in the sentence? And a more important question; why has no-one made a thread for this show already? I thought Key would have done it already, but eh. For a show that was so popular in the Preview Guide (average grade four-and-one-quarter), you'd think this would have been one of the first shows to get its own thread. Anyway, since no-one has bothered, I'll step up to the plate.

Episode One

I don't mind CLAMP, and I did watch Cardcaptors when I was younger (apparently I'm one of the few that liked it), but I still tried to avoid the show. It looked like something that that would be more suitable to adolescents (especially adolescent girls) than to me. But the raving reviews it garnered piqued my interest, and I decided to download the first episode. I wasn't left yelling and screaming and trying to claw my eyes out. It wasn't too sugary, it was tender in some places and funny in others. It never seemed to drag (the episode went by quite quickly for me), and it never got boring. All in all, a pleasant twenty-four minutes or so.

But that said, the situational comedy was absolutely positively nothing I hadn't seen before (and it's not like I've watched many examples of this type of show). The characters were cookie-cutter to the extreme; cute, good-natured but naive and bumbling girl, grouchy stuffed animal mascot with a sharp tongue, cool/tough brown-haired boy who is good at fighting but bad at socialising. Yep, the character designs may have changed, but they are still just the Cardcaptor Sakura cast in new bodies. And the plot; has there ever been such a a generic plot as "You must find/capture all the jewel shards/feathers/Clow Cards/God Cards/pokemon/[insert item or animal group of choice here]? Haven't we had enough of that yet?

You are probably wondering the reason I would even bother to make a discussion thread about a show I hate. But I don't hate it. I am however hoping that it can differentiate itself from all the other shows in the crowded genre. Yeah, it is nice to look at and even nicer to listen to, but it needs to do more. I'm not expecting the next Princess Tutu (although that would be awesome), but I'm so swamped this season I don't know I have time to download and watch a show that does nothing I can't find anywhere else. Please note; if that's the case I will still update the thread (or a Moderator can do it if they'd like).

So don't misunderstand; the fact that I made this thread is me having faith that it will turn out to be far more than what it initially appears. I mean, this is a CLAMP production, right? Surely they have bags of tricks and surprises in store for us? I most definitely hope so. Anyway, go ahead and tell me how wrong I am and that this is already a fantastic series and that I'm just worrying over nothing. I promise I won't bite, ha hah.

Last edited by dtm42 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:16 am; edited 10 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:42 pm Reply with quote
If one had to do something "I'd never seen" it would be pretty hard. I watch shows if I "like" them and I've found that I can't even define exactly what makes me like something.

I think this show is a light-hearted cute show with some heartwarming moments as well as some funny ones. It's not been incredible but it has been effective. I will at least watch episode 2, and I will probably go further than that if they don't ruin it.

I do agree that the premise is weak, but I've seen shows with a promising premise be weak in the long run too. It's more about execution than plot and so far the execution has been good, but not fantastic.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:48 am Reply with quote
We've finally arrived in the human world where humans reside.

I understand japanese well enough to know that this translation is right. Perfect line to be said during the first episode, indeed. I'm just wondering where else would humans be residing.

Alright, it was good, better than expected. I heard this season would have a lot of trash, but so far good anime are the majority.

Kobato episode one - She's cute, funny, sincere and innocent. Okay, you got me there.
The talking stuffed animal is a minus to this show. I'd rather see something like Alastor from Shakugan no Shana. It would also activate my crush for lonely girls.
Alright, enough talking about her... not. Episode one was all about her, there's nothing else to talk about, and that's another minus.

In the end, this show will suffice my desires of rewatching(not like I remember much of it) Cardcaptor Sakura.
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:34 pm Reply with quote
It feels like something that would come out during the winter.

It's a really nice little series and judging from the manga that's all it strives to be. Charming and heartwarming.
This show really is pure wispy eyed, Sakura petals blowing in the wind shojo. It's a nice change for CLAMP. I don't really like the fact that every in consequential thing becomes dramatic (I know she's trying to get used to the human world but I mean like the singing and the thing with the trash)

They also say they will change the outfits each episode to stay close to the manga.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:20 pm Reply with quote
I never got around to reading the manga in Newtype and so far I'm not disinterested but, based on the ED, are people's hearts really composed of compeito? At least the annoying mascot character isn't a cute annoying mascot character. Kobato's voice reminds me of someone and despite checking out her seiyuu's bio I can't figure out exactly who it is.

egoist wrote:
We've finally arrived in the human world where humans reside.

I understand japanese well enough to know that this translation is right. Perfect line to be said during the first episode, indeed. I'm just wondering where else would humans be residing.

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Mister V

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:33 pm Reply with quote
^ Bullseye, I had the same image in my mind. Argh, the awfulness of Shirou (in the anime).

Despite it being waaay too rosy and sugary for my taste, and my general dislike for the cutesy dojikko type, I can't help but like the main character. The stuffed animal would probably be great if it was voiced by Wakamoto Norio, right now it's ok. So far, nothing extraordinary; some eye-candy, and as people have pointed out, generic comedy. Don't know why, I didn't initially plan to watch it, much less continue after the first episode, but I will. If the second episode is somewhat more interesting, I'll probably have to continue watching it for a sense of completion... but it's 24 eps long...

This Hanazawa Kana has had a whole lot of roles lately... She's even in the upcoming Seikon no Qwaser (har har har).
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:57 pm Reply with quote
There are thorough explanations for the "people die when they are killed" comment, the most obvious of which is that when the servants are killed they don't die, because they are already dead, which isn't really comparable to the human line here.

I find it to be a nitpick here, but at least it's not a baseless nitpick since there wasn't a good reason for the redundant line in this case.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:38 pm Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane: Hah, I've heard that before. But I also heard it was the fansub group's fault, not the script. But in this case I'm quite sure the japanese script is the same.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:27 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
We've finally arrived in the human world where humans reside.

I understand japanese well enough to know that this translation is right. Perfect line to be said during the first episode, indeed. I'm just wondering where else would humans be residing.

Kobato is set to have some cross-overs with CLAMP's other series Wish (no one knows how big the crossovers are yet) and since Wish was set in Heaven and Hell it makes sense to state that they are on Earth for this part. Plus one of the biggest fan theories is that Kobato is in fact an angel and the line would make even more sense in that context.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:49 am Reply with quote
I never said it does not make any sense, I just said it was ridiculous.
I also know that Kobato came from a non-human world where humans do not reside.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:53 pm Reply with quote
I know I'm liking the anime so far ^^. Since I've been keeping up with the manga and have a giant Kobato wallscroll hanging in my room, I was REALLY looking forward to it.
I hope they keep their promise and change her outfit every episode. Her ever changing outfits just adds to her charm, not to mention the mystery behind her (like where they all come from)

Since the manga's still running and probably wont be done till after the anime stops airing (25 episodes left so it'll be...March when its done) , so I wonder if the anime will have an actual ending (Nanase Ohkawa is helping with the scripts, so she could technically spoil the ending for us) or just leave it open ended. But Madhouse usually makes an ending for their clamp adaptations, so I think it'll be fine.

Eh. I thought about the "kobato's really an angel" theory. but since this is taking place in basically the same universe as "Wish" then probably not,
because Kobato's figure is very girlish and feminine , whereas Wish was all about having the angels and demons look non-gendered and they all had kindof broad shoulders and no breasts. Kohaku still looks like a really girly man to me :/ But whatever. as long she's not another Shaoran or Sakura clone, then I'm good.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:00 pm Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
I never said it does not make any sense, I just said it was ridiculous.
I also know that Kobato came from a non-human world where humans do not reside.

I see what you did there. Funny.

And yeah, even if it is a literal translation I wish the translator had changed it. It bugs me when they believe that being faithful to the original dialogue - no matter how bad - takes extreme precedence over natural-sounding subtitles. Although translation should be weighted more heavily, it is still a compromise. The translator should have just left it as "Finally we're in the human world". Accurate, and yet the subtitles are completely fine.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:27 pm Reply with quote
wandering-dreamer wrote:

Kobato is set to have some cross-overs with CLAMP's other series Wish (no one knows how big the crossovers are yet) and since Wish was set in Heaven and Hell it makes sense to state that they are on Earth for this part. Plus one of the biggest fan theories is that Kobato is in fact an angel and the line would make even more sense in that context.
Oh god no please no more CLAMP crossovers.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:42 am Reply with quote
Episode Two

So the second episode continues on from the first. Now that Kobato has her jar, she needs to start filling it. And go about that she does, with typical gusto and clueless behaviour. Watching her calling out to people and asking them if she could mend their heart was pretty funny, and her encounter with that mild-mannered punk bordered on surreal. I mean, tissues? I thought he was from a band and trying to hand out CDs of their work.

And then the episode took a more serious turn. Well, not serious, but not slapstick either. Let me just put in an aside; you have to be practically a saint to be a nursery school/preschool/kindergarten teacher. Which of course is right up Kobato's alley; I hypothesise that since she has the mind of a child, it is easy for her to communicate with them.

Anyway, I wasn't expecting her to heal Syaoran Li Fujimoto Kiyokazu straight away, and the person the "scarred heart of the week" belonged to was entirely obvious. However, the scene at the swings was really nice, and sometimes all a person needs is for someone to emphasise with them and agree with them. A hug helps too.

Speaking about hugs, at first I was thinking that he was only hugging her because his mother didn't give him enough comfort herself. Which of course means that she wasn't as good as he thought she was. Then I realised that there must be a reason why he loves his mother so very much, meaning even though she can't hug him and he has to use a surrogate the mother isn't that bad. Oh, and I also realised I'm over-thinking the whole thing, and that it was just a hug. Heh.

One last thing about the boy; how old is he? He knew what a divorce was, which suggests a mental capacity of more than five. Yet, a child that age should be in school, shouldn't he? And the nursery had nap time, which children really don't need once they are old enough to got to school.

All in all a decent episode, mixing tender scenes with liberal dosings of comedy. I still want to know what place Kobato wants to get to so badly; I'm thinking it may be darker than anything we have seen in the series thus far.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:42 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Episode Two
One last thing about the boy; how old is he? He knew what a divorce was, which suggests a mental capacity of more than five. Yet, a child that age should be in school, shouldn't he? And the nursery had nap time, which children really don't need once they are old enough to got to school.

You're underestimating 5 year-old's, that's kindergartner age, and you would be suprised on how much they know. Personally my parents got divorced around that age and I knew what was going on, even when they said 'seperation' I automatically assumed they were divorced, which somehow shows that I knew the context of beng divorced. Also, you still have naptime in pre-K and K. It starts to end in 1st grade.
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