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PR: Right Stuf's Nozomi Entertainment Announces New Street Date of March 24, 2009 for the Maria Watc

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Joined: 26 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:07 pm Reply with quote
Seriously, Kleckner? Seriously? You have the gall to talk about expected quality when you churn out this sub-only crap? You, sir, can piss right off.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Sub-only =/= crap

It's better than Marimite languishing forever in unlicensed hell.

As for me, disappointed about the push back, but I'm glad Nozomi is working to make it the best they can (which, judging by the first two seasons, is absolutely excellent and better than some releases from other companies that do have dubs).
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Sakagami Tomoyo

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:00 pm Reply with quote
SongstressCela wrote:
Seriously, Kleckner? Seriously? You have the gall to talk about expected quality when you churn out this sub-only crap?

Can you at least acknowledge that there are a number of fans to whom sub-only does not automatically equal crap? I don't expect you to put down your hard-earned on a release that does not feature something important to you, but at least accept that to some other fans the absence of a dub is irrelevant.

I've found their release of the first season of MariMite to be quite high quality, and I am very happy with it. I'll be even happier when season 2 arrives and when season 3 is released. It's a little annoying that it's delayed, but if the delay means the release is that much nicer, I can handle waiting a little longer. I've waited this long to see it released at all, what's another month?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:04 pm Reply with quote
SongstressCela wrote:
Seriously, Kleckner? Seriously? You have the gall to talk about expected quality when you churn out this sub-only crap? You, sir, can piss right off.

You know, most of what you say around here is this bizarrely angry hateful stuff that doesn't really serve any purpose.

Lots of people like sub-only stuff. You don't have to be such a dick about everything.

Calm down, it's just anime.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:24 pm Reply with quote
You know, most of what you say around here is this bizarrely angry hateful stuff that doesn't really serve any purpose.

Excuse me? Such as? Every post I've made here has had a purpose. And yeah, after such high quality jobs as Comic Party and His and Her Circumstances, you're darn right I'm going to call Kleckner out on their recent "quality" jobs.

Right Stuf's early anime got me hooked on some of my favorite current VAs, especially the fantastic Liam O'Brien. I'm going to express my anger at their recent works, because that's what I am, I'm angry. They went from producing some actual quality work into churning out fansubs-on-a-disc and hardly anything else.

And, I don't really think it's fair to act like I'm just posting angry posts for the sake of it. Everything I've been angry about I've justified. I also don't think it's anyone's place to judge whether or not someone gets mad over their hobby. I've pumped thousands of dollars and countless hours into anime and related hobbies over the past 20 years, naturally I'm going to have a lot invested in the current state of the industry.

Sorry I'm not a fan of sitting here and taking whatever corporate schlock they spoon-feed out in the hopes of sounding good, but I'm going to express disappointment when I see one of my once-favorite studios going downhill. (Though I will admit perhaps "piss off" was a bit much.)
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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:54 pm Reply with quote
SongstressCela wrote:
Seriously, Kleckner? Seriously? You have the gall to talk about expected quality when you churn out this sub-only crap? You, sir, can piss right off.

I disagree with you on this 100%. I have three sub-only sets from Righstuf, and I have to say, they are some of the best sets in my collection, (much better than some of the sets that I have that DO have dubs) and I got them for a very, very reasonable price.
In my opinion, the Rightstuf releases are incredibly high quality - nice art boxes, guidebooks for the series which are full of pictures, and, as far as I've checked, the DVDs have all come with nice extras, too - interviews with the cast and the directors, special omakes and commercials from the shows airing, etc; My Aria set even included a set of gorgeous, full colour postcards, which in my book, makes it as a quality release.
Just because Rightstuf isn't dubbing these shows doesn't automatically make their work garbage. They have put a lot of thought and care into their releases, and it's not fair for you to call them crap. Please, don't let your bitterness about the lack of dub keep you from seeing that Rightstuf is doing stellar work.
Righstuf, and Shawn Kleckner, please, keep up the great work. I'm definitely a fan.

Last edited by Quark on Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:59 pm Reply with quote
I would expect to see plenty more of these types of releases with the current condition of the economy and the bad state of the American anime industry. I feel bad for the dub fans though. But if they actually wanted to see the show then I don't see why they'd have a problem with seeing it in its original language. I've bought dub-only releases for stuff that I could only get that way (only if it's unedited otherwise) and didn't have much of a problem with it even though I don't tend to like dubs. Like Gundam 0079, since I didn't want to watch it compressed into movies.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:14 pm Reply with quote
SongstressCela wrote:
Every post I've made here has had a purpose.

And most of 'em seem like you're just mad about everything.

I'm going to express my anger at their recent works, because that's what I am, I'm angry.

No kidding!

I've pumped thousands of dollars

This matters

and countless hours into anime and related hobbies over the past 20 years

This doesn't


Sorry I'm not a fan of sitting here and taking whatever corporate schlock they spoon-feed out in the hopes of sounding good

Yeah man keep FIGHTING THE POWER and STICKIN IT TO THE MAN by chastising and belittling a fan-friendly online retailer licensing titles that only sell to super mega hardcore fans, licenses no other company would touch with a 10-foot pole, for trying to figure out a business plan that will actually pay the bills and keep them in business while still giving the fans what they want.

You're really fighting the good fight here. Being entirely unreasonable and ridiculously mad about everything is totally helping everyone out, thanks.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:32 pm Reply with quote
Quark wrote:
SongstressCela wrote:
Seriously, Kleckner? Seriously? You have the gall to talk about expected quality when you churn out this sub-only crap? You, sir, can piss right off.

I disagree with you on this 100%. I have three sub-only sets from Righstuf, and I have to say, they are some of the best sets in my collection, (much better than some of the sets that I have that DO have dubs) and I got them for a very, very reasonable price.
In my opinion, the Rightstuf releases are incredibly high quality - nice art boxes, guidebooks for the series which are full of pictures, and, as far as I've checked, the DVDs have all come with nice extras, too - interviews with the cast and the directors, special omakes and commercials from the shows airing, etc; My Aria set even included a set of gorgeous, full colour postcards, which in my book, makes it as a quality release.
Just because Rightstuf isn't dubbing these shows doesn't automatically make their work garbage. They have put a lot of thought and care into their releases, and it's not fair for you to call them crap. Please, don't let your bitterness about the lack of dub keep you from seeing that Rightstuf is doing stellar work.
Righstuf, and Shawn Kleckner, please, keep up the great work. I'm definitely a fan.

Boy can I ever agree. I've watched tons of ADV box sets with absolutely no special features to speak of, unless you could previews and text less openings as "special" (I don't). One of the biggest factors in ordering Emma was that Victorian Gazette, and I was very pleased with it. And people seem to forget, a lot of these box sets are for people already familiar with the show and don't necessarily care about a dub. While Emma could have benefited, I can't see Marimite or Aria in the same way.

Zipper wrote:
I would expect to see plenty more of these types of releases with the current condition of the economy and the bad state of the American anime industry. I feel bad for the dub fans though. But if they actually wanted to see the show then I don't see why they'd have a problem with seeing it in its original language. I've bought dub-only releases for stuff that I could only get that way (only if it's unedited otherwise) and didn't have much of a problem with it even though I don't tend to like dubs. Like Gundam 0079, since I didn't want to watch it compressed into movies.

Gundam 0079's dub wasn't bad, I rather enjoyed it. But I wouldn't buy it dub-only, especially considering they cut an episode out. I do hope if BE ever gets Turn A, ZZ, V, or X, that they do dub them, but it seems unlikely because of their respective ages.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:38 pm Reply with quote
It's strange, because if only super mega hardcore fans want them how did they become so interested without having seen the show?

I'm inclined to follow you as far as these being niche titles and all, since the amount of people even interested enough to rate them is pretty low. It seems like these didn't even get far in the fansub circuit, so most didn't seem to find them appealing for whatever reason.

Yet at the same time some of the positive reviews of things like Emma make it seem like the reviewers here believe that these shows are as good as anything else out there. If that's true, why are they so niche? Couldn't it perhaps be because no one including those willing to license them would even give them a decent chance? I'm sure it's much easier to make money on sub-only. You duplicate only what you think will sale and the costs are so low it's hard not to make something. But, a lot of people will never buy or even look at the show because they have resigned it to this "niche" group.

I don't even know if I'd want to watch Emma or Aria because even though reviews are good (both of them got "A" if I recall) this "niche" point is constantly pushed about.

It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy or something. The company licenses it expecting no sales, and releases it sub only to get critical acclaim and yet still receive low sales.

I might have actually been willing to check out one of these series, but the sub-only aspect means I probably won't because I don't perceive it as having the same value to me as a series with a dub. And I can't help but feel like the lack of the dub points to even the licensor's feeling about the quality of the series.

Now, because I'm weird and toss money around occasionally on anime I am not sure I want, I'll probably end up buying one of these sub-only things because apparently one of my favorite things is now relegated to this as well (Clannad). If I do like it, I'll probably be a bit annoyed it didn't get a dub for the same reasons I really dislike that Clannad did not.

In Clannad's case though, I won't support the decision because I really don't think the niche argument is true there. I think it's no less niche than many other things that have a dub and I think it could have had a good one.

Don't get me wrong. I love Rightstuf. I order almost everything there. And maybe these series really are niche, but it just seems odd they are so highly rated yet called niche constantly. Isn't something like Lucky Star even more niche because it's a slice of life show about an otaku and her friends? Yet it has a dub, etc, and seems to be well liked even though the ratings are lower than things like Aria and Emma.
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Sakagami Tomoyo

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:10 pm Reply with quote
Xanas wrote:
It's strange, because if only super mega hardcore fans want them how did they become so interested without having seen the show?

Super mega hardcore fans of anime in general, who buy DVDs by the truckload and constantly have their ear to the ground on what's airing in Japan at the time, as opposed to someone who watches Naruto on Cartoon Network and maybe rents a couple of other shows every now and again. These super mega hardcore fans are the ones who are a bit more receptive to titles that don't involve lots of action or high paced comedy.

Yet at the same time some of the positive reviews of things like Emma, make it seem like the reviewers here believe that these shows are as good as anything else out there. If that's true, why are they so niche, couldn't it perhaps be because no one, including those willing to license them would even give them a decent chance? I'm sure it's much easier to make money on sub-only. You duplicate only what you think will sale and the costs are so low it's hard not to make something. But, a lot of people will never buy or even look at the show because they have resigned it to this "niche" group.

I don't even know if I'd want to watch Emma or Aria because even though reviews are good (both of them got "A" if I recall) this "niche" point is constantly pushed about.

It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy or something. The company licenses it expecting no sales, and releases it sub only to get critical acclaim to still receive low sales.

I might have actually been willing to check out one of these series, but the sub-only aspect means I probably won't because I don't perceive it as having the same value to me as a series with a dub. And I can't help but feel like the lack of the dub points to even the licensor's feeling about the quality of the series.

Quality and popularity are not the same thing, and these titles are niche because even if they are well made, they suit the tastes of only a relatively small number of people. Taking Emma as an example, it's apparently very well made, but there are far fewer people interested in an animated romance drama set in Victorian England than people interested in an animated action adventure.

All "critically acclaimed" really means is that someone whose job it is to pick apart a series and tell people what they thought about it found that it was well made and entertaining. This does not mean it is going to suit everyone's tastes.

In Clannad's case though, I won't support the decision because I really don't think the niche argument is true there. I think it's no less niche than many other things that have a dub and I think it could have had a good one.

Maybe, maybe not. In better financial times, companies may have dubbed shows that were just as niche because hey, they can afford to take the gamble (or even have some more profitable title subsidise it) and it scores brownie points with the dub fans. But very recently, companies have been having to look at what their various costs are, sales figures on various titles, gauge public opinion on what people will and won't buy, and decide that maybe it'll be a better return on investment to not dub these particular titles.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:22 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
Gundam 0079's dub wasn't bad, I rather enjoyed it. But I wouldn't buy it dub-only, especially considering they cut an episode out. I do hope if BE ever gets Turn A, ZZ, V, or X, that they do dub them, but it seems unlikely because of their respective ages.

They cut that episode out because it was at the request of the director, who didn't like that episode himself. So it wasn't their fault.

Zeta Gundam was dubbed (though I only watched it subbed so I don't know of the dub's quality), so there's a chance the others could be dubbed too. Hell, at this point I'm just worried if they'll even come out period. lol
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:39 am Reply with quote
AirCooledMan_2006 wrote:
Users post was removed for threatening and offensive comments.

Are you going to keep at this? It's rather futile at this point. I'm glad they didn't dub Aria actually, it would only pale in comparison to the original. And not to mention, why such emphasis on dubs? Is it because you're a dub-only type, or just having the dubs as a back-up is nice? We all know not all dubs are good, like Zipang's for instance. But in the end, they make up for the lack of a dub with a lower initial cost and nice extras. If dubs are so important, so vital, just ignore these titles and move on, Rightstuf had and will never have any intention of dubbing them. And as Zac as pointed out, no other company would have gone after them, so you're only choice would have been fansubs or R2's.

And comparing these to anything GitS is ridiculous, they're not even in the same ballpark in terms of fandom or popularity.

Last edited by walw6pK4Alo on Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:40 am Reply with quote
Is that really necessary? Seriously?

Also, just because it's not released in a format that YOU don't like doesn't mean that nobody wants it. If it hadn't been licensed at all, you'd be exactly where you are now: dubless, and without a "suitable" release. Can't you let those of us who don't mind watching subs enjoy it without you shitting all over everything? Sheesh.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:46 am Reply with quote
AirCooledMan_2006 wrote:
Still sub-only? Why the fudge does RightStuf have to alienate potential fans like this? NO DUB, NO SALE

For you, maybe. But there are plenty of other fans who have bought the series and have enjoyed the hell out of them. Rightstuf isn't doing this to alienate fans, they're doing this to keep themselves in the black, and at the same time, release lesser known (but very good) series, so that fans can get themselves a legit copy. Would you rather they lose money and go out of business?
Plus, if you're wanting a dub, this is the wrong way to go about it. Throwing a tantrum, screaming, name-calling, and acting like a misbehaved child in a toy store is not the way to go about these things.
Xanas wrote:

Yet at the same time some of the positive reviews of things like Emma make it seem like the reviewers here believe that these shows are as good as anything else out there. If that's true, why are they so niche? Couldn't it perhaps be because no one including those willing to license them would even give them a decent chance? I'm sure it's much easier to make money on sub-only. You duplicate only what you think will sale and the costs are so low it's hard not to make something. But, a lot of people will never buy or even look at the show because they have resigned it to this "niche" group.

Emma, Aria, etc, are considered niche titles because they don't really appeal to the 'casual' anime fan - the person who wants a show with lots of cool fights, comedy, and action. Most of the casual fans are not going to be interested in watching a slow-paced show about a bunch of female gondaliers talking about how pleasant life is.
To me, the fact that Nozomi is taking extra time to get a quality release says that they are giving these shows a decent chance. I'm getting tired of hearing people saying "Well, they're just slapping fansubs on a disk and making a quick buck" These people obviously have not actually held these sets in their hand and watched the disks. Like I said, I've got boxsets of all the of the shows in question, and the work done on them is absolutely wonderful - much better than some releases that include dubs - they are definitely doing right by these shows.

Xanas wrote:
It's strange, because if only super mega hardcore fans want them how did they become so interested without having seen the show?

For me, I found out about these shows through animenewsnetwork and by looking at the Rightstuf site. I read synopsis of the shows, read reviews, and decided that they were right up my alley. Except for Marimite, I saw a few fansubs of that a few years prior. I can pretty much tell from reading reviews and show summaries whether or not I'll like something, based on what my personal preferences are. Generally most of the shows I've bought blind have been quite enjoyable.[/quote]
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