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REVIEW: Lucky Star DVD 3

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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:19 am Reply with quote
After so many viewings, I can sum up this entire series in one word: brillant.

Seriously, though, Raki☆Suta didn't win me over with the English dub at first. I saw the trailer that was released a month before vol. 1 was released, but I was trying not to be too picky. After viewing Vol. 3 a couple times I can say that the cast has finally found comfort in their roles. Maybe it's just me, but Michelle Ruff and Lee felt like the only ones on their mark from the start. Even in Vol. 3, Yui and one of the older Hiiragi sisters sounded exactly the same, but it's a lot more solid now.
That said, regardless of whether I'm watching the dub or sub, I love this show more and more. Haven't loved a slice-of-life series like this since ...wait, I'm not going there. Forget everything.

Eagerly awaiting Vol. 4!
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Joined: 22 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:39 am Reply with quote
Hoping to get the Anime Legends edition.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:10 am Reply with quote
bleuster wrote:
Eagerly awaiting Vol. 4!

Vol. 4 is already out unless you mean until you pick it up
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:56 am Reply with quote
I found volume 3 to be quite funny. Comiket in my opinion was the best part of volume 3.

I would though disagree with the con being the ordinary jokes based on ordinary life. I think that's part of what gives the series it's touch not only just giving jokes on certain events or actions, but that it also takes jokes on ordinary life events as well. If anything for the con of this volume it would be spoiler[Lucky Channel, while it still works and is funny to a point, Akira is getting to be annoy to the point that I hope someone would just come in a choke her or something and put her in her place.]

Volume 4 is also good overall, but I didn't think some of the jokes were as funny. Volume 4 really got me with the stories for the spoiler[other characters such as the Hiigari twins and their family, Miyuki and her family, and Yutaka and her walking moe factor.]
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:17 am Reply with quote
This is a show that I picked up on the recommendation "If you liked Haruhi Suzumiya, you might also enjoy...", and I'm really glad I did. Even though I only manage to catch about half the references per episode, it's still an extremely enjoyable show. Not only do I enjoy the laugh out loud comedy, but I find the humorous take on Japanese culture fascinating.

This is definitely a great show. I will be sad when I'm done with it.
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Polly E.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:32 pm Reply with quote
Story: A-

Hmm... okay!
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Joined: 26 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:49 pm Reply with quote
Oh God, I remember watching the fansubs for this show last year, I almost died laughing, and I got hooked because I act just like Konata, I even have a similar hairstyle as her, except I'm a dude!!

I'm currently buying the DVD's the dub is awesome, In volume 4, Vic reprises his role as Keroro, although the dubbing for volume four was kinda lazy, and I haven't heard a lazy dub in years, not since Patlabor (a perfect example of lazy dubbing, Dan Green pretty much saved it though)!!
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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:36 pm Reply with quote
This volume was fun, and Comiket was hilarious. I loved the way Konata becomes something like a little general directing her troops when she tells Tsukasa and Kagami where she wants them to go and what she wants them to get. Poor Tsukasa, she probably should have listened a little more to Konata's warnings Laughing .

Any scene that has Meito Anisawa is awesome for it's old-school hotbloodedness and animation style; this character owns every scene he appears in.

As for the 'boring', normal humor, I think it's needed to contrast the more otaku-centric humor; it gives the show a bit of balance.

I actually love the Lucky Channel segments. Akira's flip-flopping between her 'public face' (i.e. the cheerful and sweet idol/actress) and her 'real face' (the cynical, bitter, and chain-smoking burned-out idol/actress) never gets boring for me; she's oddly the most human and realistic of the characters. Though I disagree with calling her bi-polar; she's acting the part of a cute and cheerful idol when in reality she's a burned-out child-actress, she just tends to drop the act at bad times Very Happy .

This series just continues to make me laugh out loud, at both the otaku-moments, and the more humdrum times as well.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:08 pm Reply with quote
Wow must be sad when Christmas and New Year's are referred to as cliche now.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:09 pm Reply with quote
ShugoYotsuba wrote:

I'm currently buying the DVD's the dub is awesome, In volume 4, Vic reprises his role as Keroro, although the dubbing for volume four was kinda lazy, and I haven't heard a lazy dub in years, not since Patlabor (a perfect example of lazy dubbing, Dan Green pretty much saved it though)!!

The same way Peter Marinker as Gato saved the Patlabor movies!

Just watched Vol. 4. With the sudden batch of new characters to deal with, they handled it fairly well (they kind of skimped on the lesser side characters, but I don't mind since they don't appear much), but a pleasant surprise was having Lara J. Miller voice Misao. I must have missed that in Vol. 3 since Misao appeared there for only a few seconds.
Very glad to see Lara again, but it's going to have to sink in a bit - not that I mind!
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Joined: 26 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:07 pm Reply with quote
bleuster wrote:
ShugoYotsuba wrote:

I'm currently buying the DVD's the dub is awesome, In volume 4, Vic reprises his role as Keroro, although the dubbing for volume four was kinda lazy, and I haven't heard a lazy dub in years, not since Patlabor (a perfect example of lazy dubbing, Dan Green pretty much saved it though)!!

The same way Peter Marinker as Gato saved the Patlabor movies!

Just watched Vol. 4. With the sudden batch of new characters to deal with, they handled it fairly well (they kind of skimped on the lesser side characters, but I don't mind since they don't appear much), but a pleasant surprise was having Lara J. Miller voice Misao. I must have missed that in Vol. 3 since Misao appeared there for only a few seconds.
Very glad to see Lara again, but it's going to have to sink in a bit - not that I mind!

I agree with the Patlabor thing!!

And I kinda need to get used to Lara Jill Miller as Misao, I found it very strange!!
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Sometimes witty, sometimes charming, and almost always good for a chuckle or two. Lucky Star is a very easy show to watch, and I look forward to getting the DVDs sometime in the near future.
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Joined: 16 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:18 pm Reply with quote
Lucky Star was a show which quickly went from being a guilty little pleasure to an all time favorite of mine.

The review was very well done, particularly recognizing the fact that the art style while not brilliant matches perfectly into the humor of the show(it's a lot like Azumanga Daioh in that regard). Personally I enjoy the mundane situation humor almost as much as the otaku humor but that's possibly because I lived in Japan for a while and can relate to a lot of it.

I can't wait to get the DVD's for the series, unfortunately it won't be released until mid-late January here in Australia, but strangely madman entertainment has decided to release the DVD's in 2 3 disc 12 episode sets.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:19 pm Reply with quote
Lucky Star is a series that grows on you. I was a fan during the fansubs and I have to admit the first time I heard the opening, I thought it was weird and I referred it to almost being a nails on the chalkboard type of song. But you got use to it. Then when people started asking what it show was all about, all I could say was "The spend the first 5 or 8 minutes talking about food and eating food..."

But now I find myself going back to the series in between animes. Something about the show seems timeless even though its very set within a certain time and generation. Its not nostalgia and I'm not a big moe fan in general. But Lucky Star has a strange magic to it and I can't bring myself to hate it.

Okay, I might be a little bit of a moe fan. The Valentine episode with Konata. I can't keep the smile off my face.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:15 pm Reply with quote
Initially, I didn't like Lucky Star. But after a couple of episodes, I grew to enjoy this series. Though I will only watch the dub (the sub version reminds me too much of Alvin and the Chipmunks), I find the dub excellent. I enjoy how this series is some what more realistic than most school comedies.

Exams, homework and the food happen to almost everyone, and the way Lucky Star does these events often are quite comical. The comiket episode was probably my favorite. I bought the first volume and have continued to watch the rest via Netflix.

This show is quite marvelous, I recomend this to anyone who enjoy's school comedies. I eagerly look forward to volume four.
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